Mrožek+Coals=Poland 2

in #tematydne6 years ago

English version below

Keď som postla predchádzajúci článok, hneď som si uvedomila, že by som k Poľsku rada napísala viac..
Tak teda druhá vec, čo mi napadne, keď sa povie Poľsko: Umenie.

K poľskému umeniu by som sa mohla rozpisovať veeeľmi dlho. Od Chopina až po Pianistu. Chcem ale len vypichnúť dve nie-až-tak-veľmi známe veci.

Podobne ako @godfish, aj ja spomeniem knižku. Slawomir Mrožek – Opica a generál. Na tejto knižke som sa naozaj smiala. Dlho. Napriek tomu, že niektoré poviedky boli skôr ponuré, všetky boli podané s neuveriteľnou grotesknosťou a ľahkosťou. Predstavte si to najabsurdnejšie, s čím sa za 50 rokov autor stretol pretavené do rozprávkovo-poviedkovej podoby. A to je Opica a generál.


The XX. K nim často prirovnávajú Coals, mladučkú Poľskú kapelu, do ktorej som sa na tejto Pohode zamilovala. A ich hudba skutočne stojí za to. Neviem, čo viac povedať. Ak chcete počuť niečo, čo bude čoskoro slávne, proste si to pustite toto :D

Ďakujem za prečítanie,
Zuzana :)

English version

This is my contribution to the weekly topic (Poland), organised among Czech community.
Right after posting my previous article, I realised travelling’s not the only thing I’d like to write about. So, what’s the second thing I think about, when one says Poland? Art.

I could write a looong looong article about Polish art. From Chopin to Pianist. But here, I just want to mention two not-that-famous things.

Just like @godfish, I'd like to write about a book. Slawomir Mrožek – The Monkey and the General. (I think it’s known as “The Elephant and other stories“ in English :D ). I laughed hard when I read (and re-read) this book. Despite the fact that some of the short stories in this book were kinda gloomy, all of them were written with unbelievable lightness and grotesqueness. Imagine the most absurd things that happened to the authour during 50 years transformed into fairytale form. That’s The Elephant and other stories.


Coals are often compared to The XX. And they deserve it. I only discovered this young Polish band on this year’s Pohoda festival. And was instantly blown away by them. I don’t know what else to say. I you want to listen to something, that’s going to become famous soon, just listen to this. :D

PS: Did you ever realize Poles don’t have ‘v‘ at all? :D

Thanks for reading,
Zuzana :)


No nemame "v" nam staci jen "w";) Diky za video.. to zajimave, ze cizinka ukazuje mi polskou skupinu, to jsem neznala :)

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