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RE: A.I. Is Scary Because It Implies We Might Afterall Have No Soul

in #technology7 years ago

"Memories and knowledge..."

I wonder,... when a person loses entirely his memory.. after an accident let's suppose.. and has forgot how to speak, how to walk, how to eat, his parents, friends, etc,.. all his knowledge about everything... and has to restart his life like a baby again... where did that person go.??

Where did that person that was in that body go??... and who is the new person in that body?...

What happens when the old "entity" comes back? do they fuse together or do they fight?...

This scenario eludes me since quite a while... relates to this post concerning AI though..

Do you have any theory(ies)/hypothesis?... I'd love to discuss this subject :)


Watching my mother-in-law decline through Alzheimer's made me question everything I'd ever thought about God and the human soul. Who is this person who behaves so differently from the person she once was, and retains so little of her former life? If there is a soul that's separate from the body (and the physical brain) why isn't it allowed to express itself at the end of life? Is it just eclipsed by faulty wiring, but ready to emerge restored into the afterlife at her passing?

And if there is an "Immortal Soul" that can learn and grow throughout life, but can also decline and suffer, just which version of the thing is going to get scanned and uploaded into eternity?

If consciousness evolves from the unpredictable behavior of complex systems, I think we do it a disservice by reducing it through religious narrative simplification. But on the other hand, how do people go on without such a meaningful narrative to sustain them?

Watching my mother-in-law decline through Alzheimer's made me question everything I'd ever thought about God and the human soul. Who is this person who behaves so differently from the person she once was, and retains so little of her former life? If there is a soul that's separate from the body (and the physical brain) why isn't it allowed to express itself at the end of life? Is it just eclipsed by faulty wiring, but ready to emerge restored into the afterlife at her passing?

This is indeed very frustrating.

And if there is an "Immortal Soul" that can learn and grow throughout life, but can also decline and suffer, just which version of the thing is going to get scanned and uploaded into eternity?

Beautiful questions you've got here. Don't stop searching. I believe as many say: The body dies and the soul goes. Just as in a computer; The physical body (hardware) remains but digital information (software) travels throughout the vast "internet" eternally.

If consciousness evolves from the unpredictable behavior of complex systems, I think we do it a disservice by reducing it through religious narrative simplification.

... still trying to wrap my head around that "consciousness". The word itself feels like it has so many meanings... notice the new A.I robot that came out named "sophia".

But on the other hand, how do people go on without such a meaningful narrative to sustain them?

They most likely follow the "good intent " rather than its content.

Thanks so much for your thoughts. I will indeed keep searching!

I believe that we choose to come to this reality from another reality like for example how we are on the verge of creating totally immersive virtual realities of our own.. I think the experiences we have here in this reality can enable us to create a personality but at everyones core is pure positive energy and the ageing process we experience is baggage that in a way blocks that stream of pure positive energy enabling diseases to manifest etc.. I think the reason for going to a different self created reality could be to help us expand in a safe environment like for example how we dream to experience things we might not want to experience in our actual lives.. ?

the ageing process we experience is baggage that in a way blocks that stream of pure positive energy enabling diseases to manifest

Beautiful observation! And yes indeed, I agree with you.

This is perhaps one of our ways to go to a different self created reality:

The more information we acquire throughout life, the more distant we become... We repulse others to adopt others... and thus we start to relate to the people having the same interests as we do.

So what i mean is the person who looses memories or someone that is experiencing Alzheimers are only forgetting their human experience but who they really are is safe in another reality where only positive energy exists..

Whenever anybody is truly acting in a loving way that is their true self shining through.. the more time you spend in that vibration the healthier you will be

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