"Your cell phone is a psychotronic weapon of maximum mega-mass mental control" Here the tests

in #technology7 years ago

Modern telecommunications generally involve devices that can send and receive wireless signals. These devices are also almost invariably capable of producing and receiving signals that affect our moods, thoughts and bodily functions. Your cell phone is a psychotronic weapon. That means that your cell phone CAN read and control and is probably reading and controlling your mind. People should care more than anyone who is on television.

Most of the fields of artificial electromagnetic energy that we experience on a daily basis are by-products of modern industry: electrical networks, telecommunications and all electrical devices produce them. As generally opposed to the natural fields of Earth's magnetic energy, it has been found that electromagnetic energy fields created by man are generally bad for humans. A preponderance of the best evidence suggests that they cause cancer. If this was not bad enough for the inhabitants of the city, the electromagnetic energy can also be armed and can be used against us routinely.

This academic article explores the notion that psychotronic weaponry is being used from near and far for the mind to control us in a daily routine. This article gives a background to the field of psychotronic weapons, explores the current state of the art and offers the author's stories about his experiences with armed electromagnetic energy.

Evidence suggests that these mind control activities are part of a larger effort that the author calls The New Manhattan Project. The author learned about psychotronic weaponry in the course of his research on this related topic. If you are not familiar with the New Manhattan Project, please refer to the author's book Chemtrails Exposed: A new Manhattan Project .

Psychotronic weapons

Electromagnetic energy can be produced and directed to influence human moods, thoughts and bodily functions. The devices that do this are known as 'psychotronic weaponry' or 'psychotronic'. Psychotronic weapons use frequencies of electromagnetic energy mainly in the Extremely Low Frequency (FEB) range (3-30 Hz) because the FEB is mainly the frequency range of the electromagnetic energy that the human brain naturally sends and receives. Electromagnetic fields in the Very Low Frequency (VLF / 3-30 kHz) and Super Low Frequency (SLF / 30-300 Hz) ranges can also have psychotronic effects.

The electromagnetic energy (EM) signals produced and applied in the ELF range can be synchronized with human brain waves so that the brain is "trapped". The brain waves of the target individual are first scanned to determine the frequency of EM that their brain is currently producing. Then, that same frequency produced by the brain of the objective individual is produced by the psycho-tronic weapon and directed to the objective individual. Once the brain waves of the target individual have been synchronized with the MS produced by the psycho-tronic weapon, the frequency produced by the psycho-tronic weapon is gradually altered. Due to this synchronization, as the EM produced by the psychotronic weapon is gradually altered to produce any desired effect, the brain waves of the target individual will follow. This is the process of brain entrainment that is fundamental for psychotronic weapons.

You do not believe me? There is a mountain of evidence of support. This research has found hundreds of pertinent documents readily available. The Navy, the Rand Corporation, NASA, the Lincoln Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, the Department of Energy, Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs and many others have been doing significant work here. All those names are involved in the New Manhattan Project. The most general area of ​​study is known as 'bioelectromagnetism' and is the title of the leading scientific journal. If you want to investigate it further, a good place to start is the 'Mind Control' section of the previous article by the author " Other Agendas of the New Manhattan Chemtrail Project ".

Your author has discovered much more since then. This section provides an overview of the work previously published by the author in relation to mind control and the New Manhattan Project, as well as recently discovered information. The first three scientists presented here have strong connections to the New Manhattan Project.

Already in the 1930s Alfred Lee Loomis (1887-1975) was studying and writing about brain waves while helping to develop the field of electroencephalography, which is the field of brainwave measurement. This is the same Alfred Lee Loomis who made his fortune in the electric power industry and later went on to help develop technologies capable of bouncing electromagnetic communication signals from the ionosphere, transmitting them over thousands of kilometers. These facts are significant because the US electric power grid produces electromagnetic fields in the same frequency range as the human brain and the electric power industry has incentives such as the generation of hydroelectric power to motivate their interests in a global effort climate modification like the New Manhattan Project. In addition, it has been found that today's chemical spray from the New Manhattan Project is coal fly ash. The coal fly ash is a by-product of coal power plants in the electrical industry. As if that were not enough, the current ionospheric heaters of the New Manhattan Project (with fundamental technologies developed by Loomis) are capable of producing tremendously strong EM signals and fields that can control the climate and influence our moods, thoughts and bodily functions. He turns his head. For more information about the enigmatic Mr. Loomis, see the previous article by the author " Chemtrails Exposed: Truly a New Manhattan Project ".

