10 Random Things You Probably Don't Know About Me with spare factoids to create a Bakers Dozen
Things you can't unsee. Things you might not even want to see. Things that are only written for the few who want to know. Perhaps it is written only for the one. Basically, this is where I confirm for you that I'm officially crazy by almost any standard you choose.
How does a person become certifiable crazy? For me it started with understanding what is happening to our food chain.
Once a person wanting to improve their health starts to explore the food chain, how food is produced, processed, and marketed, there is no end to the unraveling between food and health. Personally, I cried for three months.
And then ... I began to question everything! Yes. I questioned God.
God, why is this? God, why is that?
In due time and in precise order, answers began arriving in the strangest ways. A chance encounter. An overheard conversation. A YouTube showing up in my suggestions list for no reason that I could readily discern. A book wedged into my consciousness. An argument. Someone just showing up in my life and saying, "You need to understand this that or the other."
I must confess. I'm really bad at picking up on clues AND accepting data. Most of the time I got angry at and / or very suspicious of the person providing the answer.
Accepting answers to questions usually requires changes. I deeply resent change.
In some cases, I had to let certain conflicting ideas just ride around in my head. They just were there. In conflict. It's a weird feeling.
I want logic! I want logic now! If this is true, then that has be be diametrically oppositional, opposite and false. Evidently deprogramming, and perhaps life, doesn't work that way.
Answers to deep questions do not arrive in a tidy packet on the doorstep. I learned to stop running around looking for that perfect packet of ideas and answers and truths with an easy to accept label.
So. In the long run, it turns out that the easiest label to accept is "Crazy." Let's get to the proof.
All that said. When it comes down to the bottom line, I have to agree with Paul.
... God must be true, even if everyone is a liar ... (Romans 3:4)
Whenever I see clearly that what Yehovah (God) says in his own words, in his own message, in the Bible is in conflict with everyone else; everyone else is ignored.
I do not "Leave logic at the door in order to believe/study religion."
Technically, my faith and my relationship with the Creator of the universe is not a religion. Religions tell a person what to study and how to study it and THEN what to believe about what they've studied. I'm starting to check off "none" in the religion lists.
I am not Christian. I am not Jewish. Both should find me dismiss-able, at least. Intriguing at most.
I see the Torah as the contract that it is. I also follow Torah as much as is possible considering there is not a standing temple of Yehovah (God) and I don't live in an Israel that follows Torah.
I also break the contract repeatedly. Because I break the contract, which is a "blood-pact", I am doomed -- except Jesus.
I believe in the redeeming work of Jesus. My penalty for breaking the contract with Yehovah is death. The contract is a multi-generational contract entered into with the solemnity of a "blood pact." The end of a "blood pact" is death. The debt I owe for breaking the contract is the end of my life.
Except Jesus.
Jesus stepped in. He professed his love and paid the penalty by giving his own life in place of mine. Because He redeemed my life, saved it, I have an opportunity to repent and change my ways and commit again to the contract. I have an astounding responsibility, heartbreaking obligation, humbling opportunity to again step back into the blessings promised to those who follow the covenant with Yehovah. He is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in goodness and truth.
I do not follow the Rabbinical Teachings aka Talmud.
I do not keep any Christian holidays (nope not even Christmas and Easter).
I do celebrate the Feasts of Yehovah (celebration vs "keeping" because, no temple). (Exodus 23:12-19)
I do not believe in the Trinity. I do believe in Yehovah, Jesus, and the Spirit of Truth and their respective roles as independent entities. Only two of the three are deity.
I have been in recent, lengthy conversations with a few people who study/follow the Koran and Muslim beliefs.
It has been exceedingly informational for both sides. It drives home the fact that unless we stop and listen to each other deeply, we will never understand each other.
It's also true that understanding each other's views and beliefs changes both everything and nothing.
Let me demonstrate the change of everything and nothing with a different topic altogether:
Below is a meme that is suppose to capture how "flat earth-ers" view earth in relation to the other planets, sun, moon, stars. (I just noticed that whoever made this meme doesn't understand the taught, provable facts of the sun's function in food and life sustenance. hmm.) But ...
Most flat-earther's see the earth in relation to the rest of the universe like one of the following depending on religion or culture. I couldn't find the atheist version, maybe they just take the religion labels off. Yes. There are atheists who entertain the earth is flat.
There are better images and more flat maps etc here
The images help you understand two different perspectives.
The images completely explain one misconception that people who believe the earth is round have about how "flat earthers" understand the planets' relationship to the earth.
