How to get awesome Google Pixel 2 Live Wallpapers
Yesterday, Google announced 2 new Pixel phones: Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. Apart from flawless hardware, one of the most beatuful things was the live wallpapers on these devices.
The ‘Live Earth’ collection by B-Reel features high fidelity imagery from Google Earth and user interactions optimized exclusively for the Pixel.
It creates a nice and smooth 3-D transition when you unlock your phone and adopts the angle depending on your interaction with your launcher.
Also according to B-Reel, this will NOT drain your battery. They stated: "A visualization of battery life that involved careful gradient selection to avoid banding and composing images on the GPU using a custom shader."
So, thanks to XDA user Pranav Pandey, this beauty is ported to all Android 6.0+ devices.
Live earth wallpapers (WallpapersBReel) 6.0.xAll ARM/ARM64
Live earth wallpapers (WallpapersBReel) 7.0+All ARM/ARM64