Sex, Consent and the Blockchain - and The Legalification of Human Interaction
I love innovation. That's actually the meaning behind my provocative account name on steemit. Technology fascinates and attracts me, and I believe that technological innovation helps make our lives better and will continue to do so. But that is not always the case. Some applications of innovative technologies are, in my opinion, doing the opposite; they are using technology to (unintentionally) try and make our lives worse.
One such example that I've recently come across (HT to @didic) is , a service that dubs itself as "the first blockchain based app to verify explicit consent before having sex". Technically, it's an app that works on Live Contract tokens on the Waves platform and kind-of lets people save their sexual consent on the blockchain in an attempt to give some kind of legal protection to the participants in sexual activities.
I find this utterly ridiculous and possibly dangerous.
Why Sex Cannot Be Regulated
Consent is a tricky thing. It has borders that can be flexible according to situation. For example, you might agree to anal penetration but change your mind as soon as you see how big my strap-on is. At this point, instead of just saying "no, that will not fit" you need to pull out your mobile phone and update your contract record on the blockchain. If that doesn't kill the mood, I don't know what can.
The way I see it, the only advantage to such a tool is its ability to enforce mindfulness. For example, when given the time to think and consider (and enter it into the blockchain), I might decide I am not that interested in the dude I just met at the party if I really need to think hard about what I want and do not want to be doing with them when I get home. The commitment of it makes me reconsider.
And then there's the whole legal side of things, that creates an absurd situation when one's change of heart must be entered into the blockchain.
So going back to the above example, if you use the app to agree to BDSM and anal sex, and we sign our little Live Contract, and you then change your mind? Technically, there's nothing to stop me from raping you. Legally, you've given consent so you're obligated to your side of the deal. It's on the blockchain. So if you find yourself with a torn sphincter at the hospital - I have proof you wanted the buttsex.
The problem here is obvious. But that's not the only problem I see when looking at the app from a broader perspective.
The Legalification of Human Interaction
Consent, when it comes to sexual activities, is not something someone can turn into a legal contract. Sure, some countries (like Sweden) are even trying to make it legally required to get explicit consent before committing a sexual act. But any attempt to make consent a legally binding "yes or no" agreement is bound to fail because that's not how consent works.
The issue here isn't so much technological as it is psychological. Pseudo-legal agreements on the blockchain as part of foreplay cannot replace a human conversation about boundaries mutual activities planned. Sex and sexuality don't work that way. As much as some people might want to it.
And this isn't only about consent. It's about putting legal contracts on human interaction.
Here's an example:
Let's say I've signed this type of blockchain agreement that forbids me from using explicit language in bed. Weird, but I'll go with it. I get up to the bathroom and stub my toe on the edge of the bed, which causes me to yell out a number of expletives. Can the dude sue me now, for breaking the contract?
And then there's the idea of ticking on and off a preference for BDSM activities. Saying yes or no to BDSM as a whole is ridiculous. While some consider BDSM light spanking and the odd costume on occasion, others have much more extreme desires. How in the world are we meant to put agreement on THOSE in legal terms, tokenized and forever sealed on the blockchain?
Consent is an ongoing, ever-changing state that cannot be tokenized. It is a process, rather than a contract. Unlike most contracts, where the people involved are legally bound to the mutually agreed-upon terms, in intercourse we conduct a physical and verbal exchange of desires, preferences and boundaries in real-time. An app simply cannot do that.
Why does this app even exist?
In my opinion this app was conceived because developers just aren't psychologists. If they were, they would understand that the blockchain is hardly the place for such contracts. Perhaps they would see that with all of its abilities and advantages, technology will never be able to replace the human interaction necessary for the continuous and true expression of explicit consent.
Edit: Some people theorized that this app is nothing but a hoax to attract attention to the Live Contracts ICO. This is quite possible, but I don't see how this brings positive attention to a serious startup (that doesn't even list the app on their website). Especially one with 2 female members on a team of 6.
From where I am sitting, this seems more like a way for those who really want to sue someone to create ambiguity to clog the courts... while those who truly want to be protected will get exploited. Trying to legislate something that's largely about how you feel moment to moment strikes me as folly, at the best of times.
Thumbs down.
Or the devs are just trolling or helplessly naive and dumb. I like to go with the easy and simple explanation.
