RE: ADSactly Tech News - Are Kids Addicted to Technology?
Thank you @tmayd : )
It has become very obvious to us through our learning journey that these dangers are often kept hidden from the general public. If it doesn't suit industry, they do a great job of dismissing the dangers or it's covered up completely, not without them adding safety warnings in their devices (who no one checks) to take all liability away from them first!
We know people high in the telecommunications industry (who are aware of the dangers) and we asked them how is this allowed? Why are our governments not protecting us from these things?
The response - The government has no idea, they rely on us to tell them what they need to do. They don't have the staff or the intelligence to be able to know better, so they have to rely on the telecommunications industry to advise them. Technology is moving as such a rapid rate that not even industry can keep up with it, so how can we expect our governments to. - Fair point!
What it has done has highlighted some of the problem areas such as testing should be done first before rolling anything out. We've become such a backwards world where we test after the harm is already caused when it could have been prevented if the testing was done first (by independents to flush out corruption). The system is so wrong...
When you see the reports about parents working in Silicon Valley sending their children to tech free schools and not allowing their children to use or own the devices they're making... you know something is wrong!