How Robots Are Becoming More Like Humans

in #technology8 years ago

It is a crazy world we live in, which is not that surprising if you think about it considering there are 7.5 billion of us. This large number allows us to work in several areas simultaneously so that we can march towards the future on full throttle.

There is so much stuff happening in the world that we can’t possibly cover everything, even though we live in the age of information and it is at the palm of our hands. 

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One such area is robotics. We have been fascinated with their portrayals in different movies and can’t wait for the real world to catch up. A lot of researchers throughout the world are working day and night to achieve just that.

In fact, in only the last 5 years, robotics has come a long way and suddenly robots are starting to become more like humans in terms of their abilities and in some cases in terms of their looks. Let’s look at just how that is happening.

1. Robots Can Now Create Art

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We have always thought that creativity is something that is unique to us. We have great painters, musicians, composers, designers who can create a thing of beauty that never existed before and up until now we thought only we could do it.

But now, researchers have given this ability to create something to a robot. That’s correct. Emily Howell is a computer program that can compose its own music derived from a source database adding its own personal style to it. If you want to listen to one of it's composition, Click Here.

Another example is that of “The Painting Fool” which is a computer program that can make paintings and portraits based on its mood and also assess its work and later learn from its mistakes. The photos above are only some of its creations!

2. Robots Can Learn Like Humans

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There are several technique that our brains use to learn new things right from the time we are babies. Sometimes we learn through hit and trial and sometimes we use visualisations to try out new things, essentially learning them in the process.

The same ability has been given to a toddler sized robot that learns to walk by ‘imagining’ movement before trying it out. This robot has learned to stand, move and walk all by itself pretty much like a real toddler.

One of the most important things here is that the engineers behind this robot have developed a simulated neural networks that give it its abilities of imagining things before trying them out which is basically mimicking the real thing.

3. Robots Are Beginning To Look Like Humans

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We have always tried to design robots in our images with two legs, arms, head, eyes and a torso. The reason behind it is two folds. One is that it looks more natural and other is that our bodies have been able to work in extreme environments and there are a multitude of activities that our bodies can perform.

So, it is natural that we would want our creations to look more like us. Up until now, it was limited to the shape and size of the robots but now researchers are going one step further to give these robots skin, eyes, hair, facial expressions and what not.

Chinese inventors unveiled Jia Jia some months ago that look very much like a real human. Jia Jia can speak and show micro-expressions by moving its lips and body. The photo above is of Jia Jia. Isn’t she life like?

4. A Robot Scientist Named Adam

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Yes, robots can apparently science now. Adam is a robot scientist or a laboratory robot as its creators like to call it. If you think that it just aids the real scientists in their jobs, you are wrong. It literally is a scientist. Wrap your head around that!

Adam is able to conduct independent experiments to test hypotheses and also interpret findings, either proving or discarding them without any human guidance whatsoever. In fact it can devise the said experiments itself!

One funny thing is that it can use other laboratory robotics to physically run the experiments that it needs to. In fact, it is producing usable results meaning that it is adding to the sum total of human knowledge. A robot adding to our knowledge base for us. Cool!


People are becoming more like robots also.

Very true. In fact I think, 100 years down the line, the lines will be so blurred between humans and robots that we wouldn't be able to tell. Who knows an entirely new species will be born who will be half man and half bot!

The amazing development of technology.

It never ceases to amaze, doesn't it :)

I'm really unsure of the thought of AI though. I do think robots are awesome and have the potentioal to be used for real good assuming we allow the right people to impliment the technology.

Yes, many experts are really concerned about AI and it is really getting advanced fast. I think if this pace continues, it will be too late to stop it if in case it decides to go rogue.

When a robot can sit and have a craft beer with me at a bar, and get as equally drunk, we will have made real progress :)

That's exactly what happens in the new show "Westworld". You should check it out, if you haven't already :D

I had a essay about this and I love your post! It's scary and it's so real!

Yes, it's scary. No doubt about that. Lets just hope that the people involved do this the right way.

I say BS. this means that we are GODS and a piece of metal has consciousness. to have robots be exactly like humans, means we have exceeded the mechanical engineering knowledge, we have solved all brain mysteries (which is not true otherwise we would not have alzeihmer disease)

The robots are not conscious. That is way, way into the future. They are just developing human like abilities without being self aware.

first and foremost we have to answer the question: what makes us HUMAN?
second: a robot is simply a metal and mechanical piece that start to work on a collection of algorithms, all created by a human brain. we could say that the PC u r using right now has a mind of its own so it will start to create stuff by itself, right?
anyway, creativity comes from feelings, imagination, perception. Something that a robot will never have. A robot will never be able to create Michelangelo's or Beethoven's masterpieces.
If a robot is "imagining" the next move, it's not imagining it, it's calculating probabilities. That's what a machine is doing better: calculations faster than a human brain.
@sauravrungta: let's face the truth. there is higher probability of alien life in other planets than us to create robots that are human alike ;)

I totally respect your opinion.

But I think of it this way. Just like a robot is a collection of metal and mechanical pieces, we are collection of flesh and bones made up of non-living things (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen). It's the "software" that makes us alive. I don't know what that software is, maybe it's the soul or something else entirely. As for our consciousness, who knows if our brains are just super smart computers which are also working on a collection of algorithms, all created by a higher being.

My point is, if a collection of non-living elements can be given life AND consciousness, I think it should be possible to give these mechanical beings at least consciousness if not life. Not today, not tomorrow, but some day, in the distant future at least.

Just my opinion, like you have yours :)

as i said that we would make us God. We would defy all natural, universal laws and our "higher power" (your word, i am kinda atheist) if we are able to reach that level of evolution to give consciousness to a piece of metal, then we would be able to solve all physical, psychological pathologies and brain diseases.
as you said you dont know what it is what makes us human soul or "software" installed in us. As long as we don't know, how will we be able to make robots human alike? :)

That's something I agree to a 100% :)

We will be on a whole another level when we will be able to do that. We would be like God (your word, I am kinda atheist too). Hey I'm only kidding. :))) I make jokes all the time hehehe

just because i cant reply to the other comment. of course, we are simply discussing :) i was in your position a few years ago until I found that my philosophy professor was the leading scientist in Artificial Intelligence study project funded by European Union. I am talking about 2008, earlier than the studies that neurologists are doing now about artificial intelligence ;)

wow you must have got a lot of insight into the matter from him. That's really cool!

You mean your philosophy professor told you that machines can't be conscious, and you accepted that statement on the grounds of the authority of the European Union, with no further explanation?! Authority is not the same thing as a valid argument.

@blaha: no. I read books and asked valid questions. but yeah, assumption is the mother of all screw ups.
but yeah if I have to quote my professor "Human robots might not be possible, unless we solve all brain mysteries"

Check out this series "Westworld" and see the future :) Apparently, there is one, Donald Marshal, who thinks that the shit has already hit the fan. Here is my take on it:

yup, I just watched the finale and I love it. Actually I suggested someone to watch it myself in the comments above! :D

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