Legit, the only women who will be okay with this are those who are not of sound mind or too young and naive to see what it truly means. This app is definitely dangerous.
As for why? Lets be real-- it was made by dudes who think of sex as a contract. They probably have money and power and can actually get some ppl to sogn this. The perfect example is Aziz Ansari incident. Being an independant, self actualized and confident women is still going against the grain in society. Most women will try to be polite to get out of something, including aggreeing to oral sex in a contract. Cuz, its somehow not as bad...
One other problem to note, is that the only use-case for this is to prove consent was given.
If consent was given on the blockchain, and then given in person, and nobody was hurt - No different than without the blockchain.
If consent was given on the blockchain, but then retracted in person - bad.
If consent was given, and then someone is falsely accused of rape - The only real use case.
False accusations are so ridiculously rare compared to rape, that having an entire ecosystem meant to protect men from being falsely accused of rape is not only a waste of time, but actually bad for the fight against rape being so ubiquitous.
What about a person simply stealing the private keys. What then? I seriously think that the devs are trolling or just released some random fun project they cooked up. If somebody get your crypto wallet you simply loose funds. If you get hacked with this app, you are getting gang raped and hackers will get away with serial gang rape. Probably a perfect scenario for a Black Mirror episode.
I hope some SJW won't pick this up and take the whole thing seriously. I don't want to see the real world become a superficial dystopia.
Why would SJWs like this app? I actually want them to take this seriously and burn it like the awful idea that it is.
They have a tendency to pick the awful and senseless ideas. Give them a good idea and they'll reject. Give them a bad one and they'll consider. It's sad but it's true.
Problem is it didn't even help in the false accusation case. Someone gives their consent then one party starts getting violent, or one party for any reason decides the deal is off (change of heart does happen you know) how does that work? So you wear a "I don't consent" emergency button to cancel the contract?
Oh my God....this is so...surreal (?) !!! Resteemed.......!
I was really hoping it was a hoax, but this was on pretty much every major news outlet online last week, including Forbes. Where is our species going? Srsly, people.
I can't add anything, you put it awesomely! 'Where is our species going?' Indeed....... :/
This is nothing more than a cheap attempt to capitalize on blockchain hype and fear of real problems with society. I can't see this ever being used by someone who isn't a socially awkward blockchain enthusiast...
I seriously don't know what else to say than that this app idea is just really stupid.
what's next? I can't even imagine..
Lol, I agree with you to an extent but some people find it hard to control their sex lives and when they finally do it they get angry with their partners for not doing somethings or for doing some, so the best thing is to give them something that tells others what exactly they want to avoid issues.
I feel the next would be choosing the kind of sperm they want to receive
"Some ppl find it hard to control their sex lives"
Who is "some ppl" ?
Lol some people could be anyone out there who loves sex more than themselves.. Its not much of a bad thing though but i'm not a fan of it.
God knew sex was good for us that's why he created us with sex gadget, you know what i mean :) so this privilege should not be abused.
Lol... You just called us humans sex toys also, if I get you correctly.
thats not true :(
Alright if you say so...
I said it's more of a You post than a Me post, and I was SO RIGHT.
This just in... In the least shocking twist of all time, the devs behind revealed to be virgins.
This is one of the worst ideas of all time, and I'm not entirely sure any one on this team as even spoken to, or possibly been in the same room as a woman. If there is one thing women love, it's having their sexual agreements permanently inscribed on a block chain. I'm pretty sure 100% of the guys in that room thing the whole feminist movement is meant to destroy men.
Dudes, it's not that hard. If you want women to agree to sex, be fuckable. Get enthusiastic consent. I promise sex is better when the person you are on top of is engaged in the act and not crying.
I think I was wrong a while back when I said the use cases for the blockchain are limitless. I change my mind, some things in life are meant for human interaction, for everything else, there's the blockchain.
p.s. I might have stolen the jingle from a credit card company
Great post ! It's a fucking stupid idea I can't believe it's a serious business plan... Like if a guy rapes a girl and forces her to sign her consent on the blockchain, and then she ends up no being able to sue him. That would be fucked up... This most probably won't work out, I'm not buying and I'll never have sex with someone that wants to make me sign a legal contract.