Loomis' work in the field of electroencephalography involved electrical diodes placed directly on the subject's skin. So, although his work is notable here as a precursor, it was a bit different from modern psychotechnics in that modern psychotronic weaponry is administered remotely, through the air. What we are examining here is more similar to the later field of magnetoelectroencephalography.

Although what appears to be the first scientific article applicable to modern psychotronic armament was published in 1955, it was not until the early 1960s that things began to get under way. Among other few previous examples was the " Research in Electrical Phenomena Associated with Aerosols " by Bernard Vonnegut et al. of 1961.

The "Research in Electrical Phenomena Associated with Aerosols" involved the measurement of the effects of MS directed to the effigy of a man, in a small chamber, surrounded by gas. This is, of course, analogous to the everyday environment of today, where airplanes saturate our atmosphere with very small particles and the electromagnetic energy created by man is affecting us all.

The author of "Research in Electrical Phenomena Associated with Aerosols" (Research in Electrical Phenomena Associated with Aerosols) Bernard Vonnegut (1914-1997), as astute readers knew, was instrumental in the early development of what has become the Project New Manhattan of today. He was an original scientist of the Manhattan Project. It was one of three trios of General Electric scientists that unfolded the scientific era of climate modification and later did 'space-charge' experiments in the vein of the New Manhattan Project. In the report on the modification of the most cited climate in history, he wrote about the introduction of 'chemical products' into the atmosphere or the modification of climate through the 'alteration of electrical variables'. Atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric electricity are the two key elements of today's New Manhattan Project. On the other hand, it turns out that he is the brother of Kurt Vonnegut.

In the mid-1960s, the Brain Research Institute at UCLA was studying the effects of electromagnetic fields on human behavior. This was around the same time that our good friend and eminent geophysicist Dr. Gordon JF MacDonald, "How to Wreck the Environment" (1929-2002), was writing about how to drag the brains of people with an artificial electronic signal from outer space. Yes, you read it correctly.

Starting in 1970, academic activity in this area increased enormously; many more scientific papers began to be published.

In 1974 a book edited by Dr. Michael A. Persinger entitled ELF and VLF Electromagnetic Field Effects was published. This book makes reference and details many studies carried out with animals and humans on the physiological and biochemical changes associated with the electromagnetic fields in the ELF and VLF ranges. In the preface, Dr. Persinger writes that ELF signals are associated with "climatic changes, solar disturbances and geophysical-ionospheric disturbances". That is very convenient considering that this New Manhattan Project is primarily a global climate modification project. ELF and VLF EM is fundamental to the natural life processes here on Earth. Dr. Persinger also writes that ELF signals are preferable because "... they have the ability to penetrate structures that house living organisms." You are writing about EM with weapons! As MacDonald did about 10 years earlier, Persinger is writing here about the psychotronic weapons mind that controls people in their homes from outer space. I'm not making it up! I wish it were! I do not think I can!

Dr. Michael A. Persinger

In this area of ​​study, it seems that Dr. Persinger has been very instrumental. Without boring the reader with a litany of details, suffice it to say that Persinger's work in this area has been prolific and seminal.

Dr. Michael Persinger has been a very public figure for many decades. He does not stop talking about all these things. He teaches it. He is well known for inventing what is called the "Casco de Dios". The Helmet of God was a device placed in the head of a subject that apparently could produce in the subject the sensation of having a religious experience. It has a great list of Wikipedia .

It even has a channel on YouTube .

A United States patent issued in 1990 under the title " Cryogenic Remote Sensing Physiograph " details an apparatus and method for remotely scanning people's brain waves. This is significant because, as mentioned earlier, the process of brain entrainment (the fundamental process of psychotronic weaponry) begins with the remote reading of the brain waves of a target individual.

Another US patent issued in 1998 under the title " Thermal Excitation of Sensory Resonances " describes a method and apparatus for using directed microwave radiation or a laser beam to produce certain effects in humans. The patent explains that "drowsiness, drowsiness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, the sensation of a" knot "in the stomach, sudden loose stools and sexual arousal" can be artificially induced in humans using this technique.

Although the author has previously written in his article "Other Agendas", it should be noted here that an expert in the field of psycho-electronics has written a book that details how we can be controlled mentally by all devices connected to the Internet. In his 2013 book Mind War Dr. Michael Aquino writes exactly that.

Write: "BWR [mental control frequencies] can, for example, be inserted on the Internet to be received and passively and undetectably irradiated (absence of such sensors) by any access device, from a television station to a desktop computer or a cell phone".

