'Tezos' ICO Scam Robs From The Poor And Gives To The Rich...

in #tezos8 years ago

@TruthMonger @Minds.com
Jul 5, 2017, 12:59:59 AM

How do you raise Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in cash from widows and retirees in just a few short days? You get a scam artist like Tim Draper to promote an ICO for a company in a currently hot market like CryptoCurrency and start raking in the cash from unsuspecting victims by taking their money/BitCoins while burying, far in the NetherWorld of the InterNet, a vague 'disclaimer' that widows and retirees who are sending a portion of their lifesavings to you 'doesn't really count'...It turns out that Tezos, which claims to be developing a 'democratic' blockchain offshoot which will bring 'peace and harmony' to CryptoCurrency, while 'empowering the little people' is just another ruse to siphon the funds you were trying to increase so that you could send even more money to your favorite charities supporting widows, orphans and veterans, into the coffers of the BigPlayers who want to buy a bigger and better yacht. After the 'little people' have entrusted a significant portion of their meager savings to Scamster Tim Draper and Tezos they may, if they are lucky, manage to find the well-hidden webpage that tells them, "Fuck You, You Dumb A$$Hole" you have given us your money in return for NOTHING!!!"https://tezos.ch/minimum-contribution-to-the-fundraiser.html#minimum-contribution-to-the-fundraiserTranslation: Our slick lawyers have told us that we could legally steal your money by taking it under false pretenses and providing some hard-to-find 'minimum contribution' disclaimer even though there was certainly no 'minimum contribution' requirement when we stole your money. Once you send these Scam Artists your BitCoin, it is theirs... Their sleazy 'disclaimer' says that they will 'return' your stolen funds, after an unspecified period of time, but even if they do, the interest, alone, on hundreds of millions of dollars is more than enough to make their scam pay off handsomely. "The CyperPunks Are Rolling Over In Their Graves" ~Toto, Chief CypherPunks SpokesPerson


JoeStrange @JoeStrange
Tezos has indeed opened a can of worms by claiming to be planning to develop ground-breaking technology and then coming up with a 'donation/share' system that allows people to send in an 'investment' and get nothing in return.
On the plus side, Tezos is actually responding to complaints on their FaceBook page, and haven't deleted references to to the above article. Maybe they're 'stalling' until their fund-raiser is over, or maybe they have the sense that it is 'their bad' and they need to fix it right.
Time will tell.

AnneOminous @AnneOminous
Scam artists are always better at 'advertising' the great things they are going to do than they are at doing them.
People with a real plan 'fix' problems when they come up, instead of giving more 'future promises.' Won't take long to see which category Tezos falls in.

TheLie @TheLie
What kind of outfit puts this information of their FaceBook page and not on the actual site where they actually take people's money? And the fact of the matter is, it certainly does work as far as them taking your contribution, but not as far as you actually getting anything for your money.
It will be interesting to see if they 'fix' the alleged "problem" before their ICO ends, and not afterward.

FoxGuy @FoxGuy
Time will tell whether they are screwing the Pooch or the Sheeple...

ConnieLinguist @ConnieLinguist
Isn't Tim Draper the guy who made a second-hand profit off the the Silk Road / Dark Web BitCoin that funded gun, drugs and murder?

TheLie @TheLie
Yep... Tim d'Raper didn't have any trouble profiting off of the wages of sin.

HumanGusPeter @HumanGusPeter
Great diatribe. Billionaire 'experts' who use their name and influence to draw investors into their schemes, legit or not, should have their feet put to the fire when it looks like some of those joining in are going to get screwed, whether by design or by questionable competence.

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