Telegram Takes This Move After Failed Token Sale and $ 1 Billion Bond Offer
#Encrypted #messaging app #Telegram reportedly wants to go public. #Russian news outlet #Vedomosti reported on April 11, citing anonymous sources involved in the process.
🚨Lack of Net Income Flow
Resilient to the sale of user data and ad space, Telegram has long suffered from a lack of a clear revenue stream. Durov, along with his brother Nikolai, first made his fortune on the Russian social media site VKontakte.
The Durov brothers used this money to make Telegram, which was designed to be resistant to the Russian government's extensive firewall and media censorship. This development did not endear the two to the authorities. They eventually left Russia, but continued to work on Telegram. However, money has become a permanent problem.
🚨Token Offer
Telegram clashed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in its initial $ 1.7 billion token offer for #GRAM tokens. Regarding the recent bond issue, Durov said, “Telegram's ultimate goal is to become a financially sustainable project that can serve humanity for decades (or centuries).
In December, Durov outlined some revenue-generating measures, drawing attention to the planned promotion of an “Advertising Platform” on the Telegram channel that “is user-friendly, respects privacy and allows us to cover the costs of servers and traffic”.
Telegram seems to be looking at direct listing, an increasingly popular mechanism among tech firms for public investment, according to Vedomosti. The Vedomosti report also suggested that if Telegram goes public, it could do so in Hong Kong rather than New York due to its history with the SEC .