The Journey So Far. [Are We Prepared To Face The Future Of Technology?]

in #technology6 years ago


Since the emergence of the organic humans (us), which have evolved down the line from the Prokaryotes over some billions of years, there have been advancements to make the course of humanity worthwhile, but all these advances; do they draw us away from humanity? How are we prepared to face the future in which technology would literally take over every aspect of our lives?

[Image Source: Pixabay. CC0 licensed]

There have been inferences and assertions that we (humans) are evolving alongside our devices - well, for the major part of this assertion; it is true. At least, we have seen the technology of the Brain-Computer Interface, and even the Gesture Recognition Technology. Not just that, the advent of the technology of Neural Links has further bridged the divide between us and our devices. Okay take a look at this: Few years back, did you ever imagine that your vehicle would be autonomous, and would even have virtual voice assistants to fit into the place of a human driver? Today we have seen the self-driving cars.

But as it were; there have been reservations to the advancements of technology. First of all, the threat of a machine take-over has been brewing in the hearts of many. Take for example: In the industrial sector, majority of the platforms run partly or fully on automation; which is powered by the technology of Artificial Intelligence. No doubt, we are in the 4th Industrial Revolution, and majority of the advances are being focused on replacing the manual human labour, but at what expense? Of course you guessed right - at the expense of our human jobs. Does this send scares to your heart? Okay hang on; the scares are coming.

Industrial Automation: Advantage or Disadvantage?

There is no doubt to the fact that one of the purposes of advancement in technology is to provide assistance to humankind, but the question is; has industrial automation provided just an assistance or has it replaced us in our own game? Observing the trail from the first industrial revolution; which was basically heralded in the field of farm mechanization and light-industries [ref]. It was observed that some jobs that were majorly characterized by the input of greater percentage of human labour were substituted by machines, and these machines; in turn; eliminated the need to have more physical human labour in some areas.

[Image Source: Pixabay. CC0 Licensed]

But in the real sense; and like you may have guessed right; some jobs were created too (example; in the field of mechanics - to service the machines), because there were preparations made to sustain the trend of the industrial revolution. But as it were, the industrial revolution is not the only area we will be considering here. Let's take a look at the process of linking biology with technology.

Human-Machine Merger

There is no disproving to the fact that technology has also found its way into our physical bodies in form of AI-based cybernetics. Prior to this era, the sole purpose of bionics or cybernetic augmentation was as therapeutic aids for people with physical deformation. But as it were, "bionics" have grown beyond that - In this era, people get bionics or cybernetic augmentations for various reasons. Take for example the case of Viktoria Modesta, who has been inferred to be the first voluntary bionic woman [ref]. She willingly agreed to let go of her natural organic limb and was replaced with a bionic prosthesis. Now, some may look at this as insane.

Let us consider another case; Neil Harbisson, who was born colour-blind, but after he got fed up living with his condition, he opted for a willing antenna implant directly to his brain [ref], which enabled him to pick up colours in form of "sensation" - That is, he could literally "hear" colours. As a matter of precision, he has been recognized as the first true Cybernetic Organism (Cyborg). But this is just on a fair note compared to what is coming in the future.

Have you ever heard of the words that "the future would favour technology over biology?" Now some may say that this is a bunch of fiction in freaking insanity, but the processes have already been heralded. And this could be putting us in the edge of a major revolution in the technology of Artificial Intelligence. Remember this; AI is modelled to simulate the human-level of cognition in machines. Considering the fact that the human body is viewed by many as "biological machine", it is not surprising that plans are underway to recreate every aspect of "us" in an unnatural way.

[Image Source: Pixabay. CC0 licensed]

Technology And Our Humanity

One of the things that make us human is our "humanity" (of which; consciousness is part of it), but would technological advancement hamper our humanity, if this singular aspect is replicated in machines? A particular technology has arisen; which is the Project Alexandria , which has the objective of ultimately incorporating Common Sense in machines - and this could be the first step towards the big one; "Consciousness in machines" - So how would we then be different from machines? No wonder it has been speculated by some futurists; the likes Elon Musk et al; that humans may need to merge with machines to save our arses from extinction.

But why are we concerned with these machines (and machine take-over)? Obviously, what started off as "machines-coming-to-help-humans" has now entered the level of "machines competing with humans". And sadly, they have out-performed us in some aspects. I'm sure you have heard of the world's GO champion; Ke Jie that was openly beaten and humiliated by an AI - Google's DeepMind AlphaGo. What idea does this send to you? Obviously, humans have been proven to be dispensable - now, is this good or bad; considering that we may be losing control to our creatures? Would it be possible to further advance technology and still maintain our supremacy over these Super Intelligent Machines (Artificial Super Intelligence; ASI)? Now, that's where the scares lie. People have been chanting that Artificial Intelligence (which is just at the ground level) has replaced us in various ways, but they have; maybe; not looked beyond the present into what is coming. Imagine when AI evolves many times better, smarter, wiser, and more viable than us, what do you think would happen?

