The feeling you get when you go to work and get paid for working on your hobby…PRICELESS
I am busy designing a Drone/quadcopter with my student engineers from scratch.
It will have:
- GPS- Global Positioning System (can be given coordinates and fly to the destination to deliver something and fly back)
- Live HD video streaming
- Android phone application to control it via GSM through the cloud (Internet of Things)
- Obstacles avoidance system
I am a trainer, an electronic designer, mobile application developer, a programmer and I love electronics, it is my hobby. Soon will be finishing my Master’s degree and pursue a PHD…I have trained many engineers and will continue to share my knowledge, inspire and empower many others.
I get paid to go to work and work on my hobby.
More about me:
Inventive engineer virtually pedals his way to top award
Follow me:@mokluc
Great. Voted and resteemed.
@claudiop63: thanks...followed you
Very interesting, great work.
Thanks @saiku: Its for the love of technology
That's very cool! Glad you can make money doing something you enjoy.
I love what I do...Thanks
Your using An Arduno ATmega2560, not a bad board if your setting it up to use from a computer monitor keyboard interface. but i know in order to set up a receiver it had to have compatible parts. this is something i personally had to troubleshoot with one of my drones.
Yes @stray we using a right there is still alot of testing to be done especially the PID control.
@stray thanks for the email.
Thanks @billykeed I will publish a follow up on the drone completion
This blog is now on Project Curie:
It's a great project and if it's your hobby to build such items you must be definitely a happy guy. I would like to be in the same situation... :(
@pery: My real name is Lucky and I am lucky :)
haha, thats even better and funny ;-)
(upvoted and followed)
Thanks I followed back
This is cool, nice post!
Thanks @future24 will update when is complete
It's great when you really enjoy the work you do.
@positivesteem its a good feeling. look forward to go to work every morning
Nice! This drone stuff is getting big! I remember @raymonjohnstone wanting to bring this to Canada. I think there could be a category on this here.