Singapore Looks To Build Dream Smart City With Eyes On Every Lamp Post

Officials in Singapore have plans to build a dream smart city, which includes them installing facial recognition cameras on every lamppost in the nation.

There are estimated to be around 110k lampposts in the country and by installing the facial recognition cameras, they plan to build a wireless sensor network.

The project is being run by GovTech, which is a federal agency and they've already started taking bids from private biometrics firms that might be interested in working on the project. And they've also already started testing different sensors on the posts to see which one is going to be able to meet their needs.

As a part of Sinagpore's Smart Nation project, it's estimated that this new lamppost project will launch sometime next year. And it's been referred to as the Lamppost-as-a-Platform (LaaP) pilot.

When they are finished, officials have suggested that the lamppost facial recognition network might be useful in helping authorities to perform crowd analytics, assisting follow-up investigations for various crimes or terror events, and more.

It's also been suggested that the government might use the cameras to help them monitor traffic and pedestrians.

Building A Police State

After they have their network established, they'll have their eyes all over the region, and some officials have insisted that this will help to improve the lives of those living there. Though, it's hard to see how crafting an environment where the state has such an extensive watch over the everyday lives of people, is going to in any way benefit to them.

This sort of facial recognition technology is becoming more commonly used today, you can find it in a myriad of different market spaces, from train stations to airports, and in a variety of cities.

Officials who are busy working on this project in Sinagpore have insisted that there will be respect paid to personal data and privacy. Though, people should already know by now that you cannot trust government entities to protect your privacy.

via The Online Citizen -


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I have mixed feelings on this idea.

It would definitely be an impressive technological feat.

But, at the same time, it raises very serious privacy concerns. And you are right, governments (and even private industry) have shown no capacity to manage privacy concerns.

I say no.

I have to admit though, Singapore seems miles ahead of everyone else technologically.

I hope to someday visit the Solar Forest. Beautiful artistry!

Anyone who thinks this is a good idea needs to have their head checked! In case you've never been there, Singapore is NOT a hotbed for crime. There is no need for facial recognition systems on every corner of every street! Avoid anything that has "smart" in its title as that will be all connected and run using 5G, which spells disaster for people on many different levels and the environment!
It's time for people to stop sleepwalking into a technological dystopian nightmare (controlled by psychopaths) just because people may want a faster connection or a cool new device! From the general comments I continually see on steemit posts across a spectrum of topics, it sound like everybody is fucking retarded! If this is the future of humanity, nuclear bombs falling from the sky would be a welcomed site! Just get it over with already.

Very similar to China's AI CCTV technology. Will be interesting to see how they can keep the information secure. Thanks for the great post!

have been to Singapore just a few weeks ago for a vacation. I really admire the cleanliness and the discipline of the country considering the fact that they are multi races consisting of 76% Chinese,18% Indians(Tamil tribe) and 6% Malays. with this new technology, Singapore will be one of the most safest city to visit since one of their main revenue is tourism.

Yeah I've been there as well. It's already a fine city. Meaning you get fined for just about everything. It's micromanaged to death as it is. Did you feel unsafe? If so, how? If not, how would it make the city-state safer and improve the lives of its citizens by having facial recognition systems that are able to track everyone's movements 24/7?

GovTech? Are you f*cking kidding me? Our brave new future is looking more and more, uh, confined/measured/controlled by the day. From the brilliant bureaucrats who outlawed gum chewing comes the fully surveilled city. So now when you break a petty, ridiculous law you can be identified/fined/jailed and socially ousted from society in less than a minute. Great fun.

Half of my family lives in's because of bullshit like this that they never cross the Second Link into singapore... and to be clear, malaysia is no wonderland of freedom.

This is not about safety, or caring about the welfare of people, this is about control! Let's be clear about that fact. Some people will never, ever get it, and will have no problem with it until it's too late. Once the technology is there that the government knows where you are at all times, what you are doing at all times, knows and tracks every single thing that you own, every financial transaction you make, it will only take a generation or two for humanity to be totally wiped away. Every person will be reduced to an automaton which will have to act like a programmed computer game character, or worse. Singapore looks like they are trying to lead the way!

Yeah, once any system gets in place and is broadly adopted, the speed at which it evolves/grows can be frightening. Technology is a force-multiplier and it "multiplies" at an exponential rate. The worst humans (usually the ones that float to the top) will have no qualms about pushing their power just as far as they desire when they are given the tools to massively suppress the population. Scary and sad. More and more people need to start disengaging, backing up a few steps, pulling themselves off the grid as it were. We can't stop countries from implementing evil monitoring schemes but we can make the task more difficult by not giving away every little piece of ourselves.

That's the key. People really have to stop adopting the latest gadget just because it's new. The best way for systems like 5G for example, to not come to fruition is to not buy smart devices. The system requires everything to be chipped, so hold out as long as you can. I've never had a smartphone and still to this day see no reason in having one. I will never buy anything that can be connected to a grid. More people simply need to just not buy these devices. It's very hard for many because they are addicted to them, but the alternative will be the worst of the worst human beings wanting and having the ability to control humans like never before.

Fantastic points. I avoid networked anything ('smart' devices)at this point. I keep contemplating how to remove the smartphone from my life, though it becomes a little challenging from just a basic communication point of view (with the family). Will keep exploring practical measure dial it back. I've removed FB (8 yrs ago actually), amazon, and am in the process of removing google too. Small steps, eventually have a nice, comfy, limited relationship with the tech behemoths.

You know. I keep wondering how many cameras I go through from the time out of the apartment to just across the street. By the time I'm at the traffic lights to cross the road, I think I'm already in 3. When I cross the road, I think there is another 2 or 3.
There were some controversy about taxis having in-cameras and it was concluded that they are allow (too many people are running away without paying :-) but they are not allow to upload or post the pictures or video anywhere. Guess more so for reporting to police.

I am not sure if you have heard of Maxx Igan but he has a lot to say about the smart grid and how we need to wake up.

La tecnología se impone en singapur. gracias por informar, buen post.

what an incredible idea they have the gentlemen continue sharing things of this type I like!

That's good and bad in the same time.

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