
@felix.herrmann Staged absolutely. Faked, I don't think so but maybe. Digitally altered to show something other than what was recorded, no. That type of technology didn't exist yet.

your answer is a bit confusing. Did Alex Jones staged a 2nd event of this sort? A daylight he drives through the property.

To be less vague, I don't know for sure if it was staged or "real". If this video IS the one I saw back around 2000, I saw it not long after it was made and I thought it to be credible at that time, as well as Alex Jones. So I don't believe the video was staged by or for him. In the past 10 years however Alex seems to have sold out and I find him on the extreme side, approaching "out there". Him "staging" something wouldn't surprise me at this point. I did not see a 2nd event, sorry.

I have the bohemian grove DVD somewhere. @noisy this would be an example of how the Blockchain could be used as proof of at least unalterd content in the future. Like an original DVD. It could be used to prove a recorded video, image, audio, document etc. hasn't been modified from its original form.

That is at least half the battle.

I would have much more faith in the Bible if I could prove who, when and how it was or was not altered from its original content.

@demotruk I've been using the Internet since the late 80s. I've been exposed to a lot of crap but I also feel that I have been much more informed than the rest of the MSM followers and have seen things coming years in advance. For example the MSM said no one could have seen the 2008 crash and housing problems coming. That was B.S.. If you did even a little of alternate looking you could see it coming for several years in advance. As well as get the understanding of who, what, when, why and how.

The people who only read the headlines are the ones who are uninformed idiot sheep.

Edit: @felix.herrmann By "Staged absolutely", I mean it "was a production a.k.a ceremony with scheduled events to happen in a set order so I'm saying by that definition it was staged.

In the past 10 years however Alex seems to have sold out and I find him on the extreme side, approaching "out there". share your opinion about that.

but still, his work found its way to House of Cards ( in case you missed). Right after this bohemian grove scene, kevin spacey got fired...

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