What they don’t know about us…10 random facts

in #tenrandomthings6 years ago (edited)


Hello dear Steemians, we have decided to join this challenge and bring 10 unknown facts from our lives. Some of them we`ll write together, but some separate. Big thanks to @mrprofessor for inviting us! This is such a great opportunity to get to know each other.

Monika's answers will be shown under letter M and Daniel's answers under D. Are you ready to have some fun? Of course, you are! Let`s begin! 😊

Ohohoh…not that fast! You need to hold on for a second, let us answer a bonus question first:

What would you do with an Invisibility Cloak?

M: I will sneak to gigs and jump on the scene to giggle artists 😊

D: Hmm… that's not so easy to answer. There are so many things I could do with such a great item. For example, I could go with Monika to gigs or I could help my football team to score some magical goals or I could give little gifts to kids and observe their reactions. I could scare people I don't like – buahaha! - <devil's laugh>. For sure I won't get bored with it.

#1 Internet connected us

M & D: We're Poles, but we met in the United Kingdom through one of the Polish dating websites. After two weeks of chatting on what's app we went for a veeeeery long first date in Oxford. We hang out from 1 pm till 5 am next day, chatting and drinking wine. After that, each of us caught own bus, because we lived in different cities. And that's how this story began. :)

#2 Interesting fact about us:

M: I, my father and his father (my granddad) are born the same day, which is 7th August. The funny thing is that my mom was born on 7th September, exactly one month later. This can`t be an accident, isn't? ;)

D: I spent 10 of my 29 years of life within Polish Scouts Organization (called Zwiazek Harcerstwa Polskiego - ZHP).


#3 Tattoos

M: I have a few tattoos, but one I'm most proud of is the biggest one. It was made as a tribute to The White Stripes, one of my beloved bands.

M with goat.jpg

D: I have only one, so far. This's a Moroccan necklace, which I bought after prolonged negotiations. The Sahrawi people used to use it to navigate through Sahara, looking through it at the stars. It took me almost 4 hours to convince shopkeeper to sell it for the price I wanted. We were drinking, smoking hashish and finally, I paid 5 euro, one shirt and a half bag of yerba mate. The best deal of my life 😊

#4 One-way ticket

We always dreamed about great adventure, but never had a chance to realize it before. Less than a year after our first date, we booked one-way tickets to Mexico. Since January we have been to following countries: Mexico, Cuba, Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Right now, we`re living on a farm in Costa Rica until December. Pura Vida! 😊

#5 Music

Our biggest love is the music itself, no matter genre. There's only one exception which we can`t handle - popular and commercial sh!t. We like to discover new artists and genres. Sometimes we smoke weed and listen psychedelic albums, which move our souls out of the bodies. Sometimes during sunny morning, we love to listen that kind of space stuff, check it out:

#6 Chronic diseases

M: My pancreas hurts… Seriously, I have pancreas like 60 year old alcoholic, but I'm 29 only. Everything began when I was 6 years old. After 4 visits in hospitals, millions of diagnoses, finally, doctors admitted that might be a genetic disease. So, cheers guys!

D: I think, that I might be the only person on this planet, but for sure only Pole, who don't complain. Honestly, people always grumble that something hurts them when it doesn't. They complain about lack of money, motivation, good mood etc. And here I am! Truly I don't complain at all! I've been told a few times that it must be a mental illness. If yes, there's the only disease which both of us can have it. Do you agree?

#7 Books

We can't imagine life, travels, relax without books. When we are on the road we use our Kindle, which weighs almost nothing. We keep updating our library and one day, when we settle down somewhere we'll swap Kindle to a shelf full of books.

#8 Music instruments

M: Before I left Europe, one of my hobbies was playing drums. Once a week I had private lessons where I practised and gained more skills. Once I tried to learn how to play on a guitar. Fortunately, this guitar wasn't mine and I didn't destroy it. I had no patience for this instrument and after one evening I gave up.