BUT this is just one point in the entire conversation. The two images do not change anyone's over-arching belief concerning the shape of the earth.
All the same, the next time you speak with someone who is considering the flat earth concept, you'll know not to bring up an irrelevant point that causes them to just look at you sideways and prevents getting to more relevant points.
Moving away misconceptions about beliefs allows for the possibility of discussing the real beliefs.
I find the flat earth discussions incredibly intriguing
I find them so logically intriguing that some would actually call me a "Flat Earther." They might be correct. (All I know for sure is that the next fact about me explains how the door was opened to this topic, for me.)
I would say that the observation in the following quote sums up precisely what most surprised me about flat earthers.
Yes, flat earthers do seem to place a lot of emphasis and priority on scientific methods and, in particular, on observable facts. The weekend in no small part revolved around discussing and debating science, with lots of time spent running, planning, and reporting on the latest set of flat earth experiments and models. Indeed, as one presenter noted early on, flat earthers try to “look for multiple, verifiable evidence” and advised attendees to “always do your own research and accept you might be wrong. ~~ From I watched an entire Flat Earth Convention for my research – here’s what I learnt by Harry T. Dyer of The University of East Anglia
The Flat Earth topic has been hugely interesting and brain cracking.
Let me crack your brain open with some bits of info that I had no clue about. Stuff that you can research on your own.
Technically, space is theory. Entirely theory.
Three examples: Gravity, Earth centric vs Sun centric rotation of the planets, and the consistency and types of light emitted by the stars. You go do the research. Oh, and while you're at it, Dark Matter, too.
All of these are up for debate in the "official" scientific world -- far and away from the "amateur" debate about flat earth.
Well and there's two more facts: Almost everything we see from NASA is computer generated images aka some dude being artistic by the numbers. They are less and less forthcoming with this fact as the years roll by. It use to be super clearly stated.
AND ... Well we'll save his and for some other time. I'm sure you're already reeling.
If you want some scientific brain puzzlers, FEIC 2018 Questions sent to a physicist
Oh and don't go to the Flat Earth Society. Nobody condsiders that "society" a credible source.
I love exploring the Hebrew and Greek behind the English Translations of the Bible.
I am also learning to compare it to the Ancient Hebrew.
No. I don't know these languages but, in today's world, that's no excuse for choosing to be uneducated about the constructs and definitions of words in any language.
To do this properly, a person does have to pay attention to the word construction. Example: Prefixes and Suffixes do matter and many dictionaries only discuss the root of the word.
There's no reason to push the word to fit a theology or religion. Let the word mean what it means.
A prime example of the impact of seeing and understanding the languages is how the actual name of God, Yehovah, has been hidden almost 7000 times in the Old Testament alone. Reading the Bible using the actual name of God instead of a title, "The Lord," causes subtle perspective changes that result in astounding realizations. I think this is one reason it freaks people out so much to consider using the name of God.
And it shall be that whosoever shall call upon the name of Yehovah shall be saved... (Joel 2:32)
A secondary consequence is that looking at the definitions behind the words (along with the sequencing of the creation account in Genesis) reveals serious problems with the tales told by NASA and Scientism.
I would say this probably brings me to this next fact ...
I do not have it in me to grasp the illogical path of people who design theories to explain away a creator by constructing theories that are so complex and unsolvable that they can only prove a creator.
I'll leave it up to you to ponder that one.
I'm not going to keep a secret for your success to myself just because you haven't asked me for the secret.
If I have information that can save you from repeating any mistake I've made or can turn you toward any help that is relevant for you, I'm going to tell you.
I'm not going to wait for you to be humble enough to come ask me. I'm not going to assume you're unable to assimilate useful information. I'm not going to hold back because you might be on a "different level." I'm not going to assume someone else closer to you will tell you. I'm not going to be afraid of you thinking I'm being a busy body.
I believe that if it becomes apparent that I know something you need to know, it's because we've been put in front of each other -- possibly for that one and only reason and opportunity.
That said, if I bring information and get my hand slapped, well such is the end, my friend.
I am often astounded by exactly how uninformed people are in this day and age of information.
Basically I forget that I've had the privilege to opt-out of the mind-numbing grind of day to day demands placed on students and income producers. I forget that exhaustion drives one toward numbness and a strong desire to avoid knowing.
Still it is show stopping, like throwing a wrench in the gears, to have a young lady in her 20's ask me what the "organic" and "non-GMO" labels mean.
