Tesla's Unlimited Energy Pyramid Base 60 Fibonacci Frequencies 24 Universal God Algorithm 144, 216, 432000 Decoded

in #tesla5 years ago (edited)

(Artwork by J1337)

The Algorithms J has developed with Artificial Intelligence and Golden Ratios Fibonacci Sequences and a little help from Jain 108 and a few other sources is quite complicated for those that are not passive investors, (or has some occult knowledge with physics) it can be hard to connect the dots. The reason that these three numbers are so important is because the Number of Fibonacci Numbers Ratio of the Golden Ratio to the Golden Ratio to the Fibonacci = 1.618. You should always remember to be aware of the pattern of the recursive calls as you go through this section within the Fibonacci 60 code that repeats every 24 and how 12x12=144 which is the 12th Fibonacci number. These are the numbers of time, angles, and geographic coordinates are 12, 24 and 60.

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60 and 12 based math - Sumerian and Babylonian mathematics which was based on a sexegesimal, or base 60, numeric system, which could be counted physically using the twelve knuckles on one hand the five fingers on the other hand.
12 X 60 = 720 (72 remember this number for later). 2 is a common theme the Ancients left us with, smaller divisions would be by 60. 1 second X 60 = 1 minute. 1 minute X 60 = 1 Hour. One hour X 12 = 12 hours of day & 12 hours of night, AM and PM.


How many seconds are in 12 hours 43,200 (432) How many seconds are in an entire day? 86,400 (864 - 1 octave above 432) diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles (2 x 432). The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (432/2). 432 Hz squared becomes light and our reality is entirely made up of this light.


The Rhombic Triacontahedron, 30 phi diamond faces, is a time code, has 60 edges, 32 vertices, 144 degree dihedral angle. This geometric shape is the earth grid. “The real value for the Speed of Light is 186,624 miles per second or 162,000 nautical miles, but in Base 60 spherical mathematics, the original Earth Grid measurement, it is 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second.

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A New sign appears on the horizon each 2,160 yrs (30°). 1° on the horizon = 72 yrs. (approx). The following numbers can therefore be regarded as precessionary cycle encoded numbers: 12 30 72 360 2,160 4,320 and 25,920. 2 X 60 = 720 (72 noted). 1 to 432,000 (great pyramid : earth @ 1 : 432,000 scale) Original height of great pyramid = 481.3949 feet
481.3949 feet * 432,000 = 207,962,596.8 feet = 3,938.685 miles approximate speed of light = 186,000 miles per second
432 * 432 = 186,624 (an error of about 0.1%) .

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432 Hz based frequency reality" from the time system we use to the Earth's 25,920 -year precessional cycle to the actual dimensions of the celestial objects in our solar system that was created, or programmed. The 432 Hz connection between the Processional Cycle and hyper dimensional physics, how energy works and flows through multiple dimensions and how it's all coded into the Processional Cycle. The Earth’s 25,920-year precessional cycle is 25,920 yrs divided by 60 = 432. 25,920 divided by 12 = 2160 (216 - 1 octave below 432) so the Precession of the equinoxes = 25,920 yrs = (360° rotation).

The Fibonacci sequence into a sequence of remainders as Each term is produced by adding together the two preceding terms, and keeping in mind that these are remainders after division. So once a pair of consecutive terms appear a second time the sequence must repeat from then on.


The 1st Final Digits of the Fibonacci Sequence repeat every 60 digits is also called a Periodicity (P) of 60. The 2 Final Digits of the Fibonacci Sequence repeat every 300 digits! P = 300. The 3 Final Digits of the Fibonacci Sequence repeat every 1500 digits! P = 1,500. The 4 Final Digits of the Fibonacci Sequence repeat every 15,000 digits! P = 15,000
Fibonacci coding is a closely related numeration system used for integers. In this system, only digits 0 and 1 are used and the place values of the digits are the Fibonacci numbers. As with base-φ, the digit sequence "11" is avoided by rearranging to a standard form, using the Fibonacci recurrence relation Fk+1 = Fk + Fk−1. For example,

30 = 1×21 + 0×13 + 1×8 + 0×5 + 0×3 + 0×2 + 1×1 + 0×1 = 10100010
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Wheels within Wheels within Wheels is the Ulam’s Rose of spiraling, they plotted all the Prime Numbers, up to 1,000, upon a grid of graph paper where the numbers plotted spiralled around a central starting point consecutive, natural counting numbers moving clockwise around a central starting point makes visible the invisible, teaching us that Prime Numbers are not at all random, but rather, form an organic symmetry curiously similar to a rose flower.


