WEB LOG // #thankful4 // Thanksgiving!
Today is known as Thanksgiving in many places in the world. Unfortunately, Estonia doesn't celebrate this day and we don't have it in our calendars, so it's a bit foreign to me, but then again it's something that everyone, every country, should celebrate. We often forget what's important in life or what to be thankful for. I know I do! It would be great to take some time off and be thankful for...
... my family
My road in life has had lots of bumps and some minor bad decisions. I don't even want to think about where I would've ended up if I didn't have my family supporting me. I haven't always even deserved the help they offer, but they are always there for me. I could basically say that everything that has worked out for me is thanks to my family.
... my friends
I'm not really a people's person and I don't need friends around me all the time. I also don't have many good friends. I think I can count less than 10 friends that I can really count as friends. People that I feel I can count on 100% and they can do the same.
... having a place to live in
I don't yet have a home of my own, but I have a rental place to live in. I have a place where to hide from the cold, to store my things, to cook food, to eat, to sleep, to shower, to wash my clothes and just... be.
... having a job (money)
Although I am not completely satisfied with my full-time job, I am thankful for having the opportunity to have that position. What would I do without it? I'd be lost, broke. I don't have a lot of money and I pretty much have to live month-to-month (which I hate), but it's still better than to live in debts. There is a lot where to climb to, to earn more and allow myself and my family to live a better life, but at least we can cope somehow.
... my followers on Steemit
I am so glad that I have reached that sweet spot of 1000 followers and I am so grateful for those who have been upvoting my posts or leaving a comment. Oh, how I love comments and feedback! Even though I am not a people's person irl, I very much love to type and chat online. My own little online world is amazing. Thank you for being in it!
... Steemit
I am also thankful for finding Steemit in the beginning of this year. Even though the price of STEEM is low at this time, Steemit has still offered me a lot of great emotions to believe in it. Thanks to earning on Steemit, I was able to:
- buy my mom a new phone (a post about it),
- visit the hairdresser in May (I really needed to dye my hair, cut it and it cost 100€ which I can't afford for myself otherwise)
- be a guest in my best friend's wedding in August (being a wedding guest costs a lot beginning from dressing up, travelling to the wedding place and back and being able to gift proper value to the couple).

Let me know:
What are you thankful for today?
Leave a comment below or make your own post using #thankful4 tag. I'd love to read about what you're thankful for.^^
I feel proud for hopefully being part in a very small part of your life and I wish you the best of luck in life
Your Estonian family will always be here for you.