Dr. Michael Aquino should know. Although he is now retired, he was a lieutenant colonel. Colonel, Psychological Operations, First Regiment of Special Forces, Army of the United States.

My personal experiences

I often find myself staring at a computer or a television screen feeling a bit "stuck". Maybe you can identify yourself.

I just went back to the computer to write this passage, but before that I was staring at the television screen while the local sports news station was talking about women's college basketball. I was standing there looking at him when it occurred to me that it was strange that I was staring at a report on women's college basketball because I hardly see sports, much less I'm interested in a niche like female college basketball.

Could television be producing electromagnetic frequencies that encourage me to keep watching? It makes sense that this be done. When more people watch the programs for longer periods of time, they earn more money. We have seen here the reality of the necessary technologies.

I often feel the compulsion to grab or hold my smartphone when there is no need to do so. I am not sure if it is a natural psychological phenomenon due to our intensive use of smartphones or something that induces us to do by the electromagnetic frequencies generated by the phone.

It is in the interest of the telephone manufacturer and the telecommunications company that their customers feel they need their telephone. In fact, it would be advantageous for them if we felt addicted to our phones. That keeps the money in circulation. Perhaps the telecommunications company and / or the telephone manufacturer is complicit in the production of EM signals, coming from the telephone itself, which make people feel obliged to have and use a telephone.

Sometimes, I will be quietly doing little things around the house when negative thoughts and feelings begin to appear in my head; without any reason. I'm a relatively happy guy. The majority of my needs are covered. I am building furiously and I have hopes for the future. That I have unprovoked negative thoughts and feelings is illogical. I did not have them. I find that, when these negative thoughts and feelings strike, if I turn off my WiFi and / or put my phone in airplane mode, then they disappear quickly.

Could I be intentionally receiving MS through my wireless communication devices that make me think negative thoughts and feel bad? At this point, with all my public and private railing against establishment everywhere, I'm probably not the favorite individual of the corporate superstate. Maybe they send me EM signals that produce negative thoughts and feelings in me as a form of punishment.

Finally, a few weeks ago I was surfing the Internet on my desktop computer, when suddenly I began to feel a clear dryness in the upper part of the nasal passage. I left my Internet browser and walked away from the computer. As soon as I did, the dryness in my nasal passage disappeared. This, for me, is my most convincing episode so far.

I hope these things are the worst thing that can happen to me. If they are, then I will easily leave. I have heard a lot of super creepy horror stories from many individuals who claim that their whole lives have been absolutely ruined by the harmful EM frequencies.


It's just an extension of subliminal advertising. If advertisers do that, why would not someone do it? Of course this is done.

It is very important to note that, as repeatedly shown here, the frequencies used to control minds and influence bodily functions (ELF / VLF / SLF) are the same frequencies that are related to atmospheric phenomena. These frequencies are also fundamental for what is commonly known as "the intelligent network". The intelligent network involves hacking and hijacking our fundamental biological processes. The organizations and people responsible for exploiting these frequencies are taking advantage of the fundamental processes of life itself without our full knowledge or consent. That is why this information is so important and that is why people are so resistant to smart meters and WiFi, that they play an important role in the intelligent network.

As we go through our daily lives here in the United States and in many other parts of the world, of course we are all assaulted by the psychotronic weaponry in one way or another. It's a good way to get people to do what someone else wants without the targeted individuals knowing what hit them. This shows cowardice, subversiveness and lust for power, not of the nature of man, but of an artificially constructed establishment.

The science of mind control (like the New Manhattan Project) is just outside the Overton Window. The reality of these technologies, although thoroughly documented, is widely unknown in today's society.

Even if your average American had to face the reality and power of these technologies, to convince them that these technologies are being used against us purposely in a daily routine, is still a bridge too fucking far away. Most people simply refuse to believe that the monumental institutions of industry, academia and government would commit such malicious and flagrant violations of public trust.

This is how they get away with it and this is the author's frustration. We will never win the fight if we do not recognize the enemy. As Edmund Burke said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing".

I'm betting on Humanity. In front of everyone, I bet we will get up and uproot ALL the weapons of the establishment used against us: physical and metaphysical. I'm betting on you, the reader. I'm betting that a relatively small percentage of smart, well-informed individuals will push the envelope and move the Overton window to a size and position that will allow even the lowest common denominators to face things like psychotronic weaponry and the New Manhattan Project. We are coming out of the cave. Meanwhile, the dehumanizing agendas of mind control and chemtrails will continue.

That's why we need you, the New Media. Please share this article far and wide.

source: FrenteFantasma/ peterkirby

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