How To Bind Any Unicode To Keys In Linux

in #technology6 years ago


Now that I am typing in Esperanto to others online I needed a fast way to type the characters not found in Engish. This would have been trivial if I was using a typical desktop environment like Gnome, Plasma, or KDE; but I use i3wm, and after much searching, I found this approach.

Modifying this file is prone to errors so make sure you pick the right keys to assign the new values. If you edit a key and run the command below that now becomes the new key. Upon messing up you will have to hunt down the letter online, copy, paste, and re-run the command to get the standard functionality back.

That happened to me twice last night...

This also enables these characters to appear in the terminal which is pretty cool if you ask me.

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Dankon amiko. Tamen tiu afero estas tro malfacila por mallertulo kiel mi. Ĉu ne eblas uzi la programon tajpi por supersignoj ? Tion mi faras je windows 7.
Ĉar mi ne scias, kiel uzi ĝin je linux, bedaŭrinde mi uzas windows.

Ĉu ne eblas uzi la programon tajpi por supersignoj ? Tion mi faras je windows 7.

Jes! Jen artikolo pri tajpiĝi "unicode" en Windows.

Ankaŭ, ĉu vi volas paroli en Esperanto iam? Mi bezonas la praktiko 😅

Dankon pro via respondo kaj ligilo. Sed mi jam uzas tajpi en Windows. Ĝi bone funkcias. Mi serĉas por tajpi-uzadon aŭ tre simplan supersignoj- aplikon en Linux, ĉar mi preferas Linux ol Windows.

Efektive mi bezonas paŭzon de socia medio. Por tio mi intencis haltigi mian steemit-agadon post pli ol du jaroj. Sed, kiel vi vidas, mi ne povis rezisti iumomente reveni al steemit.

So what are your reasons for using Esperanto? Is it primarily used in written or spoken form? I saw on several websites that there is a number of people that know the language. What method do you use to communicate (forums, etc)?

Posted using Partiko Android

I chose to learn Esperanto as my first second language jus out of pure uniqueness of the language. I get to talk to people all over the world via chat rooms, listen to YouTube vlogs in the language, and basically anything else that a group of people with something in common do. The more I learn the more I feel connected to the world at large.

Cool i never heard of i3wm . :D i use xfce currently and LXLE

I use awesome wm which is also a tiling window manager. I got hooked when I was trying to find ways to use the keyboard more to be more efficient.

Posted using Partiko Android

i'll check it out. I love to be more efficient, although training yourself to use a new desktop environment is tricky.

It's just a tiling window manager that is very basic :D

i'll try it out, but i'm pretty stuck into the GUI (start button , desktop) setups from growing up on windows from 95 to now.

I was the same way and only switched after spending a ton of time in the terminal.

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