#Note: For the matured minds only. At the end of this post, you may love or hate me. You may block or choose to let me stay. Beware!
My twinny, Engraced Sam made a series about GOD, RELIGION, ATHEISM, MAN, PURPOSE, etcetera etcetera- using MARK ZUCKERBERG as A CASE STUDY. I'll give a total summary of this...

There's nothing that bothers me in this generation than the frogonomatic ignorasense of people. Mind is meant to be opened, but due to our logolosal paripaca, we choose to close our mind. We rather choose to put to heart what others told us and not what we really make research or spend time to know.

Can you remember that day you needed to speak to someone urgently? What was it that you did? Perhaps, you took your phone and reached the other phorotic end. But what if there were no phones? You wouldn't have reached the person. What a disaster it would have been. Maybe the person who invented that phone is/was an atheist. But that doesn't stop you from using the phone honourically. Just a phone call can save a deadly life from death. THAT'S IMPACT!

Many of us here had lots of messages we wanted to share but there was no voice. There was no medium to use. We only put our voice on our journals, even though we know no one is going to hear us- crying and dying day by day. Hey, discovering Facebook gave us this omni-feriparatic voice which automatically makes us a voice. And we are being catapulted from an introvert to a textrovert.

Today, preachers use this platform. Musicians judiciously use this golousal self hosted space. Business people know more about businesses and interact with their clients. Funny enough, if you have football skills, you can upload a video, showing your congo-hager skills. Oh my! Gradually, the world is changing.

Writers use this platform to share their almost dead messages that revive almost dead souls. Makeover artists use this platform. Even yahoo guys and scammers use this platform. What a world of choice!

We feel loved by friends and in one way or the other, express love to others we literally didn't know. We became friends, and friends turned family. Hence people conjoining together to form an unseen community in a seen one. An untouched community in a touched one. We have a sense of humanity by sharing what we know. This is just one of the impacts of brother MARK ZUCKERBERG and not all.

Mark didn't create computers, he created applications. Without the computer, he might not have created these applications too. Because the applications are on computers. And the computers helped his programming. This shows that anytime we discover our purpose and walk in it, we help another person to discover his'. The man who created computers helped Mark in creating Facebook (not directly though). So, without much pleplefrogacious thoughts, the man who created computers has impact. These people are living their purposes, and it doesn't matter if they are atheist or not.

Religion is just a means of finding God who's not lost. The ancient clamarkale understood that there's a God. So, to know this God, they decided to formulate a religion so as to worship something, thinking it was God. Everyone of them start to create religion. Now, their search of/for God still leaves them hopeless. I mean, Religion is a waste!

Knowing God doesn't and shouldn't affect our creativity as humanity working for eternity. God actually created everyone of us and we choose what to become. Without science; you wouldn't have known that we all have same brain cells, you wouldn't have known how a baby is formed, you wouldn't have known what gravity is. These things are just principles and only few people discovered these principles. The reason, only few people are termed "world changer."

Dear youths, enough of this spirikoko of a thing. Enough of these pentagolonomatic approach towards life. Enough of this colymolory mindset. You're a spirit, who has mind, and lives in body. Discover your spirit and apply it to the physical realm. This helps you make impact in your world and world of others.

To those who became atheists because of other intellects- I'm sorry, you bollically lack purpose and vision. You're just a crobonocal human. You're a shady-shader. You should think about your life and not the life of another person. You question the critical thinking of people, of which you polygamously lack. Please, check your life and come out of and off the shades.

Serving God has nothing to do with our creative mind and concept of living. Don't be a fool and don't remain a fool. A fool sees wisdom and ignores it because he lacks knowledge in understanding.
Let us rise and stand for the betterment of humanity so that we can gain people for/to eternity.

God is real. I have tasted of his mercy and grace and I can see how sweet he is. It pays to serve Christ because in him we have everlasting joy- these I know. But what about serving humanity with what God has given us- our potentials, our gifts, our abilities, our talents, our passion? You don't necessarily need to become a pastor before people know Christ. You don't need to flood your timeline with "accept Jesus Christ" before things change. The main question is, "Are you working and walking in your purpose?"

If you can't answer this, Engraced Sam and I will start a serial post about "Purpose." Be ready! (Date not chosen)

I believe in God. I believe in Humanity. I believe in Eternity. I don't believe in Religion. I am Aji john.

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