Or to have someone say, "Caravan coming toward the US? I thought that was in Europe."
I am struggling to accept that I have a chronic disease that requires my utmost attention.
I'm not use to paying attention to my health much at all. I've basically been explaining my condition as "allergic to everything." I have Histamine Intolerance Issues of some type.
Basically, my mast cells are under attack. There are many options for the attack plan. The latest I've read about is surplus estrogen gumming up the doors of the cell and so it leaks out huge levels of histamine. Evidently, Estrogen that is naturally obtained from body function and foods is more easily dealt with by the body. Synthetic estrogen from medications and plastics are evidently mystery meat to the cells. Go figure. But estrogen is just one aggravation for the mast cells.
After reading around, I'm choosing to try to skip all the medical doc's explores because I don't like medical docs. I don't want in that system. On top of that, an exact diagnosis would be very difficult to pin down.
It's really going to come down to food selection, nutrition, and exercise. And avoiding food in plastic containers. And avoiding the animals that are Earth's garbage disposals and the Ocean's filters. And there's about 100 other things I need to do to get to optimal health.
Pretty much my best path in the food department is just trial and response. Certain foods have histamines. Some foods trigger histamines by hording mold and mildews. Those are pretty much entirely off the list right now. The process is entirely exhausting.
Grains are cursed 3 times over (ask me some time, I'll explain the curses) and so far they have all proven they don't mind sharing the curses with me.
It may make some of you insane but I've thought about using blogging as an accountability tool. The thing is, on bad days, it's going to look like:
Hello. This is a bad day. I found out that I cannot eat peanut butter 3 days in a row. Peanut butter is now off my list. Nighty night.
I haven't forgotten about the other series I started. Peace in the Spaceship
A whole bunch of stuff happened all at once -- including but not limited to Feast of Tabernacles, husband's vacation, fun and games with the peanuts ... and ... evidently I forgot to stop questioning God because more info arrived just the other day, in the usual way (described way up in the intro). So it's on my ToDo List to re-evaluate some of my thoughts. Some thoughts are being completely re-evaluated.
When I am discouraged about society, I binge watch #WalkAway videos.
I have a cat that has had a chiropractic adjustment by my chiropractor.
Yes. It helped! I'll tell about it for some Caturday someday
I have a new rescue kitten.
Also a Caturday Story. I'm still hoping for a happy ending. Right now he's very afraid and still won't come to us. But when I sit on the front porch, he'll sit on his front porch. The box behind him (not really visible) is his/ her home and the blanket is indoor/ outdoor carpeting.
The kitten has been been named by my husband. "Ha Kitten." No. Not Ha as in HaHaHa. Ha as in the transliteration of "the" from Hebrew. If someone knows "The Critter" in Hebrew and it's English transliteration, feel free to drop it on me.
If I could tell you anything at all that I would want you to remember forever, it would be this:
Confidence comes from knowing that Father Yehovah is waiting for those who follow His instructions to ask for provision and He is waiting to provide in ways that cannot be imagined.
Inner Peace comes with the anticipation of Yehovah's provision.
Joy comes when praise is lifted up to Yehovah expressing appreciation for His faithfulness to provide in your life. Starting with appreciation for allowing Jesus to take my place, keeps perspective.
But always bear in mind, we are disobedient people in a wicked world. Brace yourself.
A Side Note: Have you ever wondered why the modern song Hallelu'iah and the Hallelu'iah chorus move people's emotions? The power behind Hallelu'iah is that it is the English transliteration of "praise to Yah." (Yah being the short of Yehovah. Yes. Much easier to say.) It is spelled iah because ... insert language history lesson ...
So. All this was foisted on you by @macchiata because she tagged me to do it.
This challenge was initiated by @twodorks, you can find further information here :
https://steemit.com/esteem/@twodorks/10-random-things-d9251110d8e6f The tag is #tenrandomthings
I'm nearly completely out of touch with everybody, but there's some from way back and there's some people who have no idea a crazy person follows them around, let's see how many show up ;-) I'm tagging the following whom I miss because it's been way too long! or would like to know better: @snooway, @jeanwandimi, @alimamasstory, @happycrazycon, @enjar, @hlezama, @barbara-orenya, @mobi72, @allyinspirit, @vincy, @agneslaczo, @hebrewhousewife
To quote @macchiata
All you have to do is write 10 random things about you. That way, I will get to know yourself a little more better.
