Technocracy, racism and progress... part one.

in #technology7 years ago


Technocracy, being the power of technology within society, has increasingly guided human development ever since we first started to use tools. I would argue that at some point over the past few centuries, it has become the dominant factor guiding the activities of Western Civilisation; and that more recently this trend has extended its tentacles into the cultures of most 'developing' nations.

At the core of both Marxism and Capitalism, was the desire to make industrial civilisation more efficient, by bending humanity itself unto the will of its own technology. This inevitably leads to the question raised by technocracies most infamous detractor, an ex-Harvard mathematics Prof. affectionately known by many primitivists and technophobes as 'uncle Ted', his question is...

'Are we in charge of our technology, or is our technology now in charge of us.'

If Judeo-Christianity severed the divine from the material and hid it up in the clouds, just out of reach. Science, which hatched out of the golden-egg of the Judeo-Christian 'enlightenment', has effectively driven it further, and further out into the void. So that today, sacredness, once present in every form, in every rock, stream, tree-stump and in every hoot of the Owl- has been relegated to the furthest reaches of outer-space, or dismissed as primitive superstition, if acknowledged at all.

Without form being imbued with sacredness, without feeling the inherent value in its unadulterated beauty, the hand of man was freed to dissect, rape and pillage a natural world no-longer protected by such reverence and awe-full respect. It became an 'impediment' to be full-of-awe, and an ignorance to be content in the myth and magic of the world.

"When Descartes enunciated the principle that the fullest exploitation of matter is the whole duty of man, our separation from nature was virtually complete and the stage set for the coming of the Industrial Revolution. Three hundred and fifty years later this spirit still lingers in the person of Jean Vorst, Curator of France's Museum of Natural History, who pronounces that our species, "because of intellect," can no longer re-cross a certain threshold of civilization and once again become part of the natural habitat. He further states, expressing perfectly the original and persevering imperialism of agriculture, "As the earth in its primitive state is not adopted to our expansion, man must shackle it to fulfil human destiny." John Zerzan in Elements of Refusal 1966

In 1620 Francis Bacon wrote 'Novum Organum Scientiarum', (the new instrument of science), which helped lay the road-map for the 'enlightenment' and its new 'scientific method' of experimentation, which sought to 'know' nature, not through relationship and harmonious interaction therewith, but instead through violent deconstruction and manipulation- with the ultimate goal of its complete domination.

“Bacon... consistently used metaphors derived from the witch hunt and torture chamber to describe how scientists should force nature to relinquish her secrets." ~ Leonard Shlain, in 'The Alphabet versus the Goddess.'

"Man cannot enter nature’s ‘inner courts’ without confronting her inherent greatness." ~ Pesic's translation of Bacon, in the same works…

"Bacon... treats nature as a female to be tortured through mechanical inventions... his imagery, strongly suggests the interrogations of the witch trials and the mechanical devices used to torture witches"… "the interrogation of witches as symbol for the interrogation of nature, the courtroom as model for its inquisition, and torture through mechanical devices as a tool for the subjugation of disorder were fundamental to the scientific method as power." ~ Carolyn Merchant, in 'Francis Bacon and the Origins of Experimentation.'

This sickness, which sought to distort, dominate and eventually recreate nature in its own twisted image, redefined both value and purpose as the ability to exploit, subject, or otherwise dominate Earthly nature. No rock was to be left unturned, no species left undefiled, no well untapped and, inevitably, no human culture spared 'development', in accordance with the divine will of Man's new God. Himself.

“The deep need of man not to feel lost and lonely in the world had, of course, been previously satisfied by the concept of a god who had created this world and was concerned with each and every creature... but for many of those for whom God was dethroned, the need for a godlike figure did not disappear. Some proclaimed a new God, Evolution, and worshipped Darwin as its prophet.” ~ Erich Fromm, in 'The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness.'

Progress, was to become Western Civilisations new Holy Crusade... and you can see it actively working today, both at home and around the world in the form of economic 'development strategies', 'cultural outreach', and 'education' programs, which are no different from the cultural imperialism of the Christian missionaries they all-too-often work side-by-side with still today. We may have rejected the 'scientific' notion of 'racial hierarchies', reverting by default back to the 'universalist' Christian concept of the 'brotherhood of man', but through this doctrine, cultural imperialism has never been stronger, nor more effective at sterilising the cultural diversity of the ethnosphere, and generating the raw material of uprooted, disorientated and dependent peoples to be fed into the jaws of globalisms demonic machinations.

In order to prevent the continued growth of globalism's cultural vacuum, we need to understand that primal, or traditional societies are not failed attempts at being us. They are different expressions of the beautifully diverse and complex potential of the human race, and they deserve to exist in their own right, and to pursue their own unique destiny. Aside from that, there is no resilience, no 'apocalyptic redundancy mechanism' built-in to a world populated entirely by grain-brained techno-peasants, all hopelessly dependent on enormously fragile and complex systems of production, transportation and 'market forces' of which they have little to no understanding and absolutely no power to influence. If Industrial Civilisation collapses tomorrow, I want to be able to take comfort in the knowledge that tens of thousands of African bushmen are wandering the scrub completely oblivious to our plight, hunting and gathering just like they have for over sixty thousand years, or that Nomadic herdsmen will roam the spring Tundra, hunting ducks and milking their reindeer, long after we are relegated to myth.

Nature abhors a vacuum, or in other words, a lack of structural diversity, complexity and plurality, for a very good reason. It is a vulnerability.

It is important to bear in mind, the 'supremacy' of Western Civilisation, is its technological supremacy. Or more accurately, our over-indulgence in technology, to the detriment of every other part of ourselves and our land. This technological 'prowess' has come at the expense of not only an unfathomable psychological trauma and dissociation, but also the loss of our cultural narratives, our myths and ways of relating to the land and to each other. Our sense of identity, once rooted in the natural world that sustained us, is now just another component of the psycho-social machinery of man-kind, to be ruthlessly exploited by the various 'ideologies' and cultural engineering programs of the technocratic State... we have lost our wondrous innocence, our very souls have been cut-off from the natural world, and we are spinning further and further away from biological and spiritual 'wholeness', propelled by the centrifugal forces of our own deranged imagination.

This too, is the fate that awaits all cultures, peoples and ways-of-being, unlucky or desperate enough to be suckered into the cultural black-hole of modernity. You may call it 'progress' or 'multi-culturalism', or 'diversity', and claim it's some kind of 'moral obligation', whilst you purchase cheap oil and pay your taxes, but the fact remains, militaristic imperialism cannot be understood as separate from its consequences. Both the bombs and the mass migrations of peoples caused thereby, are one-and-the-same, they are orchestrated by, and in the interests of the same occult forces, namely the globalist financiers, and their scientific, technocratic elite of administrators, bureaucrats and corporate leaders. The rainbow gloss and news-speak rationale, cannot hide the truth of what is happening on the ground. Integration, sounds nice- until you realise that we're 'integrating' these people into a necrotic anti-culture, hell-bent on destroying both itself and the natural world.


Straight in with the steem powered controversy!
... I be starting as I mean to go on x

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