Thank you contest #1 : To a great freind!
Am quite sure this guy will have had a lot of mentions from me already but seriously who cares? Am sure that is what friends are for, disturbances and making you wish you did not have to deal with them.
We met in high school though our journey there was short as we met...i had to pause this post at this point because i got a call from him and we hung out for about 3 hours before i continued.
We were seperated after high school because he had to go to Russia to continue his schooling while i stayed back in Nigeria to do mine, but when he got back our relationship was severed and communincation lost.
Then i saw a post of his on facebook invinting people for a steemit program and i joined up and signed up.
And in all honesty i had met and discussed with alot of people on this platform but he had made the greatest impression on me, coaching me on how to make my way arounds and we are actually about launching our own community @steemthenorth.
I owe him all the thanks and less i forget he is @xpency.
Dear friend! Next time also use #wafrica and follow @wafrica to get an upvote on your quality posts!
Ok, i will