👽#Tengri137 Part 8: MES Cheating?? Calculations By Hand (DTube)
UPDATE: Typo at 15:25. Prime Factors of 30 = 5x3x2 NOT 15x5x3x2
In this video I look further into the Tengri 137 cryptic series of alien math puzzles, and this time revisit the calculation of the Tengri “Name” that covered in Part 7. In a bizarre twist, the popular YouTuber Defango did a hit-piece on me claiming that I was “cheating” by using online “tools” and “calculators”, particularly the #AMAZING Wolfram Alpha calculator…. This is particularly strange because it was only after Part 7 in which I was accused of “cheating”, even AFTER Tengri already gave me a thank you message, even though they knew that I had been using Spreadsheet programs to help solve their puzzles…. This obviously raises many questions.
Regardless of the questions raised, in this video I work through almost the entirety of the Tengri 137 Name calculation BY HAND to show how it is simply playing with patterns of repeating digits in fractions and numbers. I like to call this the divide by “9s” trick!
But the only problem of doing this by hand is that we obtain a road block, namely the last part of the puzzle which requires using Prime Number Factorization of VERY large numbers, namely a 44 digit number I call the Tengri Number, T, and a 46 digit number consisting of all 9s. The problem with this is that is it (near) IMPOSSIBLE to solve this by hand (without luckily guessing), and in fact many online prime factorization calculators can’t even perform over 10 to 15 digit prime factorizations!!! Luckily the amazing Wolfram Alpha calculator can do much larger digits!
Thus the only part of the calculation that I had to rely on a “tool” was the incredibly hard large prime factorization operations. Now here is where I give a counter-challenge to Tengri 137… If Defango is right that we aren’t allowed to use “tools” to solve these puzzles, than how do they expect us to solve the prime factorization calculations by hand?? I challenge them, or anyone for that matter, to show how that is possible, because that type of knowledge might just break the internet….
I may look into further #Tengri137 puzzles because they are very cool, so stay tuned for what I discover!
Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhu9vwn5VlJcLABipPw
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In Part 8, I show how to calculate #Tengri137’s name by hand…. until I hit a brick wall of large number prime factorization… #Cicada3301
UPDATE: Typo at 15:25. Prime Factors of 30 = 5x3x2 NOT 15x5x3x2
View Video Notes on Steemit: https://steemit.com/tengri137/@mes/video-notes-tengri137-part-8-mes-cheating-calculations-by-hand
Good job @mes. I like your video
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