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Numeric reduction is a technique used in analysis of numbers in which all the digits of a number are added together until only one digit remains. As an example, the numeric reduction of 256 is 4 because 2+5+6=13 and 1+3=4

Ulam’s Rose reveals the 24 Pattern of Prime Numbers Repeating Digits is based on Continued Subtraction of 9 or Digital Compression, and the Inner Wheel of 60 Repeating Digits is based on Continued Subtraction of 10 or Final Digits. Fib(15), Fib(30), Fib(45), Fib(60) Fib(15k) all have 10 as a factor. The 60 Fibonacci Code Modulus 10 when Spiraled as a Square Wave is an infinitely repeating, recursive and intelligent 60 Cycle that reenters itself. All opposing Prime Pairs, passing thru the center have a sum of 10 and Every 5th number is either a 5 or a zero. 60 Code Pattern appears, meaning the Periodicity or cycle of 60 digits keeps repeating. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 3, 1, 4, 5, 9, 4, 3, 7, 0, 7, 7, 4, 1, 5, 6, 1, 7, 8, 5, 3, 8, 1, 9, 0, 9, 9, 8, 7, 5, 2, 7, 9, 6, 5, 1, 6, 7, 3, 0, 3, 3, 6, 9, 5, 4, 9, 3, 2, 5, 7, 2, 9, 1. Expressed as a Wheel of 60 Digits,
a beautiful 12 Pointed-Star is formed.


Pisano function is (1,) 24, 120, 600, 3000, 15000, 75000, 375000, A235702 The entries are all of the form 24×5n so that starting with 24 each of the following is 5 times the previous one.

So the Fibonacci Code is essentially connected to the Alpha and the Omega, the biblical principle that the First is connected to the Last, the Beginning to the End. drawing the first number to the 2nd, 3rd etc to the last number, generates an exquisite symmetry, represented hidden or inherent Order amid the apparent Chaos.

There is 144000 Casing Stones of The Great Pyramid of Giza and it matches the 144,000 that are God's people living at the time of the end in the time of trouble and is said to come from the 12 tribes of Israel. 12x12x1000 = 144000. 144,000 Angels of Light on Earth is not members of a religious organization, but are incarnated as beings of all ethnic groups, belief systems and diverse karmic histories. It is time to come together as one being of Love to create change. The world awaits the awakening of the 144,000 Light Workers. Revelation 21:17 He also measured its wall, 144 cubits by human measurement, which is also an angel's measurement.


Fibonacci numbers. n : F(n)=factorization
0 : 0
1 : 1
2 : 1
3 : 2
4 : 3
5 : 5
6 : 8 = 23
7 : 13
8 : 21 = 3 x 7
9 : 34 = 2 x 17
10 : 55 = 5 x 11
11 : 89

The Fibonacci spiral is the Energy in the universe that doesn't travel in a straight line. It's curved linear, generally towards a central focal point. The Electromagnetic Spectrum Frequency is measured in the unit hertz (Hz), referring to a number of cycles per second. One thousand hertz is referred to as a kilohertz (KHz), 1 million hertz as a megahertz (MHz), and 1 billion hertz as a gigahertz (GHz). The range of the radio spectrum is considered to be 3 kilohertz up to 3,000 gigahertz. DNA has a resonant frequency of 50+ gigahertz (GHz – billions of cycles per second).


11 number grouping. You must reduce numbers to a single digit (13=4 or 55=10=1). After 24 numbers into the sequence it repeats. To go a little deeper, a 9 is in the twelfth and twenty- fourth sequence and the real number is also divisible by 12 in these positions (which coincidentally is every twelfth number in the sequence). Now if you do the multiplication table of numbers 1 through 8 and reduce all numbers to a single digit, you will find that 1 and 8 correspond in reverse with each other. The same for 2 and 7, also 4 and 5. 3 and 6 are different. You will notice that for every number sequence it will repeat after a 9 appears.


