advanced technology of the future
transfortasi monorail
Currently, the monorail has been widely developed by many countries in the world to further facilitate human activity. Transport means that the size of the train is larger than this rail has been designed to be more economical for human transportation needs in the future. The model you can meet in an amusement park located in New Zealand. Here, the monorail is designed using a pedal consisting of a long rail and has been equipped by an individual "pod" that is hung to the bottom. Its speed can even reach 30 miles per hour.
computer quantum
Imagine a future computer whose speed is thousands of times faster than today's fastest supercomputer. Thousands times faster and more efficiently than IBM "Roadrunner" at Los Alamos whose speed reaches 1.7 petaflops (1 petaflop = 10 ^ 15 operations per second). This is the awesomeness of quantum computers. This computer is so powerful because it was created using the phenomena of the magic of the quantum world, Superposition and Quantum Entanglement. In code-breaking (eg cryptography), to decode up to 140 digits, a regular computer would take billions of years to crack it. But with a quantum computer, it can be solved in just a few short minutes. With this computer humans will also be able to predict the weather on earth and other highly complex natural phenomena very precisely months before, such as earthquakes and tornadoes. And of course this is increasingly revolutionizing the speed of development of all the advanced technologies that exist today.
great technology future