Giving Credit to the Texas Able program: Pricing Revolution

in #texas-able7 years ago (edited)

What counts as a "professional relationship"? Texas House Bill 3808 is carrying within it a bad amendment, one that unconstitutionally infringes free speech and limits health-care freedom. The amendment does this by redefining the licensed "practice of psychology" so that a broad swath of opinion, advice and ideas about life are now outlawed if they are discussed without an expensive state license during a "relationship" only the government can identify.

The amendment recites a long list of things that are prohibited to provide to a client, unless you have a license. But all of them boil down to prohibiting conversations on myriad topics about how to cope with the troubles and joys of life, if those conversations occur in a "professional relationship."

Some kinds of special relationships with ladies of the night are over a hundred dollars an hour and some invest in liquid capitol at the bar at similar rates and terms. "Professional relationships" often sell for over a hundred dollars an hour. Hmm, perhaps a Will Roger's quote may help make some sense here: "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves." - Will Rogers

The average pharmaceutical representative salary for those working in the field is $117,212. The average field sales rep salary for those in specialty pharma is $131,220. Pharma and specialty pharma sales professionals working in sales management and director or VP roles can earn up to an average of $200,455.

In whom do you trust?

The ABLE Act is a federal law (passed in December of 2014 and amended via H.R. 2029, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016) that amended the Internal Revenue Service Code to create a tax-advantaged savings option for people with disabilities.

On May 30, 2015, Texas enabled its version of the Act (SB 1664, Perry). For the first time in history, Texans with disabilities can save money (in their own name) to pay for certain disability expenses without the fear of exceeding the Medicaid individual resource limit of $2,000.

After the program is implemented, a Texas ABLE account can help individuals lead more independent, self-directed lives and allow family members to help save for their loved-ones' futures.

What is a Futures contract? (an agreement traded on an organized exchange to buy or sell assets, especially commodities or shares, at a fixed price but to be delivered and paid for later.)


Sec. 11.001. DEFINITIONS. (a) The definitions provided by Section 31.002 apply to this chapter.

(b) In this chapter, "finance agency" means:
(1) the Texas Department of Banking;
(2) the Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending; or
(3) the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner.

In spite of President Bush's policy on hawala (President Bush signed Executive Order 13224 on September 23, 2001.) or a minority merchant monetary mechanism, millennial old : Opportunities for Afghan money traders as Iran sanctions loom

What the yokel of a kafir in the tax coffer, huh Marshall?

Kafir is an Arabic term meaning "unbeliever", or "disbeliever". Technical writers recognize the Kafir in the Tax Coffer from the US Senate... Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir; plural كفّار kuffār; feminine كافرة kāfirah) an Arabic term (from the root K-F-R "to cover") meaning "one who covers the truth" or "one who covers something" also translated as "infidels" or "unbelievers".

You know, it's unbelievable that France did not have a 007 helicopter there to police patrol that Paris helicopter prison break but in the Will Roger's court rung Bell with round one being the emerging V-280 Valor, and round two with the Bell 525 Relentless super-medium-class helicopter with Paris court rules against Bell Helicopter in landing gear fight, well so, Will Rogers once said: "The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse." (Trojan War Allusions... Paris took Helen to his home city of troy and married her.)

Misty River Equestrian Center

What is the story of Cain and Abel summary?

Sent out into the world, Adam and Eve give birth to two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain, a farmer, offers God a portion of his crops one day as a sacrifice, only to learn that God is more pleased when Abel, a herdsman, presents God with the fattest portion of his flocks. Enraged, Cain kills his brother.

(Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction) Etymology of the English word "Coffer": from Old French coffre ‘chest,’ via Latin from Greek kophinos ‘basket.’ Tax Coffer, meet Kafir. From my understanding, man made trouble in Yemen are causing about 500,000 people to suffer. Bab al-Yaman (Arabic: باب اليمن ), lit. "Gate of the Yemen," "Bab-al Mandab"

Texas Administrative Code


Pricing Revolution: Texas Expands Its Affordable Bachelor's Degree Program

Texas Senators to debate bill that would narrow definition of "psychology"

Law Allows More College Credits for High Schoolers

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)

SARA is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs.
Participation is voluntary for institutions and open to all postsecondary institutions (for-profit and non-for-profit private and public) that are accredited by an association recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education. Participation in SARA allows institutions to offer distance education courses and programs to students in other SARA participating states without seeking state authorization.

