launch video shows the amazing enterprise level telos Blockchain Tools from a Telos SAFE for medical industry, to telos TRACKER for Trucking and Logsitics, telos is what governments will use!
Telos is showing off all of these really cool real world applications for enterprise EOSIO blockchains like telos based on Steem's DPOS steem EOS lineage.
See all the great Telos People showing off familiar websites like ? Im so happy to see @blocktivity shown off in real life!
Here we see a very dedicated Telos Person hard at work showing off Telos Transaction speeds on Blocktivity and some Mobile applications for telos. Imagine getting to go to a real life blockchain convention and getting toi talk to people in real life, check the pulse of what people want to see. I feel there's a lot of Ethereum users and investors, who have been holding for years finally looking for something new, and now is our chance, but we must attend these conferences like telos people are! Telos people are doing SO WELL! come talk to them here ill give u 1 free tlos for showing up with an informative telos steem post ! :D )
Now we have smart contract enabled Locker boxes like the amazon locker of the future, and telos Trackers for trucks and logistics to track supplies as they move around
We have a TELOS tracker for logsitics and truckers can use it for example, or scooter companies when the box is made smaller :)
We have some incredible footage from this conference in Santa Clarita, which is where Douglas here got to be on stage on a panel with Intel, ETH Enterprise Alliance and FBI :D
AND we had some CRAZY new tech shown off, BLOCKCHAIN LOCKER BOXES. an ACTUAL SAFE controlled by the telos blockchain! this is the whole Smart Car and Hotel room door tech ethereum promised us years ago, yeah imagine trying to get into a hotel room door with an ethereum or eos smart contract...
"Sorry youve been locked out because your hotel key card is out of cpu"
Now do you see why Telos is so important ? Its the only chain that still works :D It wont get spammed like EOS has been with EIDOS. Its almost like EOS and Block one are LETTING Telos take the torch of Governance. OR EOS and brenden Blumer are just inexperienced and Telos founders have ALL the brains, which si why Dan larimer has been admitting that VOICE is going to be cross chain and is secretly hyping Telos on Twitter, and Block one is giving telos interviews etc. EOS will use Telos's governance system of worker proposals, telos foundation, elected arbitrators for lost keys etc, we can actually see it all being built on telos now.
lol crypto kitties killed that dream and EIDOS killed eos dream so TELOS is all we have left :D Steem has already been proven to "shut down" sometimes, it has issue,s telos still hasn't had a slow down crunch like eos had, we need to get to a point where people can depend on this tech for SKYGRID Boeing's Traffic control blockchain.... well.... telos is what will work for these systems, NOT eos... eos is just a test net Telos is the lower latency higher capacity affordably run blockchain for enterprise systems....
This Telos Locker box can be used at DISPENSARIES for legal CANNABIS liek @harbormmcc using @weedcash
We could even have telos Medical Blockchain systemns for delivery of precise Legal Medical Cannabis vape doses in hospitals etc
Check out and get some FREE telos tokens for showing up! YEAH just for being a steem user! and get more for making a #telos post with #telos hashtag and getting steemians into telos so we can one day have telos governance on the steem blockchain! Anyone who is resistant to building governance on steem is just foolish, this is an experiment that always required things that telos has.
We JUSt now got a worker proposal system on steem, how about we keep going and have Arbitrators, Steem FOundation and a constitution to replace a user agreement with STEEMIT INC actually becoming a decentralized company, putting their money where their mouth is, instead of @elipowell not even posting on the chain lol, I mean hey, TELOS founders and bosses post more on STEEM than the STEEM CEO does lol. By the way ned is gone, hes not part of steemit inc, didnt i tell you all this? Watch ned come to telos @ned scott was already telling Popular Steem devs to come to EOS, I bet ned would LOVE to help telos since Ned has a beef with @dan Larimer and by proxy Breeden Blumer.
Lets get ned to come promote STEEMP on telos like we are launching soon with steem-engine. ned Scott has already left steem but he can USE the steem community and lead them like Moses into a new promised land on EOSIO with Telos, using Steem and Steem Engine which is the beginning of Inter Blockchain Communication.
Ned has no reason not to come support steem engine , one last action from ned scott, ya know... if ned gave me one day I could restart the entire fucking steem blockchain , id tell him exactly what steem engine tokens to promote , how he can just make POST and get people to buy and push ENG and STEEMP to new levels, and how we could together with neds help reorganize steem with SBD becoming an SMT and steem engine tokens all becoming main net SMts for a small fee. I see Steem and telos working together in new ways never before thought possible.
Anyway i see SO many little and big applications for telos and steem is heer to integrate! we have TLOSP already on steem and its working with the gateway by @privex finally being fixed for telo (wasnt their fault it was eos's fault lol)
Come talk to us on
AND check out TELOKANDA and SOON you can use
(If anyone needs a free subdomain for their telos based project for let me know... you could have or texas etc whatever you want and ill redirect the domain to your telegram discord wordpress or whatever you need. This should save money and time and headaches for many new telos based projects that need a domain. )
https;// for more INFOOO so 1337 so w007