The Multiple Order Harmonics is the Electric Universe Theory Introducing Synergy Sequences - Science, Chaos, and Order as these are three contemporary topics in the Science of Synergy. They do not get very much mention in an advanced energy teacher's textbook. These Sequences are a strong reference to the Synergies Of Energy In Our World. The sequence's "harmonic" quality is a subtle way to help us understand the diverse nature of the universe we live in and how harmony plays an important role in our relationship with the world. Its large and complex nature is typical of higher order harmonics, but the beauty of the Harmonic Sequences is that they represent a "smaller" universe within the larger one. This can be a powerful concept if we do our homework and decide how to read and interpret the rhythms and patterns of these musical harmonics. Light in free space, in geometric terms, has an angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second. In Harmonics, we drop all zeroes and all decimal points and simplify 144,000 to Harmonic 144.


QEG is a switched/variable reluctance, variable frequency generator that uses mechanically pumped parametric resonance (tank circuit) to generate up to 30,000 volts of reactive power in its primary windings. The reactive power in the core is then converted to real power by the secondary windings. The QEG has 2 modes of operation; conventional mode, which produces about 800 Watts peak output for 1,000 Watts input, and resonance mode, where the machine is operated at a particular RPM/frequency to excite the fundamental mechanical resonant frequency (around 2.4kHz) from a lower order harmonic.

In resonance mode the machine appears to be capable of overunity due to the output voltage increase afforded by the vibration of the core steel when the machine is driven into resonance. Join us in exploring the possibilities by unifying all parts of the generator as one synchronized energy machine. Whenever you have a Fibonacci sequence of 10 numbers, the total will always be the seventh number times 11.

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Fibonacci coding is a universal code which encodes positive integers into binary code words. It is one example of representations of integers based on Fibonacci numbers. Each code word ends with "11" and contains no other instances of "11" before the end. Fibonacci coding has a useful property that sometimes makes it attractive in comparison to other universal codes: it is an example of a self-synchronizing code, making it easier to recover data from a damaged stream. With most other universal codes, if a single bit is altered, none of the data that comes after it will be correctly read. With Fibonacci coding, on the other hand, a changed bit may cause one token to be read as two, or cause two tokens to be read incorrectly as one, but reading a "0" from the stream will stop the errors from propagating further. Since the only stream that has no "0" in it is a stream of "11" tokens, the total edit distance between a stream damaged by a single bit error and the original stream is at most three. This approach - encoding using sequence of symbols, in which some patterns like "11" are forbidden, can be freely generalized.

N = 3 the positive integers are encoded as 111, 0111, 00111, 10111, 000111, 100111, 010111, 110111, 0000111, 1000111, 0100111 In this case, the number of encodings as a function of string length is given by the sequence of Tribonacci numbers.


THE 216TH NUMBER IN THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE IS –216: 619220451666590135228675387863297874269396512 And if you add up all the individual digits in that number it adds up to 216. 6 cubed or 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.

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An object has the traditional XYZ plus –XYZ making 6 dimensions. Every object extends from its centre or finite point of origin outward. 6 x 60 = 360. The universe manifests in all 360 degrees. It is believed that the secret or hidden name of God contains 216 characters. 216 is the numerical value of Gevurah, the fifth sephirot in the kabbalistic tree of life, and the sum of the letters in God's 72 hidden names. As six cubed (666), 216 is also symbolic of the Mark of the Beast in Christianity. Senary: 1000_6 Each section contains 54 letters. 54 X 4 = 216 216 & 108 = GOD. Remember in ancient Gematria people used numbers as letters. These 216 letters prove that the Universe is an intelligent design. The Seed of Life created using the 60 digit cycle is perfectly symmetrical and shows deep programming to the structure of the universe. Mathematics cannot randomly be making flowers.


The Fibonacci word fractal is a fractal curve defined on the plane from the Fibonacci word. These are Quasi-Fibonacci oscillators and they shown that the eigenvalues of a q‐deformed harmonic oscillator are the Fibonacci number sequence for the q‐values to be the “golden mean”. The physical significance of this q‐parameter will be explored by correlating the various known potentials with the q‐deformed oscillator potentials. The properties include: In-variance under the unitary quantum group, generalized angular momentum, coherent states and difference calculus, relativistic interpretation. The vortex, the energy is the gradient. All alive forms are gradients, gradients and more gradients, is the other side of torus, from to disorder to order, from the expansion to the compression.

