Maya Bay closed indefinitely (famous beach in Southern Thailand)

in #thailand6 years ago

I am writing about this because of the fact that in my last article I was speaking of the DiCaprio film where most of the film was shot on this very island. Earlier this year the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and that National Park service decided that the popular tourist island was going to be closed to all visitors indefinitely.


Now when i say indefinitely what I really should be saying is "not near long enough for it to make any difference" and there are many reasons why that is the case. There is lots of finger-pointing about why the nature has been so annihilated on and around Maya Bay, one of which is to attempt to blame the movie "The Beach" and even to blame Leo directly, which is absurd because the word on the street is that they film producers spend an absolute ton of money repairing any damage they caused and were not permitted to leave until it was signed off by the National Park service - which probably isn't saying much because those guys are exceptionally easy to bribe.


Here is the real reason why the area is polluted, and that picture isn't even that busy of a day. On a truly busy day, you can expect to see twice this many boats from about 10am to 4pm and this carries on for pretty much the entire year. While masses of people coming and going isn't necessarily detrimental in itself, the exptreme popularity of the island combined with the fact that the National Park Service has a pretty horrible reputation for not really doing anything and by actually stealing a lot of the park entrance fee money.

I am not going to pretend that I know the exact figures, but in an unannounced raid the military took over operations of the national park fee collection for a couple weeks and discovered that the amount of money that had historically been turned in by park officials (and their bosses) was about 10% of what was actually being collected. Further investigation found that the big boss of the entire operation was found to have a fleet of luxury cars, overseas houses, an absolute fortune in cash, and a private helicopter. This position doesn't pay anywhere near enough to afford any of these things.

Anyway, I am getting off topic here (corruption really boils my blood)

The point is that shutting down an ecosystem for half a year and expecting nature to completely revitalize itself when coral formations take many years to form, is a complete absurd strategy.

The only way forward, the only way to restore Maya Bay (and a plethora of other similar beaches in Thailand) is to develop some sort of sustainable tourism practices as well as serious fines for doing really stupid things like anchoring in the middle of a known coral formation. (I have witnessed this while i was a dive instructor, I was nearly hit by the anchor).

Basically, high season will be upon us soon and the local businesses are going to start crying about how so much of their business depends on this beach being open and they will not be wrong.. However, i think a much bigger factor is that the government (and the greedy fingered pilferers of the fund) will lose a huge amount of money considering that hundreds of thousands of people visit this island every season at the price of about $20 each.

No matter how long they close it, until something is done about irresponsible tourism (and especially the tour operators as well as lazy National Park staff) nothing is going to change in the long term and this is just a publicity stunt.



It is unfortunate that it takes a government to change these issues because we all know governments are inefficient whe trying to aress such issues because of the politics behind it.

Some places would be better off if the locals took control into their own hands...

I don't know if something has changed but when I visited Maya bay 2 years ago it was clean and not so crowded. More like the first photo than the last one

People need to raise awareness of environmental protection.
In my country,cities often occurs flooding when it is raining because the drainage system is blocked by waste. People often litter in public and that is the first result we have to suffer.


Dude, is that last picture real? That’s horrific to see that much plastic !!

Sadly, phi phi islands are one of the most beautiful and picturesque locations in the whole world, but the tourism aim is the young/party/drink culture, along with just a massive tourist hub anyway due to the beauty.

It’s kind of good to hear they’re closing it, but the bleached coral and pollution will take many years to change.

It was sad when I would get the boat to and from koh tao that I could literally see plastic bags and bottles floating everywhere inbetween the islands, for miles and miles. I love snokeling so much but I can’t imagine what it may have looked like 50-100 years ago!! I would love to know.

Also, you almost had an anchor dropped on you?! Woah! Crazy stuff man, people need to be more responsible and have some respect for the ocean... but money is more important to some...

the last pictures is a common sight but to be honest it is a bit of fakenews because those bottles were going to be collected. Plastic waste is a massive problem in Thailand though, and it is just frustrating to see that the park rangers normally end up burning it rather than taking care of it properly. Would it be awesome if no one brought the plastic there in the first place? Of course. But it is extra frustrating to me that the tourists pay an admission charge that is supposed to go towards proper clean up but alas, it is not.

Thailand and its beaches, which are different from the beaches of America, without taking merit from our beaches, the beaches of Asia have something that I fall in love with, they are a precious jewel

We must preserve the environment
It is a correct decision that must be contrary to all who pollutes nature
Really a very nice place and professional photography

very beautiful place.people should care and clean the nature

Very beautiful. The island looks stunning we should care our nature. All the pictures look lovely though. Thanks for sharing! :)

Wow just wow! Such a stunning view!

Shoutout to mother nature! Really good for a vacations and to relax. But we also need to care our mother nature. To maintain their beauty.

Of course! We should save mother earth :) Many of the basic necessities that we need to survive are provided because of biodiversity. We need food from various species and plants to eat, water to drink, air to breathe, and materials to provide shelter and other necessities.

wow man excellent beauty, I am very impressed. very good

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