One supposed to give 10% of their masculin left brain awareness within five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to the divine feminine right side of the brain which controls 90% of otherwise dormant brain cells thus unlocking full brain capacity with additional two senses of intuition and telepathy through unity of lower animal (beast) brain, the middle (left) man brain and the higher (right) divine brain.
How? By abstaining from sex, toxic food and people, alchohol and drugs, specially when the Moon is in your Sun sign. This is because the Christ oil is being deposited into your solar chakra during that time aka the so called Bethlehem which is Hebrew for the House of Bread aka the ancient reference to the Virgo constellation. Therefore the tithings of 10% is reference to the process of attainment of inner harmony within the three layers of brain (central core, left and right hemispheres) thus making whole that which was fragmented as one becomes enlightened in unity with the Christ Consciousness of the Absolute Source of all existence.
Adam Kadmon: the original (androgynous) man; Adam (divine masculine) & Lilith (divine feminine), male & female in the image of God. Genesis 1:27
Men & Woman: Adam (red (edom) clay/earth (adamu), flesh, blood (dam)) & Eve, Hebrew Hava, (life, from Sumerian NinTi means She is of Life also a pun She is of Rib). Wikipedia: "In Genesis 2:18–22, the woman is created to be ezer ki-negdo, a term that is notably difficult to translate, to the man. Ki-negdo means "alongside, opposite, a counterpart to him", and ezer means active intervention on behalf of the other person. The woman is called ishah, woman, with an explanation that this is because she was taken from ish, meaning "man"; the two words are not in fact connected. Later, after the story of the Garden is complete, she will be given a name, Ḥawwāh (Eve). This means "living" in Hebrew, from a root that can also mean "snake". A long-standing exegetical tradition holds that the use of a rib from man's side emphasizes that both man and woman have equal dignity, for woman was created from the same material as man, shaped and given life by the same processes. In fact, the word traditionally translated "rib" in English can also mean side, chamber, or beam. Rib is a pun in Sumerian, as the word "ti" means both "rib" and "life"."
Their three sons can be interpreted as; Cain (ego mind, animal brain), Abel (brain, the left hemisphere of masculine 10%), Seth (awareness, the right hemisphere of feminine 90%). Thus when Cain kills Abel then the attainment of Christ Consciousness is impossible in life while in death Abel becomes the archetype of Osiris, god of the dead, life, death and resurrection. Their three daughters Awan, Azura, Aclima are the divine feminine aspects of the same archetypes.
The so called ascension of human soul from fallen state of being mere animal dealing with survival and procreation as part of a tribe or a pack/colony, to then become an individual with self awareness as I am That I am, to then attain Christ Consciousness of the Absolute and ascension to the divine unity, so that the soul could rest in peace after death without the need to return for another reincarnation in order to finish their assembly which is eclesiasis in Greek meaning the Church, which is the assembly of the mind body spirit and soul as one in unity with the Creator aka the Absolute or the Source. The often omitted eighth Hermetic principle is Generative principle which states that everything originates from and returns to the Source.
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