RE: Technology Breaks, Housing Costs, Aging Populations and Falling Incomes
I learned something new today. I had never heard of Internet Café Refugees. At least Japan has provided one solution to homelessness and being out on the street. There are so many countries where there is NO solution at all.
Your examples were men, living alone. You do not mention if similar spaces exist for women or families.
One thing is clear, losing one's well paying job and being forced into homelessness, or living in sub-standard conditions is not necessarily indicative of being uneducated, unskilled, or lazy. And these conditions exist in every country, some more than others.
From what I see, there are many reasons for conditions like these. Companies downsize and creat circumstances that force employees out, with no unemployment benefits - like one of your examples. For small business owners, unfair competition coupled with marginal to no profits push closures. A host of other circumstances, too many to name, cause people to be unemployed with little to no source of income.
Solutions from governmental agencies are not forthcoming. Legislators in every country, especially in the United States, are determined to make as many laws as possible to feed the privatized and extremely lucrative prison system. The laws combined with other negative aspects of racism, sexism, and classism cause excessive law enforcement activity as well as excessive court judgments that ruin so many people's lives for the rest of their lives. In many case their destruction of a healthy workforce begins when people are at a young age.
Also, there appears to be a targeted plan to reduce the overall workforce, to stifle and punish innovative thinkers, and overall to stifle competition from up and coming small business owners; in order to concentrate power and wealth into the hands of a very few. And, on the local level there are many tools utilized to interfere with and sabotage people's efforts to improve their lives. These homeless, semi-homeless, and inadequate housing conditions are not happenstance, not coincidence, and often not the undoing by the individual.
I see the Blockchain use as solving some of these obstacles. With it, more and more people will have direct contact with a customer base, so one's own abilities and work will result in direct payment. Without having to get acceptance from and depend on an employer, without having to endure costly business fees, more people can become entrepreneurs and have more independence to earn in a free market. More free markets create more income, resulting in the ability to afford suitable housing.
Of course, it is not an all-encompassing solution for everyone; however, it offers opportunities for economic improvements for individuals who would not otherwise have it.
I applaud you for bringing forth a little known issue. Sharing information is the beginning of bringing about change. I upvote your post.
I think it's important to be willing to have dialogue about these evidently "difficult" topics... I think a lot of people are afraid of sharing their truth simply because they fear potential repercussions.
One of the places I really DO appreciate our little corner of the web is that Steemit remains a place to "record" these things... one way the blockchain technologies are already helping us. Even if someone comes along and says "You can't say that!" what's been said has already been recorded and remains there for people to see.
One of the things I have always hoped would be developed on Steemit (or a similar platform) is a true peer-to-peer marketplace, again based on blockchain technology and operating in cryptocurrencies... as you said, cut out the middle layers and just have producers deal with consumers directly... perhaps a bit like a farmer's market works... yes there is a "centralized framework" of sorts (because who wants to drive to 17 farms to shop for dinner?) but it simply serves to facilitate the interaction of individuals.
Oddly enough, eBay was a LOT like that, in its earliest incarnations (late 1990s) and was one of the coolest things around... this was pre corporate sellers. Why not have something like that here?
Definitely. A Steemit marketplace using STEEM as the currency is something both feasible and truly needed. I am in support of it! I hope the developers make it happen.