Ghislaine Maxwell's TerraMar self proclaimed org and how it ties into the Fish and 14 in the John Podesta photos. Is citizenship in another Realm signaled and obtained for perpetrators easily through this method? You decide!

in #terramar3 years ago (edited)

From the World Economic Forum's website

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Now check it out,

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Specifically look at No. 14.
What does it remind you of?

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See here if not familiar,

Do you remember?

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What happened when we broke this down years ago. . .besides being censored, suspended and banned for trying to tell people the truth. . .what happened when we showed them the art the Podesta brothers collected and some telling evidence from one of the artists in their collection?

Adrenochrome Labs a Jaunt through history that pulls up some very interesting Globalist influencers to the CoFounder including Richard Branson of NEXIVM connections and ties of PM where it is located. What is the deal with the deaths on HWY of Tears?

Some of Podesta's art inside of here, scroll down to bottom 1/3.

Check this out involving the #Osiris story. Myth to many, but the gospel to the nefarious and those committed to it!

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See the above image and info inside of her and ask yourself. . .

Was THIS perhaps yet Another #GunGrab? You decide

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****Adrenochrome Labs a Jaunt through history that pulls up some very interesting Globalist influencers to the CoFounder including Richard Branson of NEXIVM connections and ties of PM where it is located. What is the deal with the deaths on HWY of Tears?**

Some of Podesta's art inside of here,

John Podesta touring in New Zealand days before shooting after praising Prime Minister and calling them a 'Juicy Target!'

Now all of these Elitists, Globalists and Politicians dedicated to this way of thinking Know each other and are tied in and connected.

What am I talking about?
Take for instance #GhislaineMaxwell and the fact that we are all well aware [even some of the normies will admit this next one] #EpsteinDidntKillHimself

With that in mind, think of how often they signal the water and how it can be utilized as another realm or claim for citizenship.

Check it out. . .

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Do you remember when I worked on the #GhislaineMaxwell case and told you the day Epstein was taken into custody and it was being exposed that ABC had shelved a key interview from Virginia Roberts Guiffre. . .Ghislaine's virtue signaling, money funneling org was Said to be taken down.


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They are Claiming this also...

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More interesting info. . .

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Just noting this is interesting is all.

They are claiming here it was dissolved in the UK

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As we have been trying to show civilians. . .the awake are Well aware,

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Wow. . .$1 billion from Ted Turner's "charities." Do you find that and the following Globalists interesting?

The Board of Directors of the TerraMar Project (US) included former Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships (UNOP) Amir Dossal – who handles $1 billion in the form of a grant from Ted Turner for charities, media executive Steven Haft, and Ariadne Calvo-Platero, daughter of the peer Lord Beaumont of Whitley, Maxwell’s best friend from Oxford.

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On the wikipedia page showing her org NOTE what else it states to see. . .What I OPENED with #SustainableDevelopmentGoals

Remember. . .the World Economic Forum is simply a leg under the UN just as these corporations are conglomerates. . .so is the UN.

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Never forget Who Wrote materials for the UN and her org which used to be called Lucifer Trust Before it was changed to Lucis. . .#Alice Bailey.

See here if not already familiar,
Alice and Foster Bailey start in Krotona or Hollywood Hills. Alice came from a Christian family but was visited by a stranger. The Lucifer Trust

And I don't have to tell you all the seediness and programming that is in that place named from the Wood of the Holly Tree! Been doing reports on it for years and many of us saw and were observers/recipients of their programming as children.

For the UN see evidence here as to where they are headed and Never, Ever forget how Mama Gates got her start and her son's foot in the door when she met John Opel of IBM working in the banking industry and on charities together. Their history is in the Eugenics movement.


Fully sourced,

And THIS exists which I went over in a report with vetted info on my YouTube channel where they allowed predators to hassle and threaten, but would censor and strike me even though I never cursed or threw hate back at the haters, nor did I use language as they all did. [I know, you all get it, we all interact in an Unfair, upside down realm, it's a given by now]. Okay so. . .I showed my viewers and those helping work the case this

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Which is Quite Interesting right?

How it all connects!



#TerraMar, #GhislianeMaxwell, #EpsteinDidntKillHimself, #Epstein, #JeffreyEpstein, #Submarines, #StThomasIsland, #SubmarineBase, #GhislaineMaxwellSubmarineLicense, #VirginiaRoberts, #VirginiaRobertsGuiffre, #JohnPodesta, #PodestaArt, #NewZealandShooting, #Pedogate

Sources and Connecting Articles

Are we About to see Bible Prophecy Unfold? Does the Vatican fit criterion from a prophecy? Who and what is the Empire City and are We Under it's Rule?

The Four Horseman of Banking and how the Federal Reserve was set up and is controlled by a Private Banking Elite and not the government!

Have you seen the Pit of Vipers at the Vatican? Has Anyone Else noticed there seems to be something incredibly wrong here?

Have you willingly given away your rights, your consent to a government operating under a false pretense? The truth about the law of the land!

Nothing They Do Can Stop What Is Coming! What is the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators? Have they been running their own Agenda and schemes under the noses of We the People? Booz Allen Hamilton where Ware's Predecessor worked!

What is the atmosphere or should we say the Spirit of the country? Attempted election fraud, unrest fomented United States? Spirits they say are summoned. Are we fighting against Darkness, Spirits of Wickedness like God said?

Who is working with President Trump? How we know "We have it all" is real? How about that photo with the Pope and Trump. Yikes for the pope!

What's in a Trump all it encompasses. How it has connections to the Battle Hymn of the Republic played for Independence Day 2019 and a very Historical Inauguration

Adrenochrome Labs a Jaunt through history that pulls up some very interesting Globalist influencers to the CoFounder including Richard Branson of NEXIVM connections and ties of PM where it is located. What is the deal with the deaths on HWY of Tears?

Some of Podesta's art inside of here,

More Evidence and testimony of Virginia Roberts Giuffre involving Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's child sex abuse and trafficking

Jeffrey Epstein found semi conscious, possible markings on neck and others report his face was blue. Suicide Watch?

Inmate of Epstein had illicit phone in cell who is an Ex-cop, Nick Tartaglione. Charged with killing 4 men in a drug deal. Horrific smell gave his crimes away from burial on his land.


Epstein's Girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, her father's connections, the Terra Mar Project, Rachel Chandler, Milk Studios and the Pedophile Normalizing agenda

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