Is The World out of Control?

in #technology6 years ago

The question "is the world out of control"? Was something i sat and pondered about really hard because to me i feel we are losing it. Judging from the happenings that is happening around the world, everything just seem to me like the world now look like a sheep that is missing from the shepherd's watch. To worsen the case, the so call leaders, politicians and masters are not helping matters at all. They are doing things that only satisfy their selfish interest rather than considering the interest of the masses first. It is not like i am of the opinion that all these things just started happening because right from creation, various things has been happening that seem like the world was out of control but then, it was still well managed but now, things has gone really bad. Here are some few examples of the things that made me feel the world is out of control;

Weapon of mass destruction
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Despite their best effort, the united Nations and other organization have failed to bring about nuclear disarmament. Instead, defiant leaders scoff at arms control laws. Countries with a history of nuclear weaponry are frantically upgrading their old bombs and creating new deadlier ones. Countries that once had no mass-destruction capabilities are now able to destroy huge swaths of humanity. This unprecedented unclear preparedness makes the world a very dangerous place, even in times of "peace." Lethal autonomous weapons systems that make 'kill' decisions without human input or supervision, for example would be particularly worrisome," warns the bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Our health under siege
Science can take us only so far when it comes to good health. High blood pressure, obesity, air pollution, and drug abuse all risk factors for disease are increasing. More people are dying from an array of noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and diabetes. Growing numbers are disabled by other diseases, including mental illness. And recent years have witnessed the unpredictable outbreaks of such dangerous epidemics as the Ebola virus and the Zika virus. The bottom line: sickness is out of control of humans, and the end of it seems to be nowhere in sight.
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Human attacks on nature
Factories continue to pollute earth's atmosphere. Millions of people die every year from breathing contaminated air. Individuals, communities, and government agencies continue to dump sewage, medical and agricultural waste, plastics, and other pollutants into the oceans. "These toxic pollutants poison marine animals and plants, as well as humans who eat contaminated sea life." explains the Encyclopedia of marine science. And we are running out of fresh water. British science author Robin Mckie aptly warns: " The world faces a water crisis that will touch every part of the globe." Politicians admit that water scarcity is largely a man-made problem and that it poses a grave danger.
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Nature's attacks on humans
Storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, and earthquakes bring about devastating floods, crushing landslides, and other types of destruction. More people than ever are killed or otherwise adversely affected by these forces of nature. A study published by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration points to a greater potential for "more intense storms, deadly heat waves, and more extreme flood-drought cycles." Will nature deal humankind a death-blow?
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Surely, you can think of other grave threats to our survival. Yet, you will not find satisfying answers about the future by analyzing all the bad things happening today.


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