Normal Life For Most People Is Like An Episode of Black Mirror

in #television7 years ago


Wake Up at 7. Take a shower, eat in a rush and head for the car where you are going to be stuck in traffic for 1 hour. Arrive at work. Stare at a screen and take shit from people you don't like for 8 hours. Get stuck in traffic again. Arrive at home exhausted. Watch other miserable people like you in social media share their ideal self. Everyone goes to bed even more miserable. Rinse, repeat.

Black Mirror is a television show that shows how technology might affect our lives in the future. The themes of each episode are dark since people most often get trapped in their lives by technological creations. At the end of each episode, there is a sense of "holy shit" going through the brain.

If people from the early 1900's or even 1950's could see their future then our lives would be a perfect candidate for Black Mirror. Science and technology have transformed us in such ways that the human factor is becoming more and more irrelevant. We are all set of data in a massive cloud. Our identities are not ours but rather become the reflection of the projections of those around us. This has created a digital culture of codependency and false narratives that itself reinforces a sense of pointlessness and misery.

An average human being today owns a phone, a tv and a computer. We stare at screens almost on a constant rate. What is important in our lives passes through those tiny pixels. What makes us human is the direct input from those screens and not our face-to-face interaction. This is apparent when we meet someone in person that we previously chatted online. The experience is surreal. There is almost no direct link between the two, yet, our mental processes, cannot properly distinguish between the two. This is Black Mirror 101.

We treat people different that exist on screens. In much the same way we get angry people while we are driving. Similarly, we fool ourselves that it is the norm to take a car to work and waste 2 hours, work for another 8 hours and follow a path of college, job, family, career death. We are falling in line because the path is laid out before us. Technology doesn't seem to liberate most people. It seems to enslave them.

Today, more than ever, each of us has the tools and capacity to escape from what we call "the system". Information is power and never before we had direct and free access to so much information. At the same time, there are plenty of traps for the ones that like to follow the herd, the compliant, the ones that succumb to trends because they can't take a chance to live for themselves. For those who had the courage to see beyond the Black Mirrors life is entirely different. There is more control, more variation, more experiences, more living.

At the end of the day this is all what it comes down to. Living. Black Mirror portrays a series of events where people are caught up in loops of their own devices, literally. It is the easy, convenient way to get a temporary satisfaction, a release. Life though goes on. Experiences pile up. When our lives become the same loops, a repeated sequence, then we are not living for ourselves. We are living it for someone else.


It's the perfect mixture of Reality TV and the Twilight Zone.

It is truly sad that we indeed live in a world where Black Mirror symbolizes the lives of many. Technology merging with society is a very critical move in our beings as humans. We are finally leaving the era called ‘The Great Stagnation’ (I forget which scientist coined this term). Essentially, he claimed that our society has not grown or shifted collectively and mentally speaking upon introduction of older technology. This was decades ago. I believe we are leaving this era finally (which is good - I hope 🤞) due to the many advances of AI and how this form technology is now capable of doing so much more than before, with partnership of humans. This technology in my opinion will allow people that choose to use it, to ultimately better define themselves by cultivating their curiosities rather than stifling it. This in itself however causes a divide. Those that wish to accept and embrace said technology, and those that choose to stray away from it. Hopefully Will Smith will be around just in case iRobot comes to be! Appreciate your post!

It has been coined from Tyler Cowen in a Ted Talk

Such a fascinating topic @kyriacos, and great additional points @saed. I wonder why with all of this marvelous technology and productivity, why it's still the norm to work 40+ hours a week just to barely get by. I am very interested in the concept of off grid micro communities. With the advent of solar energy, satalite internet, cheap tools, automation, etc, I don't know why we still insist on living in these overcrowded cities.

Maybe your interests are what blockchain and AI will symbiotically evolve into? The traditional work week and much of society's norms are definitely not the most effective way to go about things, especially with the many technological advances that we hear of but never get to fully experience.

Also, with laws and politics, how do we transcend into an off-grid micro community while not posing a "threat" to the governments? We'd need to take an extreme reverse-Amish town approach I suppose! haha

It would be nice if it is at least an option. I am designing a self sustaining housing unit that can run completely off grid and grow enough food to feed two people indefinitely with little to no inputs. It uses a GPU miner for source of heat and passive income.

I don't think it would pose a threat to the government. You would still be economically productive and not everyone would want to do it. There are plenty of people living off grid now and I don't think the government really cares too much.

That's so interesting... yeah I just assumed that the government might take opposition, shouldn't make assumptions!! :D interesting work with the self-sustaining housing unit. What exactly is a GPU miner? If you don't mind me asking?

GPU stands for graphics processing unit. You can use them to mine crypto coins like Ethereum or Zcash or many others. Miners also put out a lot of heat which can be used to heat your house in the winter or just vented outside in the summer. I have an 8 GPU mining rig that heats my whole apartment right now. The miner also makes me $400-$600 a month in crypto.

Very very interesting.. and efficient! Might have to look into and invest in some hardware like this.

When dealing with such media especially in the evening and at night, one should not be surprised by the psychological effects. Unfortunately, the news, but especially the miserable behaviour of people in public are shaping our psyche. We behave worse and worse because we are circumventing bad news and bad people. Models or positive, structure-forming rituals are lost.

The worst part about this is that current news organizations exist as corporations with the goal not to inform, but to generate revenue through continued viewership.
They don't need to give you anything, they just keep you watching by manufacturing conflicting viewpoints.
It's sad :-(

Such a good post, the writers of the series are brilliently aware of our environment. I believe this show is helping many to open their eyes to see the slow spiral insanity many of believe we are forced to live in. Another great one is WestWorld. I'm still dissecting season 1 in my head, and Season 2 is on the way!!

I wouldn't say technology has created these problems so much as reshaped them. People who can't see beyond their box and matrix of prescribed reality, will always face what seems to us like a terrible life. And those of us who can see freedom and who travel and think differently... We do that.

Technology exists but it takes energy and vision to harness it for yourself. Otherwise it harnesses you.

I absolutly love your point. Harness it for yourself else it harnesses you

I agree. Other people have always been shaping us. Nonetheless, never before have we become so dependent on each other's projections of reality in ways that our entire lives depend on it.

Take a bible from someone during the 1800's they would be ok.
Take the cellphone from someone. They will probably feel like dying.

The thing is, most people eventually get lost in the normal things they do everyday to even think about the future, however had reverse been the case I think human would even be higher God's for that matter


And you certainly thrilled me with such amazing content I'm @Josediccus

It's so true it's scary

Black Mirror is like a horror series. That possibility for a reality in the future is just overwhelming. Also, take the fact that some of those episodes are like true these days. Nosedive for example showed how rates affect people's opportunities and stand in the society. It resembles uber rates too. They say those stars in uber have a big impact on both passengers and drivers... I hope it doesn't escalate into a general society scale...

I think it already has. The Chinese are planning to launch a social credit score system for its citizens by 2020 based on how 'well' a person lives.

Oh yes I've read about that too somewhere. Crazy, huh?

This episode of Black Mirror is about the future of crypto world

This is my best TV show I've ever seen gives me so much to think. I love it...... Hey give me 5***** ;)

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