More Cool than WhatsApp, Callind Application This Girl Works Kebumen Offers More Complete
More Cool than WhatsApp, Callind Application This Girl Works Kebumen Offers More Complete Features
Sunday, April 22, 2018 1JAKARTA -
After a long awaited, the application of communication products on the smartphone named Callind a girl from Tepakyang Village, Adimulyo District, Kebumen, Central Java, Novi Wahyuningsih today officially in soft launching on Saturday (21/4/2018) at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta.
Soft launching of this application is held to coincide with the commemoration of Kartini Day 2018.
Carrying the tagline "Speed up communications, transactions and information" chat application allows users to chat privat, broadcast message, send photos, phone, until video call.
Even now through Callind, users can enjoy traffic info from multiple points online. So Callind users can monitor the current traffic condition. Fun is not it?
Founder Callind Novi Wahyuningsih explained, Callind which stands for Calling Indonesia.
More Cool than Whatsapp
Novi explains, compared WhatsApp excess Callind can find fellow users Callind within 100 km radius although not yet connected as a contact.
In addition to communication media, Callind can be a means of promotion and marketing for small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
Callind app owners can promote their products for free, without having to dispatch submissions to many groups that follow as well as on WhatsApp.
"We are in the process of developing cooperation with some SMEs engaged in the retail sector in the national area we hope to cooperate with SMEs throughout Indonesia," said Novi.
Chatting application of this nation's children can already be downloaded at the app store on Android that is Play Store. To this day the user of Callind application has been recorded reaching about 350,000. (*)
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