in #thanksgiving7 years ago (edited)


Hello fam! I feel excited writing again after my last ordeal of losing my last article due to not having a backup.

Today I will be talking about a very interesting topic, that many people see as ordinary. But it's a very powerful weapon that can move and shake the heavens and earth. Its called "PRAISE".

I am sure we are wondering how praise can be a weapon, that, I will breakdown, so you can understand and begin to explore this great weapon to easily bring down the wonderful working power of God.

Prayer is a very powerful weapon to break every strong holds, but when praise is attached to prayer it begins to work wonders. When we pray God sends His angels to bring the answers of our prayers to us, but when we praise with all sincerity God Himself comes to our aid.

David was a man after God's heart, that, many people know, but I doubt if many knows what Davids secret was that made him receive that favour from God, David committed many mistakes that would have cost him his life yet he was a conqueror all the time, the Bible said the soul that sinneth shall die,how then did David become a conqueror? Because he knows how to warm his way into God's heart through praise, now am not saying you can sin and praise God at the same time,

Remember grace differs, David escaped God's wrath most times because of the grace he had.

Imagine when you go for a party and the music band starts singing of your praise and calls you all the sweet names that comes in mind, you just keep dancing and feeling much more important than everyone around, before you know it, you might have emptied you pocket to appreciate them, well, this also works with God, when you begin signing praise to His name, He losses control and showers you with all kinds of blessings.

Show me a man that praises God and I will tell you how successful he is. There is a great difference between a man that praises God to a man that only prays.

There are so many things to praise God for, there is a release of extra ordinary power when we praise and worship Him.

The Bible has many stories with cases of praise, where we see His power being released, Life changing miracles, powerful stories of enemies plans being  truncated, harden heart changed and drawn closed to God.

But it's unfortunate that most times, daily lives struggle can keep us from praising God. Praise is a sacrifice, when God smells the sweet smelling savour of his children's sacrifice He can't hold back, God will suddenly release the grip those struggles can have over us. 

What The Power Of Praise Can Do:

  • It gives room for the power of God to be displayed, God begins to perform great miracle when He is turned on by your praise.

  • God shakes things up through praise.

  • God desires our whole heart.  He waits for us to return.  He longs for us to know the power of His presence over our lives.  He desires to bless us more than we could imagine. Praise can make this happen much more faster.

  • When we get into real praise we hear the voice of God in the clearest form.

  • Praise provides us access into God's presence. Psalms 16 vs 11.

  • The deeper you are in praise, the deeper the revelation you get from Him.

  • God dwells close to us when we praise Him.  He lives there.  He looks for it. He inhabits the praises of His people. Psa. 22:3.

  • Praise gives no room for you to complian or make negative statement that can hold your blessings .We tend to be engrossed with our problems when praying, But through praise, we’re focused on Him,  We’re reminded of what He has already done in our lives.  

  • Praise makes the enemy flee. It makes the evil power that afflicts us  to be far away from us .Evil will not stick around if we’re praising our God,

Let's look at the story of Jehoshaphat, we see God miraculously defeat the enemy, because of the praises of his people.

2 Chron. 20:22'As soon as they started shouting and praising, God set ambushes against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir as they were attacking Judah, and they all ended up dead".

  • Praise makes us humble: As we praise Him as Creator and King of this world, we admit and recognize that we’re not in control, but He is.  He is above all. We remember our dependency on God, as we acknowledge our need for Him.

  • Praise enables us to remove our focus from ourselves and back on God.  He desires our eyes be set firmly on Him, because that's where our true hope is found.  He is worthy of our praise, no matter what we face from day to day.

  • Every man that makes praise his life style never runs out of favour from God.

Praise looks good on you through God's minds eye. If only you can do more of praises I assure you that praise works wonders:

Thanks for reading..


wow ... @cutedicta
you really outlined what praise is and what it can do ...nice one dear... keep it up

Thanks dear. God bless you

Thanks...find time to check my new post on breast milk for adults

The Lord inhabits the praise of His people. Lets keep on praising Him.

The Bible says "let your praise be more than your request. Praise n worship just as you rightly said when combine with prayer travel fast to God.

Carnally if you continuously praise someone for they have done something good to you, they're elated and compelled to do more. How much more is our God.

Yes my dear you are talking about mountain mover. When everything else fails try PRAISE

Praise indeed does work wonders. Nice post.

Thanks dear. Am glad you like it

I'm a big time praiser. Loving this bro. Keep it up.

wow! then you really know how to warm you way into God's heart. Am glad you like it. Thanks alot

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever" (Psalm 111:10)

Mehn I am beginning to get too spiritual with your posts.

lol boss. good to hear.

Sharp words

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