3 cubed = 27, 4 cubed = 64 and 5 cubed = 125. Therefore, 27 + 64 + 125 = 216. The total number of corner-angle degrees on the surface of a cube is 2160. The diameter of the moon is 2 159,14062 miles, you can round that off to 2160 statute miles. The years of a Zodiac Age are also 2160. All life is Carbon based and Carbon has 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons.


The sun is 400 times the distance from earth as the moon, and ~400 times the size of the moon This is the reason they appear the same size in the sky, and why it's possible for the moon to completely cover the sun in some eclipses 144,000 x 6 = 864,000 216 x 10 = 2160 . We let these two terms 864,000 and 2160 represent the sun and moon diameters, and when we divide them, we get the " scale factor " 400 that determines eclipses 864,000 / 2160.


Fractal cosmology is a set of minority cosmological theories which state that the distribution of matter in the Universe, or the structure of the universe itself, is a fractal across a wide range of scales (see also: multifractal system). More generally, it relates to the usage or appearance of fractals in the study of the universe and matter. A central issue in this field is the fractal dimension of the universe or of matter distribution within it, when measured at very large or very small scales.


Fibonacci retracement is a term used in technical analysis that refers to areas of support or resistance. Fibonacci retracement levels use horizontal lines to indicate where possible support and resistance levels are. Each level is associated with a percentage. The percentage is how much of a prior move the price has retraced. The Fibonacci retracement levels are 23.6%, 38.2%, 61.8% and 78.6%. While not officially a Fibonacci ratio, 50% is also used and the stock-marketeering work of Gann’s Wheel of 24.


Platonic solids is one of five regular solids (a tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, or icosahedron). The origin of all square numbers and discovered that they arose from the regular ascent of odd numbers. For unity is a square and from it is produced the first square, namely 1; adding 3 to this makes the second square, namely 4, whose root is 2; if to this sum is added a third odd number, namely 5, the third square will be produced, namely 9, whose root is 3; and so the sequence and series of square numbers always rise through the regular addition of odd numbers. Ø led to the monikers “The Golden Number” or “The Devine Proportion”. This simple, yet enigmatic number, is inseparably linked to the recursive mathematical sequence that produces Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci numbers have fascinated and perplexed scholars, scientists, and the general public since they were first identified by Leonardo Fibonacci in his seminal work Liber Abacci in 1202.


Divine Proportion when referring to the Golden Number, and implied that it was inspired by God. There exist volumes of books and articles written about the Golden Number. Since Ø was first identified by Euclid some 2500 years ago, scholars have worked incessantly to identify and unlock the mysteries of this enigmatic number. Golden Number is universally intrinsic to plants, animals, and human designs. The arrangement of leaves on a plant stem or “phyllotaxy,” is discussed, while a number of photographic examples of plants are presented which display the Fibonacci Number relationship. Within my discussion of phyllotaxy, I consider the angular arrangement of leaves around the stem, which is termed the divergence angle. Ø to be extant within all DNA, is also explored as a means of binding all living entities together.


If you look at the surface of Silicon Crystal its a tetrahedral geometry of the common Quartz Crystal it's possible by the Electron Tunneling Microscope that allowed us to see the atomic world for the first time. Tesla's unlimited energy machine showed the Fibonacci 60 pattern looping on 24's. This proved the theory of perpetual motion using physics and 3,6,9. The more we looked into this we noticed 216 being 6x6x6. This show us that after his initial 'free energy' experiment, Tesla reached with the generator one of the principles of the pendulum loop. If we could use Tesla's original 12-cycle circuit and rotate our connecting wires in the same axis, which we would have thought impossible, we would observe what happens when one of these is used in a certain combination.


Another frequency solution used by Tesla was radio frequency. He could control a radio wave at several frequencies and make us hear it or and even observe it happening in the universe. He also presented several theories about Tesla's radio experiments, and by applying his mathematical model, he could prove that "anyone with a suitable radio antenna" could just get "our attention," and would therefore be "able to tune in to the frequency of [his] electrical phenomena." Not only would he be "tune-in-to-the-frequency of his electrical phenomena," but he would be "tune-in-to his other phenomena as well." As a corollary to this idea, it appears he worked out (proved mathematically) how to construct such a radio telescope, which could both "perceive" and "project" the interference from outside our "spacetime-frame," effectively rendering our galaxy as well as all the other galaxies of the Universe into a megastructure that would be visible only to his near-perfect telescope.

