My one year experiment in keeping a phone charged between 20 and 80 percent

So I'm sure most of you have heard this advice to keep your phone charged between 20% and 80% to extend battery life, as in to keep it from discharging more quickly over time.

Well I tried it for a year and here are my results.

First off, this takes discipline. First world discipline haha but discipline nonetheless. Seriously though, you will be constantly tempted to leave it on the charger past 80 or not put it on the charger past 20. I did a pretty good job of this except for a few times when I let it charge to 100%, mostly due to circumstances beyond my control.

I will say I didn't use a control phone during this one year period, but I've had many a phone before this one, so I'm counting those as the control.

The results are essentially that I saved the battery life between 0 to 20 and 80 to 100, but the 20-80% that saw daily discharging and recharging still saw the usual decline in battery life.

The difference is actually pretty funny, when I charge it to 100% it discharges super slowly like a brand new phone until it hits 80%, then it drops like a rock from there. And then once it hits 20% it goes super slow again.

So I suppose there is some utility in not letting your phone discharge past 20% except in emergencies when that 20% is really needed. You will probably be happy you did if it that does happen. But the 80-100% I would not bother with, especially as this is the harder of the two.

Overall 3/10 not really worth the mental strife

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