Is The Book Of Romans 8: 28 A Justification Of My Accident In Order To Save My Mum's Life? MY Fund Raising Testimony II

in #testimony7 years ago

Hello great Steemites welcome to my blog once again. 

The above titled through-life story was cut short yesterday because it was getting longer. So today's episode is the concluding part of it. You know, things happen sometimes that give you a good 

reason to be thankful to God. That's the main purpose of this piece. The circumstances surrounding my accident and how I was able to wheather through the resulting difficulties make up a testimony that deserves to be told through generations till the end of time in praises of the Uncaused Cause, the Great Creator of the entire Universe inclusive of this sophisticated puzzle called earth. 

So now, unto the business of the day from where I stopped in the part 1... 

...and I became an activist on bed in pursuit of my second option

Based on the fact that the accident occurred while I was in active service, I deeply believed that NYSC has to assist whether she likes it or not. More so since I had obtained an official permit from the management before embarking on that unfortunate trip. So I have every legitimate right to seek financial assistance from them. 

Consequently, I contacted them to inform them of my sorry condition. They promised to send a team to come and take stock of the situation and get back to the state coordinator with a report, which they never did. After some time, I contacted them again. They asked me to put everything in writing with supporting documents as evidence and appeal for financial assistance from the Office of the Director General through the state NYSC. I did. However, the State Coordinator sat on it for reasons best known to him. 

I called my Zonal Inspector to protest and register my displeasure with the whole thing since the State Coordinator had effectively stopped picking my calls. I also threatened that I was going to send a crowd to barricade the state secretariat or make everything a press issue. He cautioned that doing that would be my greatest mistake as NYSC would cut of any remaining lines of communication with me. I couldn't believe it. This is to show you the level of decadence and corruption in Nigeria public institutions.

I declared: 'If I die I die as I damned the consequences'  

Weeks passed, then months and I still had no news from them. Being a born mobilizer and hardened Aluta activist back in school, I decided to damn the consequences and toe the path of activism with a stance that if I die I die. 

I began to get anxious as I entertained certain questions. Of what essence is life if I cannot get back to my feet to fend for myself? Someone had silenced me by threatening to totally abandon me if I speak up, yet the assistance isn't forthcoming. I would rather speak up and remain in abject condition than lose at both ends. But what option should I employ? 

I reasoned that my presence would be needed to be able to organize and stage an effective protest. Unfortunately, I was being bedridden. So this option was off the radar. 

However, I can be in bed and petition the highest authority. Perhaps, there would be response; perhaps there wouldn't be. But whatever happens, I found this option more acceptable based on my physical paralysis. So I decided to petition the then Acting President Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. But to who should I give my letter to deliver to him? I considered may options, which included posting through a courier of repute in order to ensure it is delivered to the State House. But will overzealous aides allow my petition to get pass their tables? 

I resolved, therefore, to blow the whole thing open and make it a press issue. I wrote my petition, called a reporter of the Punch Newspapers, handed it over to him and begged him to ensure it is published as an open letter to the Acting President. 

Following successful publication of my petition by the Punch Newspapers, there was national uproars and condemnations against the NYSC management as well as loud calls by prominent citizens for outright scrapping of the scheme. You can say anything against my beloved former President, but one thing you must appreciate about him is his humane dispositions; it is incomparable! 

I am actually in tears as I go deep into memories to reveal the most agonizing aspect of my life in this two-part article. Life appears as though I am a living pain; vagaries of a great success went sour. But do you honestly believe I have given up? If you believe so, that means you don't know the real @eurogee. Never! I have never been beaten, even in the most difficult of times. That is note worthy. 

A presidential directive was issued to Director General of the NYSC to urgently release the fund I was asking for, which he promptly complied with. Two weeks later, the State Coordinator was unceremoniously retired. Thus, wickedness met well deserved reward. 

So the two options I pursued while bedridden became a success as we were able to raise nearly N6 million. And the embark on the surgical trip to India. mum became a beneficiary of the surplus... 