And she's right. I did get to know myself a little better. This is the first time I have come close to being able to describe my beliefs. I've also not recently sat down and made a list of things I'm doing / studying. I didn't realize I had my fingers in so many "pies" and you have no idea how much I've left out. So. I can vouch. It's a good idea.
It's also ok if you only make a list and not a hefty document. Seriously, feel free to do simple! Randomly list your 10 favorite dogs, days, drinks, domes ... some such.
NOOooo You don't have to go all spiritual, philosophical, deep end. This just fell off my fingers mainly because @macchiata and I kind of know each other so coming up with something intriguing for her was a little more challenging. Although she does know about Ha Kitten.
If you come across this, and want to do the challenge, Please do it! Leave a note in the comments.
I'm backing away from the keyboard now because the length is starting to flow off my monitor.
ok One last thing. If you have questions, please ask !! Or you can leave a note saying, "Now I understand you completely. That's Crazy!" LoL Trust me, I won't be offended.
I upvoted your post.
Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless
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It has been forever! I been super busy with the communities I’m in now. So much has happened.
I’m always suspicious of people but that become I have like 8 years of Eve Online under my belt. Been backstab by more friends then I thought I would ever. It’s such a wonderful game I have been a total of 8 months without it in my life. Hey why is it downloading on my computer? Must be nothing!
I don’t know any sane people so I don’t mind you following this crazy cat around. Most people in my life are “bat shit crazy” and I just want give them a giant hug.
I enjoy Christmas and Easter more from the consumer standpoint than anything else. What can I say I’m a sucker for cheap plastic and day old candy! Besides its nice to get in some kind of good mood for a few weeks before you lose it with every store decorating for Christmas and it is not even Halloween yet.
I’ll never understand the earth being flat. I guess that just makes me a bit duller then the average rounded light bulb out there. Perhaps one day we will have a working space elevator and we all can go up and see for our own selves. Let’s those of us who are not scared to find out the true. I have a feeling some will refuse and say the earth is flat no matter what you prove.
Coagulations on the new kitten! Looks like a huger just waiting for an opportunity to me. So cute the way siting on the box. Must be loving that soft blanket.
I am quite spread out on a few things atm. Sorry I don’t have time to make a 10 things about me. I have not been getting much sleep these days and there always something causing me to not get what I want to get down.
Been forever since I’ve come around to a few blogs. Have a wonderful weekend! I hope to not go this long without leaving you another comment. Cheers!
lol you've not been around to my blog for at least 4 weeks because it's actually been 4 weeks since I last wrote!
If there's one thing I learned from Second Life it is that it's safer to just let people present themselves as they want but know they are probably nothing like as they present. And don't tip your hand that you've figured them out! Just excommunicate!
Eve Online sounds like a very similar atmosphere. And just as addictive. I've recently toyed with the idea of logging one of my alts in to SL just to see what I see. But updates. downloads, completely out of style avi ... too much to deal. I think.
Crazies are the most interesting friends. Always.
I have no clue how we're going to lure him, trap him into being tame. We have two females that we completely failed to socialize as kittens and ... well they tolerate us. Their mother follows me around like a shadow. They are all 3 in a pissy mood about the kitten and the weather change. We also have a tomcat that shows up every Friday night like clockwork. He's gone from mild mannered to grumpy, too. He was so rude tonight, I was ready to hand my husband the shotgun. Fortunately Mr. Tomcat is still intimidated by my growls. He calmed down, ate, and took off for the barn toot-sweet.
Hmmm, I think a mouse has also decided to enter the house to escape the cold. Cats are on the prowl in the back room. Oh yeah. The cats are all prepared to tear the house down to get out of the cold.
Yeah that Flat Earth is a really difficult idea. Almost as hard as we didn't really go to the moon. Well almost as hard to believe as, "Once upon a time we sent a tin can space ship through the Van Allen Radiation Belt but then we lost the technology to be able to do that so we're trying to figure it out again because, Mars; and then we lost all the footage for all of the Apollo missions." I dunno.
Nice to hear from you :-)
Oh I didn’t realise you tagged me here till now ! I had just made mine about an hour ago ;)
I’m slowly reading all yours
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Hey! well I don't think my tag on you has been in place for more than a few hours! I'm glad to know you've done one. I'll be round to read after I sleep. We've stayed up very late!
That is true. I think it's because people are not accustomed to ask beyond their daily life. One of my mission in life is to make people question their actions and consistently asking " why?".
Thank you for participating :) there are many things I learn from you and very intriguing!
LoL I totally see you doing that!
I'm glad you enjoyed your Saturday read. Thanks for tagging me.
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