The harm by technology
I send good wishes to all the readers.
In today's world where technology has gained so much name and where it is quite developed that you will believe on it more than a human, it is important to take care of what you are seeing and learning from it.
The internet is linked to all these technologies and internet has made it very easy for someone to interact with these technologies. Be it AI tools, Blockchain products, Nfts, etc.
If you have access to the internet you can get use to them in a glimpse of seconds. I don't have any bad impression for these technologies but i am worried how people will and how people are getting totally relied on these technologies.
Take example of AI tools that tells you everything you ask them. We should not forget that they are made by humans and they too can make mistakes easily. Yes in future they might get more accurate but at this moment they are simply not accurate for everything.
Take example of YouTube, we can see any specific subject related video on it and for a single subject you will get hundred of videos with different views. You never know which one is right and which one is wrong.
There are few hadees about the Shab-e-barat that make people give value to it. In earlier times Islamic scholars gave justification to read namaz at personal level on this night so that people will atleast read it in the name of shab e barat.
But later on with time many false information hit the world. People now go to the graveyard on this night, cook special dishes, take bath, etc but all of these are wrong.
We should not do it, the only thing that you can do is read namaz and/or Qur'an that too on personal level.
The good way to avoid these false information is to stay in contact with a authentic islamic scholar. You should always ask to them in case you are confused or listen something new.
That's all for this blog, make sure to use technology in right way. Thank you for reading till the end.