In my Mum's family line, it appears they have history of gall stone crystallization at age of 60+ years. Four months earlier, she had lost her uncle to gall stone menace, thanks to late diagnosis by Nigeria Healthcare professionals. 

Her uncle's life would have been saved if the menace had been discovered early enough, but in this part of the world, we live in stone age. Most treatments are more of trial and error. So the old man was being taken from one hospital to another in search of elusive solution until he was taken to an Abuja based hospital where it was confirmed to be gall stone issue. 

By then, the old man was already half dead. And finally gave up the ghost when he was subjected to our crude Manual surgical procedure. 

While recuperating after my surgery, I noticed changes in my Mum's appearance. But she would always feigned to be in good health. I later asked her what was wrong but she told me she was fine. I know her; this is my mum. I know she is capable of putting up a pretense. So I insisted she go for comprehensive test. She objected. I stood my ground. 

During the process, she was diagnosed to have abnormally high number of gall stones, and a less invasive surgery was prescribed for her, which she successfully underwent. And we settled all bills to the glory of God. 

Had my accident not happened, my mum would have passed through the fate of her uncle. And who knows what the outcome would have been. It was I began to appreciate the significance of my accident. 

Will I be right to posit that my accident happened in order to save my Mum's life? While I await your candid responses, I have accepted my fate... 

I will rather sacrifice a hip than lose the love of my life; my only mother in the whole universe. 

This is my testimony. 

Thanks for reading. And do kindly UPVOTE and RESTEEM. 

Yours Naija Boi, 



So you were that corper then
I read that particular news paper

Governments generally and the federal government of Nigeria (FGN) in particular, through all it's institutions, are supposed to be held accountable by citizens of the country. Holding the national youth service corp (NYSC)accountable to do what is expected of them, regarding your physical challenge, since you were in service, is praiseworthy. I'm very glad that you were able to get the attention of one of our print media, Punch Newspaper, and former president Goodluck Jonathan to act on your case. Besides, I am also happy about this

A presidential directive was issued to Director General of the NYSC to urgently release the fund I was asking for, which he promptly complied with. Two weeks later, the State Coordinator was unceremoniously retired. Thus, wickedness met well deserved reward.

The change we seek for lies within our ability to know our rights and demand for them. When people complain about the situation of our health care system, I tell them to stop complaining and START ACTING. Personally, I tweet at the Honorable Minister of Health and question him. I have done the same too to the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs.They respond as quickly as possible. Why? Someone is holding them accountable for their actions and inactions, based on the responsibilities attached to their portfolios.
I'm glad that you and your mum got the needed financial assistance for your surgeries and that you are better now. We thank God (to whom nothing is impossible) for your testimony. And yes,ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God...(Rom 8:28).


Much respect ma'am @maryfavour. Yes you right; the We seek lies in our ability to know our rughts and demand for them. Ma'am, I have actually learnt something from you style of writing; detailed with various links url properly stated. This is epic. Thanks for being a teacher.


You are a great man, a soul that cannot be hindered nor obstacled , for physical disabilities are incapable of impeding the growth of one so determined to give fully , freely of himself to others.

Thanks for these wonderful complimentsment sis

From the beginning to the end of story, I see an ongoing divine project. Many people passed less than what you did but are not alive today. Your bigger success story is ahead. Just keep trusting God.
Your testimony reassures me of Gods capabilities

@dubem-eu, my brother thanks very much for these nice words

To God be the Glory. Greater things he will still do in your life. christ is your cornerstone. as long as we are in christ he will keep strengthening us @eurogee

the Lord is your strength brother

You've always been a strong fighter, believing that this condition should not pin you down for life but rather motivate you to be better than you were., I commend you well enough for that and implore you to continue fighting because everything in life takes time and its only the best man that stand to the test of time. well done!

So you were the one? Mhen, I like your guts. It's commendable.

I was. Thanks

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. Pruning is essential for spiritual growth.Bless you brother.

All glory be to God. You are spared for a reason.

Exactly bro. Like we're seeming now, is part of the reasons. Lol

Thank GOD for keeping you till today

Yes man. Thanks