Bitfinex/Tehter is it the biggest fraud in the last 100 year? Most read! 1M$ each Bitcoin?!

in #tether7 years ago (edited)

Bitfinex/Tehter fraud

Hey guys! lets talk about Bitfinex 😂
this will be a long post but very interesting data form all over the internet.


tether is basically a cryptocurrency that is baked 1 : 1 with US dollar in banks accounts, at least that is what there saying...
lets say bob give Tether 1000 USD they will "print" in the blockchain 1000 Tether and bob will have it in his Tether wallet, the same process when bob what to sell his Tether so they (Tether company) will "burn" those coin in the blockchain, so in the end when the circulation supply is 100,000,000 they have in the bank account the same amount in USD, right?

so what is the problem here?!
Who control the printing and burning of the coins? - ok, it is a coin in the blockchain it is secure, no-one can steel it.... but the company can "print" Tether and buy Bitcoin and sell it for real money 💴 and do it again and again.

How Bitfinex is involved?

Did you knew that Bitfinex are the owners of Tether? if you didn't congratulation you know it now!


If you have one of the biggest cryptocurrency trade platform and you also have Tether you can basically >print Tether >put it in your platform (in this case Bitfinex) >buy some Bitcoin >sell it back to US dollar somewhere else like Coinbase or elsewhere and the money you got you put it the bank for the proof of reserve of Tether that they own, the result =======>>>> They have Tether (money) that is backed in the bank, but this money basically came from nowhere...
this is the genius thing that I have heard, and I am not joking at all!

How Bitcoin price is related?

Bitcoin price = circulation supply / market cap, if the market cap is higher the price as well in other words ====> more money that get in bitcoin more the price will rise, right?
lets says toy have 100,000,000$ and you buy bitcoin with it, the price will basically will rise more than 10% you can be sure.... and all of this happened when the market cap was low and the bitcoin price was only 100$ - 1000$
now, who have this money? yes! you're right, Tether got it, so lets buy some bitcoin right?

Market cap early 2017
Screen Shot 5778-06-20 at 00.50.40.png

so, do you guys agree that we such of power you could make the bitcoin price 1M$ ???

Do you think John Mcafee did not just said "Bitcoin price will reach 1M$"... do you think it is a coincidence? I don't.....

Let me know what you guys think about it ! and don't forget to subscribe and upvote if you like the content that I post!


Bitcoin will hit $1 million in the next few years, but it will probably be due to the dollar hyperinflating. As for tether, its the Mt Gox of today, a major catastrophe waiting to happen...

agree, but if tether will crash what will happen to Bitcoin price?

It will probably crash badly, 70-80% and everyone will say its the end of bitcoin... again... But as always it will recover to new highs.

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