D: Yeah, when I was a teenager, I dreamed to play the guitar. Many of my friends did play and at that time I was a very active scout. One day I borrowed a guitar, download some easy chords and was practising and practising and practising. No results came. After a month or so I gave up when I realized that I have no rhythm. Literally, I don't hear the baseline in songs, I can't clap in the rhythm, anything at all. It sounds funny, but when I was 15 I felt ashamed. Now, when everyone knows that, Im the star at the parties. Theres always someone who doesn't believe me and I need to prove to him that 😊

#9 Foreign languages

M: I speak Polish (yeah, so difficult, there are slightly more than 40mln people around the world who can speak it 😊), English and some German words. In the past, I studied th Hungarian language, because I was so fascinated in their culture. During university times, I signed up even to Esperanto lessons. During registration, I was told that in the near future might be possible to get an opportunity to be a volunteer on some music festivals around the world. At the end, it turned out to be an empty promise.

D: Hmm…My Polish is quite ok 😉 English - can't complain about it. I'm still learning and practising Spanish.
When I was 7, my mom sent me to an English school in our town. Since that time, I always had something to do with it. Video games, movies, songs, everything in English. Finally, I hitchhiked across Europe, so got a chance to check my skills in practice. When I moved to the UK, I realized that I don't know English at all, maybe because of their funny accent, but finally I reached a level which satisfies me.

Then I flew to South America for 2 months and heard Spanish, in which I fell in love. A year later I was attending Spanish classes in London, where I lived. Now, since January I improved it a lot, but still I'm not satisfied.

#10 Superpowers

M: My top power is useless knowledge. I know what celebrities are doing when music bands were formed or albums released. We can talk about underground art, movies and music industry. I can guess a song after 3 first seconds. My representative song on karaoke is The Beatles – Twist and shout.

Besides that I'm good at cooking something from nothing. Literally, open your fridge and I will cook you a dinner.

Also, I have been told that I have a unique taste in fashion, movies and music.

D: I can fall asleep anywhere, even standing in a bus. No kidding, when I was 16, on a way to high school I fell asleep standing straight 😊

I'm the master of losing things. Believe me or not, I have lost a 0.5l bottle of iodine, electric shaving machine, t-shirt and hat. This list could be even longer, but Monika saved some of my stuff before got lost.

Likewise, we share one unique superpower! We packed our lives into 2 backpacks, who can do this as well?


In Ecuador

Here's our bonus questions for our nominees:

If you could move back in time, who you'd like to meet with?

Wooohooo so that's basically it. Hope you'll get to know us a little bit more and you had some fun reading it.

Great initiative and now we would like to nominate some other people: @gfeoli, @the.foodini with his love @see-it-feel-it and @saunter. Get yourself a coffee, tea or whatever and we are waiting for your posts 😊

Thanks for being with us,



Daniel, your gift of no complaining must be so precious! 💪 Packing in two backpacks... It sounds so familiar to me. ;)

You're so nice, guys! :) And now I have the proof that M. carries the bag all the time :)
I can agree with @see-it-feel-it: no complaining - it's a great gift! :)

AHaha, awesome! I guess most of my commentary was made live on Discord while reading.

Btw, great deal with the yerba mate, as a good south american I'll starti packing it more often just in case \o\

it's a hard question you made right there, who to meet in the past, the list is so huge. I imagine if we went back in the past and changed some historical disasters, what consequenses it would make today.

The idea of this question was rather to get know who you'd like to meet to talk, like an actor or band. We'd love to see a gig of "The Doors". The present would remain unchanged.

Oh yeah Doors definately, I would love to see Cream live with Clapton in his peak.

We're practically neighbors! We're in Panama! Bocas del Toro specifically. You should check out our blog and hop over for a visit if you're in the area. We love meeting new people and are pretty far out from the tourist traps.

We have been to Panama already and we skip Bocas, was to mainstream for us :) you can hop to our farm, we offer airbnb rooms :)

Aww.. thanks! We live very far from all that tourist garbage.. and totally know what you mean. If we traveled, which we don't, we'd totally take you up on the offer! Enjoy the rest of your journey.. wherever it may lead you two!

Thanks! We will stay here till December, so maybe you'll decide to move, to se beautiful Alajuela province :) all the best!

Uuu, mi ne sciis ke vi parolas esperanton Monika :) Kiel surprizo!

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