I Started My First Non-Profit!
Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that Some high school friends and I have officially started our non-profit organization, M.O.V.E (Motivating others through vital education). We want to focus on bridging the education gap between minorities and the majority by providing students with well-needed resources to effectively and efficiently learn. We also want students to learn through self-discovery and collaboration with peers. Our current education system is outdated and does not account for our current technological resources. We want to empower students to utilize online resources to accomplish their goals.
We would appreciate any donations. All proceeds will go towards providing resources (books, bookbags, pencils) to students in need. On our website, we have a list of items that we accept.
This is a new experience for us and I can't wait to begin our campaign to challenge our curent education system for the benefit of our students. Thank you for reading and supporting us. I will keep everyone updated on our events!!