Effects of Technology

in #technology7 years ago

image How technology is observed today:

We’re thought of our family, friends, significant others to be our closest companions, but is technology taking that place? We’ve become so accustomed to our phones, computers and being that we have such a strong urge to constantly check any type of technology available to us, causes a cycle in which, unless one steps away from technology, they’ll be unable to see the drastic affect it has on our lives today.
Phones started as a simple means to communicate with people whom were far from you. Now, phones are handheld and behold in them, many unnecessary apps, games, used to kill time. We now use phones for much more than just contacting people that are not with us physically.
Personally, I find it quite uncomfortable when i’m with an individual and they’re on their phone. A while ago, I was out with my coworkers at Ihop, late at night. We all proceeded to sit down and naturally, conversate with one another. After with what seemed to be only five minutes, someone picked up their phone. A cycle then occurs. Everyone is now on their phone. When I tell everyone they should get off their phones, one of my male coworkers thinks i’m being silly. Of course, he’s never found technology to be a problem, so why would he find it to be a problem now? I go on to explain how conversation strikes when we aren’t looking at our screen. This seems like an obvious fact but, there’s more to it. Every 1 second look at our screen, decreases the chance of an in depth conversation to take place. Conversations only tend to be in depth when all of the individuals involved are interested in the topic. You can’t hold interest when you keep glancing at your phone screen to see who texted you. It is a fact that conversation proves to be minimal when our phones are present. We’re focused on something that’s physically not with us, deciding to be somewhere else, which in turn takes away what it means to be a human being. When we choose not to live in the present moment, we aren’t living at all.
When I wanted to post something for example, the thought that preceded instead of merely enjoying the moment was the thought of what others would think. The emotions and feelings that went through me in the present moment were not at all visible because I was too focused on what people would think about my experience after I had posted the picture or video. We step away from the present moment to think about what others will think. When, the present moment is where all of the joy will be.
The use of handheld technological devices will always be a problem unless we create a rising demand for modern, yet minimal devices. What do you think?


These devices are weapons against humanity I dont own one. Most are unaware that these devices are being used to manipulate their thoughts. Hence their behavior.

The more technologically advance we get, the further we reach from humanity.

Just think, it used to be exciting to receive a letter in a post office, then it became annoying, but now, a handwritten letter might be something cherished again.

This is somewhat ironic, don't you think? Using you r technology to post how detrimental technology has become to us all while we browse steemit. I agree that technology is detrimental to the nature of man if it is the centerpiece of our lives and we walk around like zombies staring into out phones, let youtube babysit our children, let our most important memories pass us by because we wanted to post it on Facebook. However, this same technology has empowered us and help to spread many ideas and created comfort, stability, and community. Much like a gun, technology is amoral and dependent on the context of its use for us to categorize it as good or bad.

If you read the article, you would be aware that my center of focus is on hand held devices. And, it's how we decide to use technology that makes it detrimental not, the technology itself. Nor, did I say we should stop using technology for it has no positive benefits. I agree with you.

I did read the article and that's the vibe I got. Maybe I'm being defensive like your coworker was. I love my phones a bit much I guess.

HI , i have to agree with @monikanicole on this one, I just got home after a sit down with family and friends, and it was a great stay and non of us used our phones till something was important, and was one of my best days, we really had a Chat, sharing experiences, and is a day to remember.

What I'm trying to say is, I work professionally with technologies more then 12years, and always tried to find time and place where and when to use technologies in this case Phones.

I starting using social media from the moment it started, i started to get "possessed" by it, and always tying to impress everyone, places i'v been and things I did, never relay enjoying! and when i go out with someone we stayed more on our phone then relay having a good time, when we were together everyone on there phones and when we go home start chating with one another like we weren't there for hours!!! What is the point getting out with friends or family?

I know technology has given us a great thins and we could not even share this post with people, I still don't know, which is a great thing. But we have to know when we spend time with people be there not on the phone we all do have them this days, if you want to see someone be there for them and You, our phone always be on our pockets all the time.

PS... Sorry for my writing, English is not my firs language, and did learned from TV a bit and Software's i us, but I do my best thnx to technology when use RIGHT

Well said, and a great point made!

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