Stream Torrents To Your Linux Box
So if your currently running a linux box and like to watch torrents, here is a great way to stream content without having to wait for that download to complete, I fixed up some good old bash scripting and managed to get these scripts to work properly.

You'll have to install git:
sudo apt-get install git
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Then you'll want to CD to the user directory, for example:
cd /home/"Your Username"
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Then you'll want to clone the project to you system
git clone
Then press the enter key
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There after you can then cd into the directory
cd ubuntu_torrent_stream/
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You will then have to run the bash script to install, peerflix
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Once peerflix has been installed you can then, run the script "./" then press enter, which should ask for the torrent URL,
here is an example of what the magnet link would look like, I copied this one from
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Now press enter, and your now streaming torrent!!