The DC-DC converter and why Elon Musk wastes a lot of energy.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #tesla6 years ago

The DC-DC converter and why it wastes a lot of energy.

Last week I ranted about the energy wasting of Elon Musk's 'gadgets'.

Now it is time to make it visual, and a glimpse into the genius of Nikola Tesla's work. not going to try to explain Nikola Tesla's in detail but doing an attempt to explain to normal people how Nikola Tesla is different then simpleminded Musk LEGO style mindless mass production

It is all about the DC-DC converter.

And that's actually an invention derived of Nicola Tesla's coil and capacitor circuits, heavily miniaturized and cutting corners to produce them as cheap as possible.

What is a DC-DC converter?

In it's basic form it is a coil that get's charged with DC current, then discharged, and the energy gets dumped into a capacitor. Bu doin that at a very high speed it 'appears' as DC current on the output again.

That can be done in several different styles and depending on what works best for a given application will be used in the final circuit.
Just typical electronics design rules.


These four topologies are the 'political correct' depictions of how an industrial electric engineer may apply the components and call it a DC-DC converter as only these topologies have the least 'unwanted side effects' or at least the industry has way to keep the side effects under control by shorting out the side effects (resulting in more losses, but lets not go there in this article...)

The main idea is that the input voltage is different then the output voltage with the least amount of component costs.

Under optimum conditions a industry standard DC-DC converter will be 95% efficient at best. But as a car is not operating under ideal conditions the number will less glorious.

How Elon Musk uses these circuit in his cars.

And here I will also include the Tesla power wall, going from sun rays, fossil and nuclear fuels all the way to usable energy that makes the wheels turn.

First we have the solar panel.

Solar panels are not very efficient themselves only 20% of the sun's energy that hits the panel is converted into electronic pixies.
About 1.2 Volt will trickle out of them at currents that depend on the type of panel

And Elon Musk adds a power wall to that.
This power wall is just a box of expensive batteries and a DC converter that lifts the 1.2 Volt to the voltage of the battery, lets say 2.4 Volt
So after the losses of the cables that are usually longer then 'ideal' the pixies arrive at the input of the DC converter from the power wall.
and here we loose lets say 10%

Then we have, wind, fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

This arrives in your home at whatever AC voltage your country uses for the wall sockets. And that will be brought to the system with yet another lossy AC-DC converter of some kind. I really try to keep things simple for non technical readers and I hope I have not lost them already
Again 10% loss will not be that strange of a number.

Then the power wall

The pixies in the power wall will need to be dumped into the Musk-Mobile
Speed is here the important factor. So Efficiency is secondary, after all you want to use that bling ride on demand to display that EGO that just invested like crazy in this lossy enterprise.
Lets say another 10% losses to get the pixies on the road.

To the Musk-Mobile lets go!


Now the pixies arrive in the car at high velocity and need to be dumped into another set of batteries. so to be able to charge the levels must be at the correct voltage again. and for that we use ... A lossy DC converter. And we loose about 10% again.

Now all that energy is sitting in the batteries, under less then ideal temperatures and temperature fluctuations. And that also can result into losses. Let's leave these out of the equation for now as I don't know how high these are. I'm merely looking at the converters.

Then we need Electro Motive Force, DC current to push the car though the air. At least the Musk-Mobiles are a bit streamlined as the DC converters will add another 10% of losses.

The Musk Mobile also has lights windscreen wipers, electric windows and and an in car entertainment section that will not be very efficient either. But less significant then the motors. So lets also leave these losses for granted.

Most readers will have done the math between the ears already.

If we are lucky then 50% of the expensive pixies will be converted to actual movement from A to B all the rest will be global warming. As losses in electronics are always turned into heat.

That's why DC-DC converters have rather big aluminium heat sinks. The more pixies flow the more heat will be radiating.

50% is lost in DC converters alone.

If Musk had really had the slightest idea about Nikola Tesla's work then he would not have used so many wasteful circuits

Now to be fair, other e-transporters have the same issues.
But Musk's cars are the ones that most people have in mind when they think about e-transporters.

Nikola Tesla

The genius of Nikola Tesla lies in the fact that he managed to create a wireless energy system that worked over long distance. And people who play with the technology know that resonance can have exiting side effects that can result in a higher energy output then what the have put in. Effectively extracting energy from the environment without generating heat.

Let's keep it at that for now. While I think what I can write about next.

I'm not going to be a specialist here. But only tough on the basics and hope that real specialists join in and go into the details.

People need to know the basics if we ever want to be smart about electricity.


He wastes a lot of energy, because his head is elongated:) Not very energy efficient!

Am wasting energy looking for the share buttons...where are they @bifilarcoil?

they seem to have moved to the ... (three dot) icon. and then choose 'resteem'
On and on it moved to that 3dot menu. Not sure if did the same after HF20 @immarojas

I hope this helps

Oh i tried those dots but resteem was not one of them☺

haha from what site are you posting? Steemit, Busy, other? It is getting complicated at another level LOL. is winning when i'm at home on a fast connection. When using a shitty connection then busy saves me. And steemit... just looses mainly due to the policy-wall BS as it makes the entire site unsable.

and as you can see busy manages to confuse me a bit more by giving a comment box in the wrong spot... sigh

Haha just laugh even when it can't change things. Stuff we can't change you know.
I use busy most times, ulog for something.

Yea busy, is a bit weird , it places a reply box to reply to your own comment... but to reply on your reply i need to press the reply button... did i even say that correct?
It so confusing...


I think so...i don't even wanna think about it ahahaha

haha from what site are you posting? Steemit, Busy, other? It is getting complicated at another level LOL. is winning when i'm at home on a fast connection. When using a shitty connection then busy saves me. And steemit... just looses mainly due to the policy-wall BS as it makes the entire site unsable.

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I'm very much looking forward to depictions of the "politically incorrect" circuit topologies for efficient DC-DC conversions...



I always build politically incorrect joule-thieves.

Diodes can be very political incorrect. Every relay is build with a 'snubber' diode that basically shorts out all the energy that the relay will release on collapse of the coil.
so every time a relay switches 100% of the released energy is just burned up in a diode.


Where else might one put the energy?

in a battery?
tricky part is that the collapsing coil is a negative peak about 10 times higher then the input voltage. But it is still the same amount of energy AFTER being used to switch the relay.

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