[Image Source: Pixabay. CCO licensed]

The emergence of ASI; though still in view; would definitely come with its own perks. Imagine when AI becomes self-aware, conscious, and fully cognitive; would we still have edge over them? The real questions are: How do we hope to control something that would be smarter than us? What options do we have for our existence to be ensured, or at least, prevent them from making us obsolete? Would the proposed merger be beneficial to us? For how long can we still have supremacy over machines? If these questions are not answered in certainty, then we may have a rethink about the establishment of an absolute conscious and self-aware machine.


This era has been experiencing waves of advancements technologically. But asides this; there have been complementary threats attached to it. But even with all these downturns, would we rather be better off without tech, or can we flow along with them and hope to turn the perceived "enemy" into our "allies"?

Thanks for reading

References for further reading:

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Wow! That was a thought provoking read. I have heard fears about AI but considered them premature based on what I had seen but your article brings new information and real reasons to fear the future with AI. Humans are easily fooled and our systems to easily compromised. It sounds like the future development of AI should progress slowly until we really understand the impact.

The thought of what could possibly happen when Artificial Super Intelligence becomes fully established made me rethink taking my programming career more seriously. I imagine ASI in academics, machines carrying out research and thinking through complex principles and propounding theories and scientific laws, coordinating lectures (like seriously? Machines lecturinghumans?)...
I usually don't argue about the world coming to an end or not but, I do the believe that we humans, through our countless upcoming advances especially in technology, we may create what will drive us into extinction. Talk of weapons of war that could wipe out a whole continent or two at once being built and handled by a machine (an ASI that can on its own determine whether to launch the weapon or not, totally void of human contribution)...
Well, on the other hand, we still can't deny the fact that technology has greatly improved our lives. And of course we can almost never stop advancing. The dopamine effect will make us crave for more techs.
This is a great and thoughtful write up @samminator I really enjoyed reading this wonderful piece.

You've got a rethink about progressing in your programming career? Maybe this would shock you bro - AI has now been taught to write codes on their own. Imagine what would happen when this goes mainstream. They may not be needing us or depending on us to program them; they would do that themselves.

That could mark a turning point in the evolution of another phase of AI - the self-aware AI. And about what you talked about the lauch of weapons by AI. What if they are the weapons themselves? Have you ever thought of that? Lol.

But overtly, if the ASI works out in our favour, then it would be one of the greatest things that has ever happened to humankind. Because, I mean, they would be steps ahead of humans, and would be able to solve the human-made problems in the world.

But if it goes awry, then we could be on the brink of extinction.

Thanks a lot for coming around

We've got a situation in our hands then... But its not 50/50 chance of it going awry rather a 75% assurance this will lead to something pretty awful.
Only that we may not be around that long to witness that firsthand.

Kind of thrown off balance by data and electricity reasons for responding this late...

A very informative piece @samminator, I always enjoy this your series. On the issue of machines taking our job, when I fully integrated programing or better still, scripting into my networking skills I spent lots of company time doing so, the day I felt like proving that the time I spent learning those things were worth it, I set up a presentation and was able to configure more than 100 network switches by running just one script! One of my colleagues said, "Henry you need to stop, how can only you work on over 100 switches irrespective of their location, what about us?"

I laughed it off but what he said kept on echoing in my mind but whenever I advanced in the field of scripting I have this silent voice telling me to stop but I wont😅.

Technology will always do what it came to do, make life easier but the question is easier for who? Easier mostly for people that have paid their dues. It's your duty to see that you remain relevant, how you do that is up to you.

On the issue of humanity, I see machines becoming more "human" and humans becoming "machine" and if you ask me I'll tell you that there will be a meeting point and what happens after that meeting point will determine our faith. I mean, check our society, millions prefer fake instagram life to facing reality, zero love, zero patience, we all are headed for one goal, the money. Sounds more like a machine, we're loosing compassion each day that passes. Arnold Schwarzenegger already predicted what a government of machines would look like, I wish humanity good luck

You nailed it bro. And truthfully, the process had already begun - machine are becoming more human and humans are becoming more machines. Maybe a time could come when they won't even be needing us again.

Imagine what would happen when AI learns how to write their own scripts :D
Remember what happened with the Facebook AI project that was shut down; the bots started communicating with themselves in the language they invented.

We just need to brace for impact bro. Cos more would come

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