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RE: Overclocking a R9 280x - The guide to maximize your GPU performance
Unfortunately not, I'm interested though. I'll read up on it and post a guide later on :)
Unfortunately not, I'm interested though. I'll read up on it and post a guide later on :)
Thanks i would love the hear what you find
All the best
As I understand it, speed of the harddrive doesn't matter a lot. Only the size of it.
Here's a profitability calculator, seems like 1TB gives about $0.04/day.
The $/TB for a new hardrive is about $40/TB, $/TB for a used one is about $20-25/TB
Though if you can buy A LOT of hard drives at a cheap price this could be profitable :)
Yeah iv been trying to source some from china but unbelievably i can get them cheaper here in Australia lol i thank around 80 Australian dollars for good brands for 1tb or 2tb on sale .i have noticed there is no great veriation in price around the world, there all about the same ,thats strange.
Cheers mate
Yeah I think the only thing that differ is taxes etc.