For more information on SARA, click here.

"A Physician has a duty to employ the same reasonable diligence, skill, competence and prudence as a minimally competent practitioner in the same general specialty, without regard to whether the care is in an urban or rural setting." as cited: NALDER v. WEST PARK HOSP.

The pharmaceuticals in the drinking water pollution

Autonomy and Privacy: Protecting Patients from their Physicians

"If the First Amendment doesn't work, the Second Amendment will" - Michael Badnarik

Nominations & Applications for the Texas Higher Education Star Award

Each year, nominations and subsequent applications for the Star Award are accepted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) from eligible institutions across Texas. After an initial review by a THECB Internal Review Panel, a select group of applicants are named finalists. An External Review Panel (consisting of three board members of the Coordinating Board, three Texas business and community leaders, and three out-of-state higher education experts) reviews the applications of all finalists and determines which of the finalists will be honored with the Star Award on the basis of criteria established for that year.

A commodity pool is an investment structure where many individual investors combine their moneys and trade in futures contracts as a single entity in order to gain leverage. Commodity pools are also called "managed futures funds". The name "commodity pool" is a National Futures Association (NFA) legal term. Work smarter, not harder. Let all the kids in Texas have a sense of belonging and make room for them in occupations and careers. ...Poor Relief Act, public education reform movement, asylum movement...

Texas Affordable Baccalaureate Expansion Grant Program

The purpose of the TAB Program is to increase the availability of affordable baccalaureate programs at additional Texas public and independent higher education institutions. Funding supports the planning and development processes.

The Texas Higher Education Foundation is soliciting proposals from Texas postsecondary institutions to develop and implement new Texas Affordable Baccalaureate (TAB) programs. There is no deadline for Program Requests; however, funding is limited. Once the funding is awarded, this Funding Opportunity will be closed.

Who Really Stands to Win from Universal Basic Income?

ABLE Savings Accounts: An Updated, State-by-State List of Programs

Emergency Aid Network

Emergency aid programs are designed to help students meet unexpected financial needs that may prevent them from completing their degrees. The Emergency Aid Network (EA Net) includes leaders from 10 Texas higher education institutions who all have existing emergency aid programs on their campuses. Together, they operate as a learning community to identify compelling strategies and best practices for effective programs.

Non-academic personal obstacles can have significant impact on a student’s ability to remain in higher education. Surveys show financial stress weighs heavily on many students, and unforeseen expenses, even those less than $300, may be enough to derail a student’s college career. In Texas, as many as 50% of community college students and 40% of university students do not complete their degrees within the expected timeframe. The EA Net will provide critical insight into how emergency aid programs can impact Texas students as they persist through and complete their academic programs.

On September 10-11, 2018, the EA Net will host a convening in Austin, Texas. All Texas higher education institutions are invited to attend. Included in the convening’s goals will be to:

share best practices in emergency aid and financial literacy; and
invite institutions to apply for mini-grants to enhance their existing emergency aid programs.

The Texas Affordable Baccalaureate Program

Covalent networking the six flavors of quarks in the spirit of the French flag of Texas as a commodity fetish


Respondeat superior (Latin: "let the master answer"; plural: respondeant superiores) is a doctrine that a party is responsible for (has vicarious liability for) acts of their agents.


Further citing:

Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 (1993) is a United States Supreme Court case determining the standard for admitting expert testimony in federal courts. The Daubert Court held that the enactment of the Federal Rules of Evidence implicitly overturned the Frye standard; the standard that the Court articulated is referred to as the Daubert standard.

What educational degree is required to be a pharmaceutical sales rep (drug dealer)?

Educational Requirements. There is no set educational requirement to be a pharmaceutical sales representative (PSR), though most positions require a college degree. An aspiring PSR could benefit from having a degree in a relevant field, like the biological sciences, marketing or business.

Pharma bro fraudster Martin Shkreli sent to federal prison in New Jersey after being denied minimum security camp

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