Greetings to the entire Steemit community, it seemed appropriate to share with you today about something that many, or at least a part of the population has ever happened to you, and is to be victims of a cybercrime, which mostly refers to the loss of our information without any authorization.
And when we talk about our information, it's like talking about our keys, wallets, or some valuable item that belongs to us and losing any of these, can really bring negative consequences and bad times. That is why, I have brought 4 recommendations so they can protect their information and are not victims of any computer fraud.
We know that cybercafes are sites that many people visit frequently, which is not unusual to get a lot of information in the equipment repository, such as personal documents, images, open social networking sessions, users and bank account passwords, in short , elements that for a computer criminal could be worth gold, and this is exactly what we should avoid at all costs, if you go to one of these places remember that it is important to preserve your information.
When you stop using these equipment, do not forget to delete the documents or files that you have downloaded on that computer, many times in these documents without realizing register personal information such as our names or identification. Also, it is important to close all user sessions that you have opened in the browser, as well as bank accounts, in the same way, it is advisable to delete all browsing history, in this way, we will not expose our data.
In recent years, phishing has become one of the most common ways of stealing information. For those who do not know, what it consists of, phishing for its translation, means "Fishing", and is nothing more than a technique used to deceive the user and achieve get personal data such as passwords or access to financial instruments.
One of the most commonly used methods is to deceive the user by sending an email or a text message posing as the company, indicating to the user that he must provide certain information to perform an update on the system or that he has been the winner of Some prize, the most common, is to request your password and user. If we look closely at the mail we will realize that the company will certainly appear, however, the company will never ask its users for the password, it is assumed that there are other security mechanisms to identify the user.
Although it may seem a bit far-fetched, it has been proven that many people are victims of these scams every year, and therefore they are scammed without even realizing it, there are even experts who are able to create a corporate image that simulates the existing official of a company, be web, or a certain system. That is why, they are advised to be very aware of the messages that reach us in the ticket trays, no crime is perfect, therefore, neither is the trap, since there is always something that gives them away or makes us doubt firmly. which is a deception. You can tell, because the domains they use are mostly free, and usually the message always starts as "Dear company customer xxxxx", and the domain of the web is a bit strange, it does not have credentials "HTTPS" and the interface does not match the one we usually know.
It is really necessary that you have a good antivirus installed on your computer, even on your mobile devices, maybe in another publication I mentioned which are the best antivirus, but in this case, there are several, some better than others, I recommend you look in google and decide for one, the important thing is that you have one at least, remember that worse is not having it. Although it is difficult to believe, antivirus programs are programmed to detect any threat that may violate the security of our team, and therefore, our information.
On the other hand, we must be careful with something that is being used as a lot, an application called Keylogger, this is not a virus as such, it is simply a trap that is placed on a computer to capture or record the information provided by the user without realize Probably this is caused by someone you know yourself, and want to know more things that do not concern them.
To know more about this, we must be clear that the keylogger is a program that we can download from the Internet, and mostly, it captures all the keystrokes we make from our keyboard, which is easy for the criminal to obtain data such as users and passwords. To avoid this, before using the equipment, press the keys in consecutive CTRL + ALT + F9 this will bring up on the screen if there is a keylogger, if not, I recommend you to verify well what applications there are open on the computer or download a program called "Keylogger detector", and with this you can verify that you are safe from not stealing your information. Thanks to this, many get passwords from social networks of friends, acquaintances or other people.
Social networks have allowed many people as family, friends and acquaintances to maintain communication, and not only that, but also allowed us to use it as a means to interact and express the things that happen to us every day, the truth has revolutionized the world, so much so that I would not hesitate in the next few years to disappear TV and radio.
In this sense, because it is such a large virtual world, where millions of users frequent daily, it has become one of the most important means for computer criminals, where it is easy to extract information that lies there from these millions of users. Consequently, your information right now can be used by people with bad intentions, really, you have not thought about it, who really cares about my name, where I work, where I live, where I frequent and what is my environment? Well, believe me, there are many, knowing is power, and all this information can be used to hurt you.
If I were a computer criminal, just knowing what you are called, who you are and where you work, could happen to kidnap you, now you see it, it sounds strong not, but yes, this is the reality, that is why, not to expose our information or at least not all is fundamental to protect ourselves and prevent an act like this. Facebook, for example, gives you many options to configure your privacy, just like whatsapp where you decide who can see you and who can not, but at the same time, you need to , do not expose everything you do in your daily life, as this way you can prevent someone with bad intentions from using your information for negative purposes.