Exclusive interview with Yan Dranovskiy "Tennis is open to all!"

in #tennis9 years ago

More recently, under the promotion of tennis in a spa town started action "We are looking for talent" - now every child can try yourself as a tennis player is absolutely free! More details about the new action the director of the tennis center "New Star"

Yan Dranovskiy. "City": Today the "New Star" - fairly well-known in Anapa tennis center, where amateurs and professionals of all ages come. Tell us about your new project "We are looking for talent."

Yan: There is perhaps more appropriate to speak not about the action, and an invitation to the world of tennis, because we are always looking for new people. With regard to this project, it is, of course, more precisely directed to the youngest, to children aged 4 - 7 years. Our goal - to find a new and promising athletes, and in this age group is certainly a lot more chances than adults. For children 14 and older, we prepare an individual program, in addition, we offer to rent courts and even without a coach service. "City": you invite children to free training and education. How are classes? And what you can offer really talented guys?

Yan: First of all, it's completely free opportunity to recognize the suitability of the sport specific child. The first two weeks of the guys can go, to try, to learn the basics of tennis, learn to work with a coach and as a group. Then, when the parents and the child is determined, the classes become professional bias, and here begins a more serious preparation. Each child is different, and if it has the potential, of course, we are interested in its development. Our children who are engaged in more than one year, are regular participants of the various - including the all-Russian tournaments. "City": You have athletes who show enough good results in competitions and championships. And from what they started, and how evolved their athletic career at the Centre?

Yan: We receive children of different ages and with different goals. If the baby started to learn tennis at age 4, of course, the first competition he will be only a few years, because it is not physically able to compete on the court. But, on the other hand, he has left these few years, thanks to which he can perfectly feel the ball and the racket, which is not quite possible to those who came later in life. The guys who started his sports path we are part of the hundred best players in Russia, many of them left izAnapy to continue career in tennis. I can say with full confidence that our training is not just strong, but really professional! "City": Recently, Anapa increasingly takes various sports tournaments high level. Will there be similar competitions in tennis, namely: regional, regional and perhaps national scale?

Yan: Tournaments are held constant, and soon, we plan to organize something quite serious, but talking about it is still too early, because it is still in development. We do a lot of emphasis on the project "We are looking for talents", and all our efforts are aimed at its successful implementation. "City": Your center works in Anapa is not the first year. What you have achieved during this time, and what are your plans for the near future?

Yan: As an organization we are working 6 years, but the birth of the Centre started much earlier, and it turns out that a total of "New Star" has operated for 10 years. We have a very serious approach to training athletes, we can boast of professional trainers and, as a result, successful pupils. In order to improve our work, we are always ready to cooperate, and I'm on his own behalf and behalf of the organization would like to thank the partners, with whom we are going forward We have plans to base expansion - respectively, and the coaching staff, and the number of pupils, so I want to say to the people and guests of our city-resort "tennis world is open to all. Welcome!"

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