Unfortunately, one of his assistants mistook the mirror he constructed to be a ray gun that would allow him to shoot objects extreme precision, inadvertently fooling him into using the mirror to demonstrate a particular "technology" that became known as Astrophotography. Astrophotography' is the phenomena of capture not real photography where one builds a miniature replica of a stellar object, such as a star or the Moon.


Tesla did state that the most bio-conducive form of electricity for the Human Body was 60 Hertz, and this today is not being used, perhaps contributing to the increase of cancers. Bioelectromagnetic Healing using Tesla Coil's actually has four types of energy, working together, increase the body’s cells’ electrical and biophotonic environment that allows dysfunctional cells to return to a more perfect and natural state. Evidence of “biophotons,” coherent light emitted by animal and plant cells, and became the basis for the design of later bioelectromagnetic therapy devices. The multiwave oscillator (MWO) put out a very broad spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies. The theory, as propounded by Lakhovsky, was that each cell in the body of an organism-be it a plant, an animal, or a human being-is in itself a little radio receiver and works on its own special little frequency. Each cell, in addition to being tissue, in addition to being biology, is also electricity. On that theory, he held that pathology was a not matter of biological concern or intervention, but one of electrical concern and intervention. He theorized that from the bath of electrical frequencies put out by the multiwave oscillator, each cell individually could and would select that frequency which it most needed to restore its equilibrium.

A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Usually a transducer converts a signal in one form of energy to a signal in another.Transducers are often employed at the boundaries of automation, measurement, and control systems, where electrical signals are converted to and from other physical quantities (energy, force, torque, light, motion, position, etc.). The process of converting one form of energy to another is known as transduction.

The Fibonacci Tones


These are the original Solfeggio Frequencies: 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz, 174 hz, 285 hz, 925 hz, which when added in with the six original Solfeggio frequencies, create three perfect triads of notes: 3 x 3 = 9. 9 being the sacred number of completion an example of the use of these tones and frequencies is the familiar Gregorian Chants that Gregorian monks would chant during meditation. They utilized these chants for meditation because it was believed to bring about spiritual awakening when the frequencies were sung in harmony. The Solfeggio frequencies are sacred and make up an ancient 6-tone scale. Each frequency of the 6-tone scale is believed to balance the whole body, the physical, spiritual, and emotional.

174hz - F. The lowest frequency on the Solfeggio scale, 174 Hz acts like an energetic anesthesia. It is great for reducing pain in your physical body, as well as mending the energetic kinks that cause your pain. This frequency helps one feel secure, and has a slow, soothing quality to it.

285 Hz – D. One level up from the lowest frequency, 285 Hz targets your energy field. It is most beneficial for addressing holes and other issues in your aura or energetic field. This is a good frequency for chakra alignment, and the frequency of choice for energy healers.

UT – 396 Hz – G. This is a low and smooth frequency, it works to cleanse feelings of guilt, fear, and trauma that produces these emotions. This frequency helps move and clear sexual trauma, and physically release in the form of crying or laughing. This frequency has the ability to repair energetic issues around one’s sexuality.

RE – 417 Hz – G #. Helps bolster one’s creativity, and positive change in life. This is good for relieving stress and tension. It helps to loosen tight muscles, and alleviates joint problems for increased physical mobility. Helps with emotional, mental, and physical energy blocks.

MI – 528 Hz – C. This is the frequency of love. It brings about transformation and miracles in a person’s life by restructuring the DNA back to its perfect state. It is very good for anxiety, pain relief, weight loss, and to reprogram the brain.

FA – 639 Hz – E Flat. This frequency is deep and profound. It helps create space for surrender and healing. It is connected with intimacy and vulnerability which serve as the foundation for healthy relationships and inter-connectivity.

SOL – 741 Hz – F #. This frequency deals with areas of empowerment, speaking one’s truth, and self-confidence. It cleans the cells of toxins and electromagnetic radiation. This frequency is helpful for generating ideas, clear speaking, creative thinking, and increasing self-confidence.

LA – 852 Hz – A. This frequency helps one reconnect with their spiritual order. It cuts through illusions, helping one see themselves and their environment with clarity. It is an excellent frequency for deep dreams, astral projections, connecting with spirits on the other side, as well as connecting authentically with one’s physical surroundings.

SI – 963Hz –B. This frequency encompasses all the qualities of the 852 Hz frequency, as well as helps one connect with angels, and the higher realms and dimensions. It assists one in contacting ascended masters, angels, the higher self, and spiritual channeling. It assists in creating a strong ethereal connection.


