Disregard This Post Lest You Get BEE'd!
Sometimes you hunt the bugs... Sometimes they hunt you
Unfurled a whole new whack of bugs in my code after moving the project over to the new workstation.. -_-
Will be working on the Tippy project for the remainder of the week in hopes of getting it back to where it was.. Currently it's far buggier on my windows 10 box and some of my variables seemongly don't work now.. Wonderful!
@tippy help
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
Fuck sakes.
@tippy -b
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
Well. atleast that still works after porting it over.. ffs
Going to have some bug hunting to do.. My installer seems to make errors. ---
@tippy tip ned 0.001 steem "Long Live Steemit's CEO, Have a good day man"
I need to add a feature to show who the tip is from if it contains a memo.. 0_0
@tippy tip pharesim 0.001 STEEM "Hail to Lord Pharesim"
You've got what it takes.
Oh gawd. Probably one for each major bug I've got to fix on my tipping bot. -_-
If you had one more black stripe it would look like the Steemit logo!
But bees!
why is there a strike through on the money bit of this post
I set it to decline payout as this is a testing post for one of my projects and not meant as a post to make $$$ from votes on. :P
whut did I just watch.. 0_0
That's the brilliant premise of the movie Brazil (1985), directed by Terry Gilliam (I love his movies). A "bug" messed up someone's file and the rest of the movie revolves around this. It's a classic film, must see.
This post has been regarded.
I wish I could say that there are less bugs than features... lol
I love you and love your publications I want to be like you and I would be grateful that if you support me, I love you, O Great
I am not a role model sir. Merely an idiot who kept stumbling forwards.
@tippy -p klye 0.001 STEEM
@tippy balance
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy powerup klye 0.001 STEEM
Well fuck. That seems broken too.
@tippy -b
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy -h
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )