New system creates alternate reality to mislead hackers!!
Hackers will not be able to ambush your computer
High Fidelity Adaptive Displacement and Emulation System (Hades) developed by researchers at Sandia National Laboratories of America gives information to the hacker on which he believes
Scientists have developed a system to prevent hacking, which instead of blocking the hacking program puts an alternate reality in front of them, i.e. incorrect data is provided to mislead Hackers. High Fidelity Adaptive Displacement and Emulsion System (Hades) developed by researchers in Sandia National Laboratories of America gives information to the hacker on which he trusts, but there is nothing to do with his reality.
Vince Uriaz of Sandia National Laboratories said, "It is almost useless to stop hackers. Asymmetries are in favor of hackers like we have to secure many possible entry points to prevent its entry, and a hacker needs only one point to enter. "
Rather than abbreviating a hacking program from a data source, such programs are easily moved to the head, where the exact hard drives, memory and data collections reflect real insights. Nonetheless, some information is made not in direct but in the context of precautionary changes.