That critical moment called adolescence
According to the Lancet study today adolescence lasts up to 24 years. But you are likely to be teenagers forever.
During our lifetime one of the most characteristic and full of moments of change is the adolescent period. Conventionally the age group belonging to adolescence is that which ranges from 12 to 18 years. However today, things are not exactly like that. A study in fact said that in today's society where everything changes continuously, and develops at an incredible speed, adolescence begins earlier and ends around 24 years.
From the research published in the Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, it emerged that adolescence today comes early. In fact, already since 12 years are beginning to verify changes in the body that make the individual no longer a child but just an "adolescent".
Who are teenagers?
Teenagers are all those guys who are aged up to 24 years. The age range has widened as the rules of our society have changed. You leave the house later, postpone the moment of economic independence and live constantly under the eye of transformation. Both the body and the psychological one. The teenager is put to the test by the first losses, as the ideal self-image in front of reality, experiences breaks, conflicts with parents and constantly seeks a peer group in which to feel himself. The watchword is continuous research, due to the loss of the child's world. We are no longer children. We must start taking responsibility for becoming great.
Why does adolescence go over 18?
According to scholars up to 24 years is the period when there is youth restlessness. Subsequently, from 25 years onwards the minds calm down. Beatriz Luna, psychiatrist of the Pittsburgh School of Medicine, says that from 25 years onwards there is a turning point to leave the nest. This age was also taken into account for other reasons. From a biological point of view, for example, it is after the age of 25 that wisdom teeth develop. Furthermore, brain maturation continues, does not stop and works more effectively even after 20 years.
Although many legal privileges of adulthood begin at age 18 - adds Susan Sawyer, director of the Center for Adolescent Health at Royal Childern's Hospital in Melbourne - the adoption of adult roles and responsibilities generally begins later.
What is the negative side of this prolonged adolescence?
Jan Macvarish, a sociologist at the University of Kent, believes that it is a danger to consider young "teenagers forever" because they risk "pathologizing their desire for independence" or they could risk keeping the boys too leashed, not seeing the sides positives of becoming great. Not considering that at some point all the children need to grow, face the turbulent way of adolescence and then be adults with their independence that is not a pathology, but a strength for those who want to make their way in life .