Augmented Reality Digest

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

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One of the biggest challenges in the modern world is the amount of information that every single one of us has a free access to.

There's unlimited number of posts, YouTube videos, podcasts, even photos. It is physically impossible to read or listen to all of that. You will break.

However what became recently popular is a set of videos, posts or podcasts in a form of digests. It is basically a compressed summary of all of the important and valuable content, news, events in a certain area.

By realizing that consumption of tons of info became a problem and we lean towards fast scrolling rather than reading, I decided to create a regular digest on augmented reality, the topic that I'm really fascinated by.

What are the benefits of such representation of information:

  • You can get the freshest updates on your favorite topic without actually reading the entire posts yourself. It will save you a huge portion of your time that you can allocate to something different.
  • You can always check out the history of posts in one place because all of the posts will be stored on Steem's blockchain which is by default permanent storage of information.
  • You don’t have to worry that you missed something because all of the necessary updates will be provided to you

I am a big believer in augmented reality, that’s why I’m going to create a digest around this topic. I have a tech background, quite good writing skills and some basic skills of analytics and squeezing the most relevant info that exists out there. I’m not a fan of games though so I won’t post a lot about that specifically but I am thrilled about art, marketing, education, health and entertainment categories in this space for sure.

Augmented Reality Digest 1.

SuperMarioBros in AR by Abhishek Singh

I believe this is one of the most viral video that I have ever seen on Twitter lately. A ton of people have retweeted it, including Newegg, TechCrunch, BestBitz, IGN, UploadVR.

To be honest, to plat this can be a little bit dangerous. I do believe you have to try this game in a softer environment because if you fall on the street, it may be painful. However the quality of the game itself looks decent, very close to original version of a game.

The launch of ARKit

I’ve been talking about this in one if my previous articles but yeah Apple’s move to make built-in AR capabilities will give them a competitive advantage over the other giants in this space. What is interesting is that they are absolutely aware of their biggest problems so instead of dwelling, they are just solving them. They figured out the way to align objects in the space properly, how to handle performance issues, how to set the right lightning and the apparent size.

The most awesome event on their recent conference was the launch of ARKit which is an API that allows programmers to connect to certain services and get the data they need in particular point of time.

Obviously AR cannot work smoothly without artificial intelligence so they masked all of this stuff behind the API calls so that programmers don’t have to deal with all of this hassle. However I still believe machine learning knowledge is going to be a must to develop solid apps in the future.

Some usages of AR in enterprises

A lot of posts repeat the same info but they are generally right, big companies like Microsoft, Focebook, Apple and Google are betting on this technology. I don’t believe it is an accident.

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Really interesting application was made by HoloLens when they decided to redesign its Los Angeles headquarters. They projected a three-dimensional image of the new building into architects' eyes, while allowing them to update and tweak the model in real-time. Nice.

I haven’t payed close attention to architecture previously but that can be a multibillion market.

New AR filters on Snapchat - Despicable Me 3

I have never used Snapchat because I’m from Ukraine and we don’t use it here at all but in US it is a huge social media platform that has a potential to reach new audiences.

Through its history Snapchat had a perception that this platform is only for 15 years old. But now the time is changing quickly. Their first AR campaign is going to be dedicated to Despicable Me 3 cartoon and their new filters may be a killer feature for some time before Instagram copies that.

Nike is making the right move

Nike was always one of the greatest companies in terms of trying new marketing approaches. This time they decided to push harder on AR. They’ve teamed up with SNKRS to deliver a very unique experience while you’re in the process on making a purchase. You do need to have an iPhone, visit David Chang’s Fuku East Village restaurant and install the SNKRS app but I suppose it is totally worth it.

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Lifeliqe Launches Educational App for HoloLens

Education is one step closer to become less boring. If you’re into science stiff, you’ll definitely love this app by Lifeliqe. It was designed for teaching K-12 sciences, and includes 10 lessons plans with 20 interactive models that users will be able to explore.

AR ruler on your smartphone

This is a very cool app that you can use if you have a sudden need for measuring something and you have no ruler near you. Fascinating.

Rémy Martin case study

Business usages of AR are endless. That’s why the biggest Cognac houses in France decided to experiment with their brand. They allowed people to have an immersive experience while they’re tasting Champagne.

Users can see the process of how it was created, the ingredients that were used, even region’s weather conditions is available there. It is kind of staggering but in a good way.

Your friend Dmitriy | YouTube | Twitter | Steemit


I agree that augmented reality is the future. It has huge potential to help with every aspect of our life.

agreed, I just wish it was cheaper and easier to use already :)

Augmented Reality is amazing, no doubt. I have been collaborating with my wife over a ASL translation service using AR. It is absolutely amazing. You totally have my follow, my content is completely AR driven, so if you ever want resteems just upvote the comment on your articles. :D

Thanks for the amazing write up. For a long time online shops have been governing the world of shopping and shopping has shifted from the offline area to the online area. There are fewer and fewer people going to the city to buy clothes. Of course, this is also due to the convenience. Those who shop online usually have unlimited choice and no annoying queues at the cash counter.

Augmented reality could be a revolution for the offline business. With Augmented Reality you can merge offline and online business. With the help of smartphones and an AR application , one can simply browse through the store and get various information about the products and articles displayed. The true beauty of AR is that it doesn’t really require the user to have any specialized hardware at all but an AR app will do the work.

Here, for example, the place of manufacture, price, substance, etc. could be presented to the user as additional information. But not only that is possible with an augmented reality app. Even the annoying way to checkout could be spared the shoppers in stress.

Mobile gaming is going to be incredible with AR. What a time for kids to be alive, you cant go anywhere these days without seeing kids from 3+ years glued to mobile screens!

Im yet to see games really incorporate Blockchain with Gaming and AR, so far, Augmentors Game seems to be the only one, watching the developments closely, looks really promising.

Thank you for the article, the future is very exciting!

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