Why I don’t use my phone in the early mornings
My phone is a massive part of my businesses. A significant amount of time is spent during my work day looking down at my mobile device. What I have found is that I need to intentionally set some time aside for me to do my thing in the early part of my day to get my day started the right way. Here’s what I do & how I feel:
*I set my phone on Airplane Mode before bed
*As I wake up (430am), I intentionally don’t turn it off Airplane Mode until 7am. That gives me a few hours where I can focus on my surroundings, be in the ‘Now’, and start my day the way I want to, instead of starting my day responding to emails or WhatsApp’s or scrolling through Facebook/Instagram.
I’ve found that I’m less anxious, more grateful for where I live, I enjoy my first meal of the day more (and have better digestion which is amazing!), I feel more calm, I feel more in control & I’m WAY more focused on what I want to achieve in that particular day.
When you run 3 businesses, it’s important to use your time wisely but even more important to put yourself first. I haven’t perfected my daily habits, but I’m getting better!
Look after your health. Honestly, I feel like I’m a better man because of this daily habit. Give it a try!