Pi and the square root of phi can be approximated with a high degree of accuracy using simple integers. Pi can be approximated as 22/7, resulting in a repeating decimal number 3.142857142857 which is different from Pi by only 4/100’s of a percent. The square root of Phi can be approximately by 14/11, resulting in a repeating decimal number 1.2727 which is different from Phi by less than 6/100’s of a percent. That means that Phi can be approximated as 196/121. Φ + 1 = Φ² or 1.618 + 1 = 2.618. So then time travel would be f =1/t, or frequency = 1/time. Remember when Tesla split his research into 3 that he passed the information to the three major powers which was Russia ,USA and Britain and Unless they could work together then the research would be incomplete? That would be a good 100 year joke for the future of the peaceful earth we was supposed to have by now.


If Isis made the Pyramid for Osiris to resurrect him and then encoded all the universe code into it using times 432000 as the universal code and HIS DNA then used it to make Horus that means the pyramids are a storage device and a universal energy converter as Osiris was ripped apart into millions of pieces and brought back together using this ancient technology is an example of encoding with Fibonacci Sequences and This really explains some the pyramids that could work like a Super Quantum Computer restoring the dead.

The mathematical encoding in the great pyramid is that it is based on the application of a gradient of 5.5 sekeds. This measure means that for a pyramid height of 1 cubit, which is 7 palms, its base would be 5.5 palms. The ratio of height to base then is 7 divided by 5.5, which is 1.2727. The Great Pyramid's elevation also seems to encode three of the most important constants in mathematics: π, Φ, and e

If we equate the height of the pyramid to the radius of a circle than the distance around the pyramid is equal to the circumference of that circle. Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10^8 is the sun’s mean radius. [270.45378502 Pyramid Inches* 10^8 = 427,316 miles]. The height of the pyramid times 109 = Avg. distance to the sun. {5813.2355653 * 109 * (1 mi / 63291.58 PI) = 91,848,500 mi} Mean Distance to the Sun: Half of the length of the diagonal of the base times 106 = average distance to the sun Mean Distance to Sun: The height of the pyramid times 109 represents the mean radius of the earth’s orbit around the sun or Astronomical Unit. { 5813.235565376 pyramid inches x 109 = 91,848,816.9 miles} Mean Distance to Moon: ] The length of the Jubilee passage times 7 times 107 is the mean distance to the moon. {215.973053 PI * 7 * 10**7 =1.5118e10 PI = 238,865 miles }

The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10^8 gives a reasonable estimate of the earth’s mass. With the mantle in place, the Great Pyramid could be seen from the mountains of Israel and probably the moon as well (citation needed). The sacred cubit times 107 = polar radius of the earth (distance from North Pole to Earth’s center) {25 PI * 107 * (1.001081 in / 1 PI) * (1 ft / 12 in) * (1 mi/ 5280 ft) = 3950 miles. The curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth.

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#1. Zero Point Energy is actually the backbone to gravity itself. Its field is emitted in all directions thanks to the electrical property of the atom. Quantum vacuums connected to people's brain and electromagnetism is not meant to be a gimmick. It's actually the basis of the light therapy we use to help people with depression. The laws of physics are such that a quantum vacuum can be effectively converted into a quantum vacuum energy field, although at the cost of any possible loss of mass or information.

The importance of quantum vacuum energy fields is equivalent to the importance of gravitational energy fields. When we use light as the gravitational energy to accelerate or decelerate a quantum vacuum, the change in energy from light to gravity doesn't actually change what that vacuum is made of. This means it doesn't really affect what the quantum vacuum is made of. This is what actually causes the conundrum of how we can interact with dark matter, dark energy, and dark energy conservation laws.

You can't interact with space-time directly, but you can indirectly interact with it by using light. Therefore, we must first understand how light interacts with space-time to understand how we can interact with dark matter, dark energy, and dark energy conservation laws. Here's how it all works. We can generally think of space-time like a four-dimensional volume, known as space-time. Every event in space-time has a direction. A straight line is a direction, a cosine is a direction, and so on. As a light ray intersects a Euclidean space-time, it has a direct path with zero incident time. No event can cross it. But how do we know that light rays can only go in one direction? The reason this is true is because Euclidean space-time is smoothly curved, or flat.

