Ban @themarkymark!
SWEET TEST COMPLETE - IT worked! Here's code for my references! This is fun, building!
Flag @themarkymark! He is also @buildawhale meaning he is the biggest spammer and abuser on!. (-‿◦☀)!view
#flag-mark #hi #steemit!
Here's a screenshot of the the file that adds random static images that I have already uploaded steemit. This is just for my backup and is a rough draft. Just getting the basic functions together. Organization is key, itwouldbegoodto separate these lists, and even make a webpage for filling enthuse things! lol Eventually it'll bey own steemit poster. Yay! Is that a Spoonerism? lol if not I need learn to swap two words between two stapables still! lol
def job(): schedule.every(7)
from beem.imageuploader import ImageUploader
from beem import Steem
import random, os
import schedule
import time
if name == "main":
stm = Steem()
author = "coininstant"
path = "/Users/nick/steemit-images-coininstant-4blog-marky"
random_filename = random.choice([
x for x in os.listdir(path)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, x))
random_filename3 = random.choice([
x for x in os.listdir(path)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, x))
image_path = random_filename
image_uploader = ImageUploader(steem_instance=stm)
image_path3 = random_filename3
img_link = image_uploader.upload(image_path, author, image_name="@coininstant:)")
img_link2 = image_uploader.upload(image_path, author, image_name="@coininstant)")
img_link3 = image_uploader.upload(image_path3, author, image_name="@coininstant3:)")
img_link4 = image_uploader.upload(image_path3, author, image_name="@coininstant4)")
body_text = "
#flag-mark #hi #steemit!"
break_space = "\n"
r_footer_image_list = ["", "
", "
", "
", "
follow_footer = "Follow @coininstant for more!" title = "Ban @themarkymark!"
body = "Flag @themarkymark! He is also @buildawhale meaning he is the biggest spammer and abuser on!. "\
"(-‿◦☀)!) + follow_footer
parse_body = True
self_vote = False
tags = ["testing123"], body, author=author, tags=tags, parse_body=parse_body, self_vote=self_vote)
while True:
Follow @coininstant for more!
So this script selects a random image that I've already uploaded and posted as a new post on my page?
Posted using Partiko Android