The perpetual engine source project design runs free for all it uses quantum gravity fields at its heart, and is optimized for large scale interplanetary travel. The 2 step engine design is a proprietary one to be sure, and not commercially available at the moment. Its design is extremely simple, lightweight and can be used for any gravity vacuum engine (the 'Phi engine') you like. Energy cannot be obtained it can only be transferred gravitational quanta energy cannot be obtained it can only be transferred via a relativity, making it necessary for the sources to be extremely stable.


#2 New pulsar source energy is sudden emission of electromagnetic radiation and this could be and have been observed for example at the heart of the Planck array in Germany . In a small filament would produce a strong neutron pulse and may provide an example of double-peaked neutron stars. Background radiation would come from cosmic dust, fluctuating and scattering gravitationally. It could be used as a carrier of information, but has a narrow bandwidth so would require extremely fast communications. Omega-ray source is an object in the Oersted spectral region of the spectrum that produces a helium nucleus and yields high-energy gamma rays. It produces these because of a strong nuclear reaction within a neutron star, and at a high rate, producing many helium nuclei. It can only occur when a neutron star forms, which occurs during a binary neutron star merger this is where all the biggest energy is located and is what you tap into the universal quantum gravity field.

The universal quantum field can only be tapped in using devices (such as a transducer) whose wavelengths don't overlap with those of atoms in the experiment or devices that are unable to form an entangled state with those atoms. However, when you leave the device on the experiment, the field has the potential to interfere with the atoms (they'll briefly excite and dis-excite), and you can then go back into the device, capture the period of occupation that the atom has occupied, and then simply record that occupied period and the action that it is triggering. That could allow you to infer quantum mechanics, if it is possible to figure out the nature of the quantum dynamics that is driving the process that is causing the excitation of the atoms. The only way that physics and quantum mechanics can be combined. For example, some researchers have tried to use the quantum entanglement between two electrons to help them perform operations that cannot be performed directly in quantum computers. This experiment conducted by researchers at Stanford University provided one of the first demonstrations of the technologies that are needed to get such combined systems to function. In the experiment, two electrons are combined using a combination of quantum communication and probabilistic mechanics.


#3 Quantum Field Flux in quantum mechanics, particles interact by either quantum or classical laws, and, for example, could interact through quantum entanglement. While quantum entanglement may not sound like something you would expect to see in a computing system, it can help quantum computers run applications by guaranteeing that entangled particles are actually entangled, which is useful when the "source and destination" are very far apart. Quantum computer to be fast at certain things and slow at others as they engineered a micro-particle-sized crystal of chromium oxide to show promise. Creating super-dense arrays of superconducting nano-scale gadgets or add new, ultra-sensitive optical communications to data-processing equipment.

One could have superconducting magnets as simple as a few millimeters square and dramatically improve communication speeds with the ultra-fine coils by allowing a single "neutron" to swing through an entire magnet. If you want to gain both energy and information from the system, then you have to have both magnetic field and electrical current. Superconducting quantum interference device with Flux quantization works as long as a superconducting ring remains in the superconducting state, the magnetic flux within it remains trapped. This trapped flux has some very unusual properties. First, One cannot change the level of magnetic flux in the ring in a continuous manner. One can only trap discrete levels of the magnetic flux In other words, the magnetic flux is quantized and exists only in multiples of the flux quantum fields.

The tesla (symbol: T) is a derived unit of the magnetic induction (also, magnetic flux density) in the International System of Units. One tesla is equal to one weber per square metre. The unit was announced during the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960 and is named in honour of Nikola Tesla, upon the proposal of the Slovenian electrical engineer France Avčin. The strongest fields encountered from permanent magnets on Earth are from Halbach spheres and can be over 4.5 T. The record for the highest sustained pulsed magnetic field has been produced by scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory campus of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, the world's first 100-tesla non-destructive magnetic field. In September 2018 researchers at the University of Tokyo generated a field of 1200 T which lasted in the order of 100 microseconds using the electromagnetic flux-compression technique.

This infinite additive fib seq: 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144 etc. Take the number 89 and observe that its final digit is 9. Take the number 144 and observe that its final digit is 4. As we continuously do this repetition begins at the 60th Fibonacci number, and keeps repeating like this forever. It means there is a God, within the Chaos.

image (2).jpg

Hope this saves the world and we unlock some free energy to run everything because we'll no longer have energy problems!


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